03-07-2021, 04:31:06 AM
> i dunno maybe make some tea for everyone [Haruka]
Haruka quickly retrieves some tea leafs and makes a nice pot of tea.
>runs off to the medbay to grab any sterilizers she can find [Komaru]
To Komaru's deep consternation, every container in the medbay appears to have been blatantly tampered with. She grabs a random bottle of alcohol, hoping it's somehow fine? This is Sylvi0's fault for ignoring you all day to play video games, so I'm going to adjudicate that yes it's fine. Just this once. But yeah, fun fact, everything in medbay has been messed with.
Haruka quickly retrieves some tea leafs and makes a nice pot of tea.
>runs off to the medbay to grab any sterilizers she can find [Komaru]
To Komaru's deep consternation, every container in the medbay appears to have been blatantly tampered with. She grabs a random bottle of alcohol, hoping it's somehow fine? This is Sylvi0's fault for ignoring you all day to play video games, so I'm going to adjudicate that yes it's fine. Just this once. But yeah, fun fact, everything in medbay has been messed with.