03-02-2021, 22:58:31 PM
Kellensea clambers out of a vent, her outermost coat of armor smoldering, some of the internal metal plates showing through smoking holes in the leather. Her scarf is a bit burned, and one lens of her goggles is cracked. She starts shouting.
Okay, so update on the drugs and explosions situation. Not only am I not trained in alchemy, I am actively terrible at it apparently! Also, I can't hear shit right now, so you're going to have to speak the fuck up if you want me to hear you. The ringing should go away eventually. Probably.
Her voice is somehow even more tinny in that helmet when she's shouting. Hopefully, for the sake of everyone's ears, the ringing goes away eventually.
Okay, so update on the drugs and explosions situation. Not only am I not trained in alchemy, I am actively terrible at it apparently! Also, I can't hear shit right now, so you're going to have to speak the fuck up if you want me to hear you. The ringing should go away eventually. Probably.
Her voice is somehow even more tinny in that helmet when she's shouting. Hopefully, for the sake of everyone's ears, the ringing goes away eventually.
I am the They who says it!