03-01-2021, 03:36:30 AM
The martial artist nodded in agreement. "No objections here. If anyone tries anything, I'll be sure to remind them kindly of our true goal." He says cracking his knuckles. "Whether we like each other or not. . ." cough cough Kellensea cough cough "I believe we all know the common enemy at hand: The ones keeping us here and made us kill each other. We can't fall into their hands and play their game. We're all in this together, so the best thing to do at hand is figure out a way out or a way to beat those guys without getting skewered like a pin cushion. We've already lost two people. . ." Does Mr. Krabs count in this situation? Probably, probably not.
"We all saw what happened when Cookie played the game, and look where that got him. As ironic as this sounds coming from me, we can't be fighting against each other. We're strongest together, so if we put our heads and skills together, we could probably beat this." Emphasis on the probably. Ranma's hopeful, but he's not blindly optimistic. "Speaking of working together. . ." He turned to face Kai, and got down in a dogeza position, pressing his forehead to the floor. "I'm sorry about accusing you of murder. I get it if you can't forgive me at the moment, but I'd prefer to work with everyone to get out of here, including you." He doesn't exactly know how to apologize for something like this. They don't exactly make cards for this that read "Hey buddy pal friend chum. No hard feelings accusing you of killing someone, and nearly getting you executed. We cool?" where he's from. But if he didn't apologize, his pride wouldn't recover.
"We all saw what happened when Cookie played the game, and look where that got him. As ironic as this sounds coming from me, we can't be fighting against each other. We're strongest together, so if we put our heads and skills together, we could probably beat this." Emphasis on the probably. Ranma's hopeful, but he's not blindly optimistic. "Speaking of working together. . ." He turned to face Kai, and got down in a dogeza position, pressing his forehead to the floor. "I'm sorry about accusing you of murder. I get it if you can't forgive me at the moment, but I'd prefer to work with everyone to get out of here, including you." He doesn't exactly know how to apologize for something like this. They don't exactly make cards for this that read "Hey buddy pal friend chum. No hard feelings accusing you of killing someone, and nearly getting you executed. We cool?" where he's from. But if he didn't apologize, his pride wouldn't recover.