02-25-2021, 04:15:38 AM
". . . Kai, you mentioned something about being a househusband, right? Wouldn't that mean you'd be an expert of cleaning up rooms. This may be a stretch, but if you're that skilled of cleaning, you'd have no problem tidying up a crime scene. Especially since there isn't anything that messy such as blood. Could very well be the exact reason why the killer chose to break someone's neck: to not leave a drop of evidence such as blood. And looking at the report, it doesn't exactly give us a timeframe. So what if Cookie went into the kitchen and remained there for a while, while the true killer entered Doug's room. Cookie then left the kitchen, just as the killer was finishing killing Doug. That's why the report says two people left an occupied room, with one leaving before the others. The killer leaves the room, and probably used the vents to hide from potential witnesses. Once it was safe to come out, the killer goes to the bathroom and flushes the gloves to probably get rid of evidence. They leave the bathroom and enter the kitchen. If theories hold up, Cookie Monster's fluff should be there. The killer probably didn't initially believe to frame someone, but seeing the fuzz, they took the chance. And why would Kellensea help a potential killer? Well, the host did mention that there's no penalty to getting the wrong person voted. So she's not at risk of getting herself killed by voting someone wrong. And she doesn't exactly seem like the type of person to put her ego aside. If she believes Cookie Monster did it, she could potentially do something to make her idea come true. I mean, she had no qualms looting a corpse. Framing a potential innocent person to fill her ego doesn't exactly seem too far out there." Ranma would let out a deep sigh and sit down. "I don't know at this point, this is all too irritating. I already know my words aren't going to reach her, she's just going to keep fighting until the sun blows up. So I'm done arguing about this. I rest my opinion, and we already know yours Kellensea, so don't even say it. We're sick of hearing the same argument over and over again. At least I add new ideas, you continue with the same "Kai couldn't have done it, Cookie's the one who done it you stupid morons." Give it a rest now. . ." At this point, Ranma's just ready to get the voting done with.