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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
After the explanation, Rosa simply nods. She realizes that whoever the host is, he hinted that he could read minds based on his gesture. She has to admit that this makes her pretty paranoid about him.

She then says, "I think I'll check the other rooms first."

> Check the medbay
Alexis figured this stuff would be of good use to anyone who had more expertise than she did with chemistry, and she tried making a mental note of some of the things in the laboratory so she'd recognize if someone might use them for less savory purposes.

She wants to find some kind of a notepad or something so she can keep track of her thoughts, so she'll...

>Look around the lab for paper and a pencil or pen.
Stupid doomed timeline...
I wonder if there's anything in the lockers of any interest...

Monika decides to...

>Look in the lockers for anything of interest
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
All of a sudden, an explosion can be heard as a spiky blonde-haired teenager shows up in the Cafeteria, and looks seriously pissed off. "Where the fucking hell AM I?!?!" He says, rather loudly.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Ranma lets out a sharp hiss as he heard the explosion. He'd run back and encounter the ash-blonde haired boy. "Blow us all up, why don't you?!" Ranma shouted back at Bakugo, gripping his fist. "We're all trapped in here just like you, so calm the hell down and think about this clearly!" Saying this for your own good Bakugo. After all, someone, not naming names, tried to punch the host and ended up getting stabbed with a ton of knives.
"Who the hell are YOU to tell me that, shit-for-brains?! I'm not gonna be bossed around by the likes of you." He said in response.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Meanwhile, Bow is curious at what's in the boxes she just found at the landing pad.

Hmmmmm... wounder if there's anything useful in these boxes. Let's find out!

>scavenge the boxes for anything useful
"If you'd listen to what I'm saying for five minutes, you'd know what's going on! So how about we put quit with the explosions, sit down, and discuss this thoroughly before I have to make you." Ranma said, putting his fist in the palm of his hand with a glare to Bakugo. Oh boy, two prideful fighters. This can only end splendid.
"Why the fuck should I listen to a complete stranger, huh?" Bakugo said, getting only slightly more irritated at this.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Likewise, Ranma was only getting more annoyed with this angry kid. "Ranma Saotome, Ultimate Martial Artist. There, I'm not a stranger now that you know my name. Now sit down and listen before I have to make you."
Bakugo now smiles as he says "That's it? Your only skill is fuckin' martial arts? You're fuckin' wasting my time, then. Asshole." He says, before leaving to look at other areas.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
". . . Dick." Ranma mumbled under his breath as Bakugo walked away, trying to not let his words affect his pride all that much.

>Investigate Communications
I consider Kellensea's questions. As far as the game is concerned, if you can get better by anything short of my personal intervention, you're not dead yet. I think that covers all of your questions in one swell foop.

>Map out the vent network so as to be able to efficiently get around the complex [Kellensea]
She quickly maps out the connections between vents...

>Grab an enormous quantity of canned goods from the kitchen, along with a can opener and a spoon [Kellensea]
... grabs several crates of canned food and necessary utensils, drags them into the office through the vents...

go back through the vents with all these supplies to continue hiding out in the heavily fortified office, making sure to move a desk over the vent so no one can get in without her permission [Kellensea]
.. and covers up the vent so it can't be accessed.

>Check the medbay [Rosa, 1]
Rosa, searching the medbay, decides to step on that interesting-looking scanner.

She's frozen in place for several seconds as the thing scans her.

>Look around the lab for paper and a pencil or pen [Alexis]
Alexis quickly locates writing materials.

>Look in the lockers for anything of interest [Monika, 6]
For the most part, the lockers contain only clothing, but one pair of pants has a knife in the pocket.

>scavenge the boxes at the landing pad for anything useful [Bow, 4]
Bow opens a few boxes, but they only contain space gear.

>Investigate Communications [Ranma, 7]
The main communication station seems to be out of commission. There is, however, a box of several dozen walkie-talkies.
Alexis begins making some notes. A list of everyone she's run into so far, how much of a threat she perceives them to be at the moment (subject to change, obviously), and a list of some of the various chemicals she's found in the laboratory. She puts this with the map she took earlier, then...

>returns to the cafeteria to grab something to eat, probably a sandwich and some chips or something.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Ranma picks up the walkie-talkies. These would probably come in handy. He picks up the box carrying them and goes back to the cafeteria. The martial artist writes "Take one to keep in contact with one another- R.S." on the side, taking one of the walkie-talkies for himself as he walks off to continue his investigation.

>Search for any other rooms that have yet to be investigated.
Bakugo has since made his way over to the Bedrooms, wanting to see where his is if he's going to be staying here.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Ignoring the space gear for a moment, Bow decides to think about what areas she hasn't visited yet. After pondering to herself for a while, she decides to...

>Also join the Murder U vent spelunking club (that is, check out the vents)
Ah, forgot. I should probably check that.

Kellensea scans through her various collection of magic necklaces and rings to see if any, aside from comprehend languages, is working. They've been known to be unstable off the PMP, after all, and at very least, if they aren't working, she'll have some more information she didn't have.

>Hopefully the poison immunity one is functional, and maybe if she's lucky, the ring of regeneration will be preventing her from needing too much medical attention if she gets wounded but not outright killed.
I am the They who says it!
Krabs has been checking all around the school, familiarizing himself with the layout.

"Arr... I've either got too much medicine, or not enough."

Krabs' eyes widen.

"...Oh no. Me pills. I don't got me pills, lads!" He starts panicking and tries to find Host2.
"Your. . . pills?" Ranma looked at the giant crab man, a little concerned. That's definitely something you don't want to hear during a life and death scenario.
"Your pills, huh?" Haruka said at Mr. Krabs. "Are you alright without it, Sir?"

She's tempted to say, "We've got worse things to worry about", but it felt iffy. What if the crab's got mental health issues? Surely that statement won't help jackshit.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
>return to the cafeteria to grab something to eat, probably a sandwich and some chips or something [Alexis]
Alexis opens a refrigerated crate full of pre-assembled sandwiches and takes one, as well as a snack-sized bag of chips from another crate, and sits down to nomnom.

>Search for any other rooms that have yet to be investigated. [Ranma]
There's a balcony south of the cafeteria and an admin room across the hall from the office. That seems to be everywhere someone hasn't looked already.

>Investigate bedrooms [Bakugo]
They all seem very cookie-cutter and minimalistic. The same desk-dresser-bed layout, the same efficient use of space.

>Also join the Murder U vent spelunking club (that is, check out the vents) [Bow]
Bow learns what Kellensea already figured out - that the vents are all interconnected both directly and by a series of hubs, allowing one to reach any vent from any other vent, and always with an alternative path should someone be coming the other way.

(Yeah I don't actually remember the canon vent connections so hey, I'm making one up~)

>Check your magic items [Kellensea, 9, 10]
The poison-resist ring is in perfect working order, as far as she can tell without testing by trying to get poisoned anyway. The regen ring is glowing concerningly, but a quick self-injury test proves that it is at least doing its job normally...

>Find Host2 [Krabs]
I swirl back into existence. What's all this about pills, then?
>Well then, Ranma's gonna go to the balcony and try not to get himself potentially stabbed and/or nearly killed again.
Bakugo had looked around the bedrooms, being unable to find his own room, and is now walking towards Decontamination to get to the Reactor and the Lab.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Haruka decides to > also explore the balcony. What are the things in there?
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed

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