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LETS GOOOOOOOO (General hangout thread)
I think she liked having me home a couple days.

She purred a lot and got extra smooches and petting and headscritches :3
Stupid doomed timeline...
Two four-hour long power outages.
Hopefully there will be a cat purring next to me as I nap~
Glaice-related probably
The frozen chill beckons…This vessel is nothing but an empty shell.
Submit to its frigid embrace…Do not let it leave without a gas mask.
The glacial frost comforts one and all…Ensure it remains gloved and stockinged at all times.
Do not worry about it one bit…Subject GL001 must remain under our control.
You have naught to fear from it…Our foes must be vanquished by its hand.Unless an eternal ice sculpture be your chosen fate.

Always cherish your loved ones.Life's too short for enmity and such.
Nobody knows what the future holds.
[Image: 1-281022204412.jpeg]
Rest in peace, Genna.
(10 September 2005 - 19 October 2022)Forever will you live on within my heart, my precious cat-sister.
She will forever be missed.

Catnap with a cat :3
What else needs saying?
That's what you are.
it is always nice to have a cat curled up next to you purring with bees :3
Stupid doomed timeline...
ten years ago today I met a small month-old kitten

as the tiny ball of gray fluff was placed gently into my hands I exclaimed "This cat looks like a dustbunny" and decided "Dusty" was a good name whatever gender the kitten turned out to be

ten years later...

I love you Dusty. Happy gotcha day :3
Stupid doomed timeline...
kbity :3
it is the dustyversary :3

I cannot believe I have had her for ten years lol
and how TINY she was the day I met her even for a month old kity
and how CUTE she has always been

I hope we have many more years together sweet dusty
Stupid doomed timeline...
I've been wondering for a while (and may've failed several spot checks in the process) but what's the origin of the name "Trouble Cube"?
Glaice-related probably
The frozen chill beckons…This vessel is nothing but an empty shell.
Submit to its frigid embrace…Do not let it leave without a gas mask.
The glacial frost comforts one and all…Ensure it remains gloved and stockinged at all times.
Do not worry about it one bit…Subject GL001 must remain under our control.
You have naught to fear from it…Our foes must be vanquished by its hand.Unless an eternal ice sculpture be your chosen fate.

Always cherish your loved ones.Life's too short for enmity and such.
Nobody knows what the future holds.
[Image: 1-281022204412.jpeg]
Rest in peace, Genna.
(10 September 2005 - 19 October 2022)Forever will you live on within my heart, my precious cat-sister.
She will forever be missed.

An attempt to describe poptarts in Blather Round produced the phrase "it cooks in the trouble cube" and people decided that was hilarious. (The trouble cube in question being a microwave.)
c u b e
Stupid doomed timeline...
(05-06-2023, 15:54:33 PM)Kennifer Wrote: c u b e

C  U
E  B
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
DUSTY has been given CATNIP
Stupid doomed timeline...
Glaice-related probably
The frozen chill beckons…This vessel is nothing but an empty shell.
Submit to its frigid embrace…Do not let it leave without a gas mask.
The glacial frost comforts one and all…Ensure it remains gloved and stockinged at all times.
Do not worry about it one bit…Subject GL001 must remain under our control.
You have naught to fear from it…Our foes must be vanquished by its hand.Unless an eternal ice sculpture be your chosen fate.

Always cherish your loved ones.Life's too short for enmity and such.
Nobody knows what the future holds.
[Image: 1-281022204412.jpeg]
Rest in peace, Genna.
(10 September 2005 - 19 October 2022)Forever will you live on within my heart, my precious cat-sister.
She will forever be missed.

Four Cubes
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
Stupid doomed timeline...
[Image: 20230508_133930.jpg]


Her. Dusty loves you!
Stupid doomed timeline...
dusty has a very cute profile
Stupid doomed timeline...
she is made of purr
She is the purriest beehive kity ever.
Stupid doomed timeline...

Dusty loves you!
Stupid doomed timeline...
Work is slow today.


as you know...

there's a cat waiting for me at home... with the triangle ears and the meow meow

and boy

she uses that meow meow a lot, she's a very vocal kity

the only thing she does more than meow is purr
Stupid doomed timeline...
work today is also slow

someone come buy something pls

(annoying people do not come in tho)
Stupid doomed timeline...
Dusty was being very purry this morning I didn't want to have to leave her to go to work
Stupid doomed timeline...
the kbity,

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