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The Library (Written Word General Discussion)
Welcome to the Trouble Cube Library!

This space is for general discussion of written work: What are you reading, want to read, favorite books and recommendations, opinions, etc. This is not a space to bash others' tastes and opinions!

Do post links to threads for particular written works so we can have them here as an index:
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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Reading the Secret Life of Bees right now for school.

So far, it's not terrible. I mean, it's exceeding my incredibly low expectations by at least somewhat holding my interest.

Some of my favorites: Isaac Asimov (Foundation Series and others), CJ Cherryh, Lois Mc Master Bujold, Margaret Atwood. Will start some threads for at least some of these when I have time.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Decided to start reading Sun Tzu's The Art of War. It was really insightful!
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
^ Does it talk about how he herded two of every animal on earth onto a boat and beat the crap out of each and every one? And does it explain that he's the reason why when there's a bunch of animals in one place it's called a zoo, unless it's a farm? :P
I predictably forgot a few :p

For those who haven't guessed by my 'Hobbit in Space' title or know already, I'm a very longtime member of the Tolkien Appreciation Society. :p If you get me started, I will speak at length on things like, The Hobbit might be a better-plotted story than LOTR.

I also like Jim Butcher's writing (ie, the Dresden Files series).

Interesting, Smily! I only know a little about it from pop cultural osmosis, so I would wonder how it would translate after all this time (and translation, I assume?).
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
[Blows off dust] Oof, been a while since this thread got last touched.

Anyways, what's the one book you just keep rereading over and over and over again? For me it's Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar. At risk of sounding like an emo teen who hisses whenever someone comes up to them, I really do relate to the book quite a bit. Yeah, a few things in it are definitely a product of its time, but overall it's a book I just keep coming back to.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

Up arrow My older sister was obsessed with The Bell Jar! Sorry to say I've never actually read it myself.

I haven't done much re-reading some time, but there was a period where I'd reread Lord of the Rings every year or so  Blush  A quick survey of my bookshelf reminds me I've also done more than one re-read of Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar series, David Eddings The Belgariad, CJ Cherryh's Cyteen, and Barry B. Longyear's The Enemy Papers.

More epic fantasy than I expected, actually, when I usually skew toward SF.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Reading Ready Player One right now.

So far, i'm loving it.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Out of boredom, I made a thread for Agatha Christie's stories and chiz.

Anyways, I haven't been reading much literature. Other than some non-fiction, a couple of Agatha Christie's anthology books, and a couple of tales in kids' magazines, haven't been all that active in actual literature stuff.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
thinking of finally sittin' down and reading the alexander romances
noodle doodle do

and here's my character list!

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