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[Mafia] Close Circle 2
"Okay yeah I'm kinda out of it. Who woulda thought after getting all banged up."
Stupid doomed timeline...
Well, that's vague. As they say in Japan "this is too hard, let's go home so we don't ruin our record by getting it wrong". Or as they say in here, "let's not do what Japan does."

>Check out those dissolved maybe-shoes.
I am the They who says it!
>Check out those dissolved maybe-shoes. (Lindsey)

You're not able to tell anything.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"If Me, <Steve> was really trying to <You Can Beat Rambo!>, then why would I give my <Nikes> a <Top Acids Baths>??"

> investigate the acidy... stuff inside the trash bin
> investigate the acidy... stuff inside the trash bin (Steve)

Right before you get the stuff in your face, which naturally burns, you do see some kind of bottle that's damaged beyond recognition as well as what looks like gardening shears, all corroded from the liquid. But now, you need to take care of your burning face.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"OHOHOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOH<2: Electric *****loo!>"

> stuff your face into a running sink
"Ya think the bottle had... whatever nasty chemical in it? Not gonna get anywhere near that shit 'specially if it's all damaged."

Instead, she'll...

>See where dangerous chemicals could have been stored around here.
Stupid doomed timeline...
...who said you were involved, Steve? Who was even suspecting it? Anyway, again, not much came of that. Uhh... gardening shears.

>What's going on with those? Does the skeleton look like it was stabbed with gardening shears?
I am the They who says it!
> stuff your face into a running sink (Steve)

You're in the sink and got some of it off. Keep washing it so you can get rid the rest of it.

>See where dangerous chemicals could have been stored around here. (Mila)

The one places you think of that could have dangerous chemicals is under the kitchen sinks.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>What's going on with those? Does the skeleton look like it was stabbed with gardening shears? (Lindsey)

Examining the skeleton and it does not look like it was stabbed by gardening shears. On closer inspection, you do notice the skeleton has a missing hand. Could that indeed be Rambo's skeletion?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Hey, good news everyone, the sausages are PROBABLY not human flesh. I think this sludge, however, is human flesh. Probably Rambo flesh. Anyway.

>Check out that brick from earlier. Does that look like a murder weapon?
I am the They who says it!

> turn the sink all the way up
>Check out that brick from earlier. Does that look like a murder weapon? (Lindsey)

More than likely, no. It doesn't appear to have been used for killing.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
> turn the sink all the way up (Steve)

You do so and do get the rest of that liquid off you. But you turned it up so high, you break the sink and flood the house.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>check under the sinks in all the houses for any missing caustic chemicals
Stupid doomed timeline...
Well, let's go over what we know so far. We know there's sausages and a severed hand on the table, we know Rambo's dead, we know there's a skeleton and a meat slurry and gardening shears in a trash can, we know Steve had footprints over by his house and is missing his shoes... uhh... Oh, and that there's a brick. On the ground. Do we even know what killed Rambo? We don't have much body to work with, and if I go near that, I guarantee I'll fall in the meat slurry and probably get burned like Steve over there keeps doing.
I am the They who says it!
>check under the sinks in all the houses for any missing caustic chemicals (Mila)

It does appear Rambo has some missing chemicals, but as you look, you knock the rest of what's left in there down, creating a huge spill. You get dizzy from all that mix of cleaners.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Yeah, and we also gotta figure out who made the slurry. We find the ingredients, we have a real clue." Despite not finding any whole acid, Lucky was still confident in his theory-especially with the way Steve was burned.

> Look for anything that could've been used to make an acidic substance.
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
"<Oops!> Hope you can afford the <Dreaded Plumbing Bill>!!!! *Disclaimer: Steve is not liable for any damage caused by sheer bad luck."

> is there anything else inside the house that stands out?
> Look for anything that could've been used to make an acidic substance. (Lucky)

You decide to look into the house and as it turns out, you just barged your way into some stranger's house. And they're not happy with you. They grab you and punt you away back to the cul-de-sac where you belong.

> is there anything else inside the house that stands out? (Steve)

All you do is walk into the kitchen and breathe in the fumes from the chemicals Mila spilled and get dizzy from them.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Whoooooh, sorry about that..."

>Go back outside and try to get some fresh air before you pass out.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"They really gotta repaint the numbers on these fuckin' houses..." Lucky rubbed his backside.

> Try looking for acid ingredients again, being more careful.
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
>Go back outside and try to get some fresh air before you pass out. (Mila)

You step outside to the stoop. Good enough.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"@~@ @~@ @~@ <Vertigo>! *_*"

> run outside and sit down until the dizziness goes away
> Try looking for acid ingredients again, being more careful. (Lucky)

You do go inside your house to get an idea of what could have been used. There are all kinds of cleaners there. Different types have some kind of acid in them.
I like bananas. They're yellow.

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