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[Mafia] Close Circle 2
>sniff Rambo

not a command I ever thought I'd enter lmao
Stupid doomed timeline...
>sniff Rambo (Mila)

Nothing in him
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"And that leaves the rabbit."

>any smells on Lucky that match the booze from the scene?
Stupid doomed timeline...
>any smells on Lucky that match the booze from the scene? (Mila)

All you do is end up snorting some of his fur and get it stuck in your nose.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Gah, sorry bout that."

Mila sneezes.

"And all that aside, 'less I missed something else, only one who I can tell smells like they coulda got some of that booze on them last night is the cookie. Not even taking in that 'statistical' bullshit that got Spamton killed yesterday, that doesn't look good. 'Specially after blaming Steve for just being a clumsy oaf."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Well. Accidents <Simply Happen>. Blame the stupid <RNG Program>!!! And... Well well well well well well well well (x1,000,000). I think I know who to <DAMN TO HELL> now!!!!

/vote Strawberry Crepe Cookie
"Just so nobody gets ideas I'm voting strictly on evidence and not some bullshit math that didn't add up yesterday."

/vote Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Stupid doomed timeline...

Strawberry: 3 (Lindsey, Mila, Steve)

4 to hammer
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"I have a'solutely no reason ta vote for anyone else, ta be frank."

>Vote for Strawberry Crepe Cookie.
"We better be right this time that it really WAS that fuckin obvious or we're all screwed."
Stupid doomed timeline...
Ten to one I'm right. I hope you'll actually go along with me when that happens. I narrowed it down, we took out both, and almost certainly got one down.

There's a note of uncertainty in Lindsey's voice.
I am the They who says it!
"'Least there's actual evidence this time. I'm voting 'cause of that, not 'cause of you, hope you know that. 'Cause yesterday was bull fucking shit."
Stupid doomed timeline...
Well anyway, since I'm gonna die because of you guys... I hope Hell... Or whatever dimension I'm sent to next... is nicer than wherever the fuck this dimension is. And less BORING. Because really... I wasn't here for the money. Never was. Never will be. And this dimension is starting to bore me anyway, so I might as well skidaddle out of here. Thanks for nothing... And good riddance.

Crepe is still smugly smiling as they await their fate...
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Lucky snarled at Mila's lack of personal space awareness. "Did you have to press your face so close to me skin? If I spilled beer on meself, you would've noticed right away!"

The good news was, it was time for Cookie to go.

"I've BEEN to Hell, Lassie. You're gonna wish it was boring."
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
"I kinda stumbled a bit and got too close there, yeah. Accident, my bad, all that shit."
Stupid doomed timeline...
Cool cool whatever, with your "oh I'm bored, I wanted this". I swear, this is what pliers were invented for, not toolbox shit. To make people not be all snarky and obnoxious and just straight annoying. It's not even clever.

You ever see a real person snarking or being all "oh I wanted this, I'm so bored, oh blah blah blah" in an interrogation chair with their fingernails recently torn out? I didn't think so. Anyway, seeing as I'm like, 80% about to be proven right that my "one of these two options is correct" was correct... Well, we'll see when that happens. But nonetheless.
I am the They who says it!
People have had their votes, the Cookie will crumble now. Anything you'd like to say for yourself?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
... Nah. I just hope whatever happens to me isn't BORING. Might as well make it flashy if you're going to go the extra mile of making these executions like whatever you did with Spamton. Now can you go ahead and do this thing? And if you ever wonder what to do with my crumbs/corpse/whatever... DON'T eat them. That's kind of a big deal back in Earthbread, and I don't wanna open that can of gummy worms when I inevitably come back to life in another dimension... Or back in Earthbread, and have to explain where I've been. So anyway, where's the execution? Shoot! Now!
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"'Back to life in another dimension'? Hell you talkin' about, Lassie? Do you actively pursue death to get around dimensions?"
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
Nah. Just a gut feeling that something SOMEWHERE's going to bring me back to life. Do you honestly think that I actually WANT to die? Of course not!
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"Did you think Reina and Tom would come back too? Or Spamton? Guess this shit wouldn't seem like a big deal to someone who just assumes dead people are gonna come back. That's kinda fucked up."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"I know that <Sinking Feeling>! I experienced the <Fresh Taste of Hell> before! Blame <bill wurtz> for that one! How? <403: BAD GATEWAY> That's right! You can <403: BAD GATEWAY>"
"Then why so you talk like you KNOW you're going to come back somewhere else?"
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
Because I do!
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"Answer my question, do you think the others'll come back somehow too?"
Stupid doomed timeline...

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