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"As for my disinterest in material evidence... well, you got me pegged there. I saw you all stumbling around, getting locked in closets, inhaling poison, burning down the mansion, and learning effectively nothing for it, and decided it wasn't worth bothering. A poison ring and a fake blond hair? Cool, that points to literally everyone with fingers and a head - assuming it's not a deliberate red herring. I'm not 'afraid' of 'accidentally finding' something incriminating - if it was possible to find something useful by accident you klutzes would've already done so a dozen times over."
"I mean if you've got other theories that aren't just... trying to get information out of people or distracting them by asking questions at weird times and either seeing what they say or seeing who falls for the bait, yeah maybe. But so far your theory is just looking at someone who was probably framed, so I'm not buying it."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"I ain't saying Pizzabug is sus, I'm saying I want to check. Not the same thing.

"But here's something more material for ya. I went back and counted up who voted for the weird fake cop and in what order."

cba figuring out how to make this IC so here's just the raw list


"Not saying everyone on this list is sus, obviously, there's not even that many cops, but consider how people would vote if they seriously thought the fake cop was sus, versus if they were trying to get us to string up one of our own."
"So do y'all actually want my interpretation, or are you just gonna decide that whatever I say is obviously a distraction?"
"I mean I'd be open to hearing it, but there's probably a reason nobody fell for your weird questions. So tell us, why do you think the pizza-loving cosplayer is suspicious?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
"/vote Kim. Literally just said I do not find them sus, and you're still trying to get me hanged with that claim. Cop."
"If y'all are gonna insist on hanging me today, promise me she's next when I flip green."
All right, now that's still three for Loren and one for Kim.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"...if I heard that right, she thinks I might be sus—not that I am sus outright, but might be worth investigating because of how quick I was to vote for Yukichi and my overall charisma or some bullshit. did I get that right, Loren, or are you gonna stay all hung up on Kim's poor choice of words there?"
"What the fuck? You said they were sus, now you said you weren't saying that, and... somehow you being wishy-washy means I'm suspicious? Because I may have overlooked something you said while you were coming up with crackpot theories? The fuck you talking about?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
(09-02-2021, 23:01:53 PM)wingedcatgirl Wrote: "If y'all are gonna insist on hanging me today, promise me she's next when I flip green."

"IF you flip green, I'm probably gonna go after Snakeweed next, in all honesty. she was the person I considered the most suspicious last night, and I even had a theory to go with it and everything—plus, she's the one who voted for you initially, and using your voting list, she was the second to vote for Yukichi yesterday. so, no, I can't promise Kim's next, because I'll have a higher priority target."
Alright, let's not jump to conclusions, alright?! We can't gang up on each other! I want to kick a cop's teeth in just like everyone else here, but you people aren't HELPING. Now. Loren. To answer the question you kept asking earlier, I'm saving my money! I've only got $900 and half the things we can do cost a grand or more! And the ones that aren't still suck up a bunch of cash! I don't like letting gonof my coin if I can help it! If I could waste money, I'd investigate my own damn roommate. Keep myself safe. Now. For all your mentions of any investigations, did you do anything with your damn money?! And what would you do?! It's only fair the question goes both ways.

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

"Yeah, I'd like to hear her answers too. She said she'd investigate Cutbug, which is why I said what I said even though apparently she's changed her mind on that. But who'd she block, who'd she kill?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
...Thanks I get... seriously, I voted early because I agreed with the basic story and I knew it wasn't me. When we found that dart...
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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"she apparently said she hadn't decided who she would protect or kill. which I think is pretty sus on its own, asking people a question you don't even know your own answer to—correct me if I'm overthinking on that, though."
"I mean I only voted because for one, Soseki seemed really sure of his deductions and for another, the dart. Maybe the stilts were a red herring, who knows? But I felt confident at the time, and... yeah, I made a mistake, jeez. People make mistakes, people mishear things, whatever, it happens."

people misread posts but wow meta lol
Stupid doomed timeline...
I mean, considering how stupid this place is?! I'm not sure I'd protect anyone other than myself. And considering our track record, I'd be wary of killing anyone as well! Consider what happened when we went with our gut for the pink pig yesterday! Then again, that was a pretty easy choice for me to make. Shouldn't be too hard to make the decision!

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

wheeeeeeeeee why work gotta go brr while i'm trying to scumhunt

(09-02-2021, 23:02:17 PM)KungFuCutbug Wrote: "...if I heard that right, she thinks I might be sus—not that I am sus outright, but might be worth investigating because of how quick I was to vote for Yukichi and my overall charisma or some bullshit. did I get that right, Loren, or are you gonna stay all hung up on Kim's poor choice of words there?"

"I'd call it more than just 'poor choice of words', but you've got it right other than that. You investigate people to clear them, not to condemn them."

(09-02-2021, 23:02:48 PM)Kennifer Wrote: "What the fuck? You said they were sus, now you said you weren't saying that, and... somehow you being wishy-washy means I'm suspicious? Because I may have overlooked something you said while you were coming up with crackpot theories? The fuck you talking about?"

"Literally never said Pizzabug was sus. You're only making me more certain you need to die."

(09-02-2021, 23:12:30 PM)KungFuCutbug Wrote: "IF you flip green, I'm probably gonna go after Snakeweed next, in all honesty. she was the person I considered the most suspicious last night, and I even had a theory to go with it and everything—plus, she's the one who voted for you initially, and using your voting list, she was the second to vote for Yukichi yesterday. so, no, I can't promise Kim's next, because I'll have a higher priority target."

"Fair enough. Snakeweed's pretty high on my list too, for the same reasons. But I'm more certain about Kim. If you're hanging Snakeweed tomorrow, someone shoot Kim tonight."

(09-02-2021, 23:14:20 PM)MadameButterflyKnife Wrote: Alright, let's not jump to conclusions, alright?! We can't gang up on each other! I want to kick a cop's teeth in just like everyone else here, but you people aren't HELPING. Now. Loren. To answer the question you kept asking earlier, I'm saving my money! I've only got $900 and half the things we can do cost a grand or more! And the ones that aren't still suck up a bunch of cash! I don't like letting gonof my coin if I can help it! If I could waste money, I'd investigate my own damn roommate. Keep myself safe. Now. For all your mentions of any investigations, did you do anything with your damn money?! And what would you do?! It's only fair the question goes both ways.

Loren rolls her eyes. "The point was - ah, forget it. Like I said earlier, in this hypothetical I'm investigating Pizzabug - and you can add shooting Kim to that list. Still dunno who I'd protect. Nobody strikes me like a particularly high-priority target for the cops to go after. I'll tell you if I change my mind about that.

"As for what I have done so far - not a thing. I didn't have enough money yet. I might do something tonight, if I live to see it. It'll be obvious in the morning what that thing was."

(09-02-2021, 23:25:29 PM)Kennifer Wrote: "I mean I only voted because for one, Soseki seemed really sure of his deductions and for another, the dart. Maybe the stilts were a red herring, who knows? But I felt confident at the time, and... yeah, I made a mistake, jeez. People make mistakes, people mishear things, whatever, it happens."

people misread posts but wow meta lol

"Tch. A likely story..."
"since Chili wants to know if people did anything last night, I didn't. and if I did, why the hell would I reveal it? the thing that got me killed last time was me revealing my role ability! why would I put myself in literally the exact same scenario expecting a different outcome? literally. the. exact. same. scenario."
[A/N: just remembered something OOC]

"...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuunless abilities you buy here are one-use per purchase? instead of being able to be repeatedly used every night like they were previously? this is probably something I should've asked earlier on, fuck. if they are single-use, then I'd probably be a lot more willing to reveal what I did with a given ability if I had used one, heh."
"jeez, okay I thought you said they were when you said you wanted to investigate, you're gonna lynch me over a fucking misunderstanding???"
Stupid doomed timeline...
Chili nods along. I'll admit! You got something about those suspects...wait. You didn't have enough money to do anything?! That doesn't sound right. See, here's the thing!

She thrusts her knife in the table, dramatically, and thinks. Day one. We took out that Russian piece of shit! You had the hang glider then, and did...just a little better than me, did you? Screw you for that, by the way. But either way, with whatever weird ranking system Carmello does...you got 32 points that day, and I got 31. I got a nice good payout of $400 that day, and it's pretty damn likely you got that same amount! And you got a nice score of 29 yesterday with that lil heist! Not as good as me, and you're damn lucky that's the case. But I got a payout of $500 that day. Let's be generous, and say you got a payout of around....$300? That sounds right. Math's stupid. I only need it when I'm counting my damn cash.

But that would mean you would have $700! And if I remember correctly...you can do two things. Watch a room, or protect someone. Now, I'm not saying that makes you sus! You're a dragon, right? Probably trying to give yourself a grand ol' horde of coins! Maybe saving up for a pro killer! But you do have the money. So that excuse isn't the strongest. Pretty convenient you didn't want to protect anyone, at least.

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

(09-02-2021, 23:35:54 PM)KungFuCutbug Wrote: [A/N: just remembered something OOC]

"...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuunless abilities you buy here are one-use per purchase? instead of being able to be repeatedly used every night like they were previously? this is probably something I should've asked earlier on, fuck. if they are single-use, then I'd probably be a lot more willing to reveal what I did with a given ability if I had used one, heh."

It is only one use per purchase. If you use it once, you'll have to buy it again.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
You know Loren, you seem... oddly accusatory.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

"aah, got it. so it isn't literally the exact same scenario. my bad!" [Pizzabug rubs the back of their head sheepishly at their mistake.] "I still didn't use any abilities last night, though. now back to where we were—I'm gonna agree with Kim and Escargoon here. like I said, it was just a bad choice of words, and apparently it was a miscommunication. you're trying to get her hanged over a miscommunication the same way you accused her of trying to get you hanged over saying something you didn't. if that... makes any sense. so I'm keeping my vote on you for now because you seem like the most likely suspect given everything that's happened, and unless some god-given miracle happens that immediately clears you, I'm not changing it."

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