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Pronouns: i have all the genders in the world
This is a game where you come up with an apocalyptic scenario based around a prompt, then give the next player a prompt. all the prompts are to be started with "It's the year 20XX" or atleast mentions a bad future, such as "In a dystopian future" or "In the far away future", maybe even a "In a world".
Here's an example.
"In a far away dystopian future, Trouble Cube has become all consuming. All other shapes were eliminated, leaving only cubes that clash into each other in an neverending fight.
Mario's execution on March 31st"
"In an alternative universe's March 31st, Mario is erased from the world. However, the hidden gods did not take this lightly and started obliterating every other video game franchise by turning it into E.T. for the Atari. The videogame industry has fallen and tabletop games are our only hope.
FNF Modding."
Got it? Then I'll start.
The year is 20XX. In this dystopian future, troubadours have gained all the political power possible, using their newfound power to create alternate universes with dark futures.
Cute cats.
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
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Pronouns: It/She/They
The Year is 20XX. An enormous army of cute cats sprang from nowhere and scratched out the last two digits of every year, and now, the very concept of years has become useless. Time is measured in months, in seasons, but years cannot be counted anymore, for the legion of cats destroys every representation with their adorable claws of year-scratching. Contracts are rendered void, as no one can know how long they may last. The economy ground to a halt years ago, as the cats destroyed shipping manifests, for they are littered with years. Millions have starved, and millions more will in coming times. The cat army also vanished as quickly as it arrived, so that's sad. :(
Newspaper Comic Soap Operas.
I am the They who says it!
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Pronouns: i have all the genders in the world
In a world where newspaper comic soap operas were secretly underground conspiracy theories headed by the CEO of Basketball, Charles Barkley as he played political chess with the underground frog rapper scene, the war finally comes to the surface. The frogs have begun attacking, and now fate rests once again on the Space Jam team. Unfortunately a frog ate them, so we're screwed.
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
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Pronouns: she/her usually, but okay with anything
In the year 20XX, a strange phenomenon occurred in the sewers of Tube City. Years and years of pollution and garbage eventually collided into a powerful beast, mutating all living organisms in its vicinity into hideous, murderous beasts. In the wake of this phenomena, an unlikely hero came to save the populace; the Plumbers. These brave souls take the burden of heading into the sewers, risking their lives to keep the sewer monsters at bay. They've kept the beasts at bay for now, but every day the mutant hordes grow stronger, more hideous, more destructive. And the Plumbers must see that in their fight against the sewers, that they don't fall to the influence of such a sewage filled world, both physically and mentally.
Permanent marker.
and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
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Pronouns: He/Him
In the year 20XX, the nations of the world were besieged by a strange new threat: the daring international thief only known as the Gadfly! This piratical prankster's modus operandi was to silently break into the home of the ruler of a country, stealing any valuables and finally leaving his calling card: a curly mustache, scrawled on the face of the sleeping dignitary with permanent marker. Now, the nations of the world have banded together in an attempt to catch the Gadfly before he can piss off one of the world's more nuke-happy leaders.
A chicken's heart.
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
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Pronouns: It/She/They
The year is 20XX. A year of destruction. An old chicken with no name crossed a road, and suffered a heart attack halfway across. It perished, writhing on the freeway. The chicken caused a truck to swerve, blocking the freeway, while a bus filled with many world leaders collided with it, killing all of them. Soon thereafter, the nations of the world declared war on chickens. The chickens fought back harder than could have been imagined. The streets now run red with the blood of the former oppressor, and to defy one of the chicken patrols brings only death. The counterrevolutionaries are scattered and weak. The Chicktator is eternal. There is no hope.
Style Points.
I am the They who says it!
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Pronouns: He/Him (Male)
Sometime in the future.... one of the coolest motherfuckers end up becoming the Emperor of the World. With the task of population control on hand, surveillance camera were installed everywhere in the world with every single man, woman and child being under watch by the forces of the World Government. Why is because a worldwide competition has started where everyone has to do every single task in quite stylish ways. Everyone gets graded upon how they do their tasks in a cool, stylish way. The most cool and stylish get to join the elite population, where they gain wealth and power. The least cool among them get sent to the Incinerator and get cremated alive. Having enough of this, the least cool people decide to rebel against the Cool Government and hope they can save the world from the evils of Coolness. Only time will tell whether or not they succeed.
Clown Cars
I like bananas. They're yellow.
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Pronouns: He/His/Him
The year is 20xx. The clown mafia has overtaken the comedy industry. If you want to make it big, you have to deal with the dons one way or another. If you displease them, they will send in their hitmen to kill and/or disappear you from. These hitmen will come in those clown cars, so they are extremely numerous. No normal person can handle the sheer numbers of these clown hitmen, so most just quietly give up. All hope for comedy has gone down the tubes. In fact, this monopoly is so endemic, the other entertainment industries have buckled under the pressure. Humanity's culture is gone now.
Japanese manga.
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Pronouns: He/Him
The year is 20XX. The manga industry is the primary driver of Japan's economy, while the U.S.A. now depends on the comic book industry. Japanese manga have become popular enough in the U.S. to outcompete American comic book companies; in response, the U.S. government has passed the American Art Appreciation Act, which prohibits the sale, distribution or ownership of foreign comics in the U.S., cutting off one of Japan's greatest sources of income. In retaliation, the Japanese government declared war on the U.S., unleashing their arsenal of "kaiju" and "mecha" superweapons; the U.S. responded with their own army of "superheroes". Now, both countries are ravaged on a daily basis by battles between the opposing titans - our only hope lies in a ragtag bunch of defectors from both sides, who are struggling to forge a peace. Whether or not they will succeed, only time can tell.
The concept of the "dystopia" itself.
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
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Pronouns: It/She/They
The year is 20XX. The overuse of the word "Orwellian" to mean "Totalitarian" has stripped both words of their meaning. The same is true of many words. "Fascist" is no longer about ultranationalism combined with constant mantra of return to prior greatness combined with fighting a vague "moral rot" brought by a convenient scapegoat enemy, but instead means the same as the first two words. The worst fall was that of the word "Dystopia." Inevitably, it continued its descent into ever further meaning "a government which the speaker dislikes". Same as the first three words. Soon, every word describing a completely different political concept has been coopted to mean "a government which the speaker dislikes". With no political labels anymore, the various groups are only describable by their policy positions, which in turn also become words for "a government which the speaker dislikes". In time, no one can express their policy positions anymore, nor advocate for them, for to do so would be to advocate for a Dystopia, and no one wants that, right? Elections are over, because political apathy is total. Everyone wants to rule, but no one has any way to express what they want to do with their rule. Every time someone comes up with a word to describe a policy position, it's mere weeks before that word means the same as every word before it. Without leaders, large territories fragment. Anarchism can only work on the smallest scales, after all. But the individuals in these anarchist communes have no way to find out if they share beliefs, the only thing that can hold an anarchist group together, and in turn, frequently turn upon one another.
Humanity suffers greatly in an enormous self-destructive frenzy. Billions die of starvation alone, millions die of political violence. The survivors ultimately revert to extended family units as the way to determine what values to hold. Family members who deviate are ostracized and exiled. Marriage alliances sometimes link families, but more often than not, cousin marriage is chosen to keep out the taint of the OTHER people who's values are said to be for Dystopia. Inbreeding eventually causes Hapsburgian problems, and with medical professionals dispersed widely, poor health becomes the norm. Average life expectancy decreases significantly, infant and maternal mortality take huge jumps. Humanity will not recover from this agrarian dystopia for centuries. Electricity will be hard to come by, travelling will become dangerous, and roving families will raid others for food. People will be miserable for centuries to come, as genetic diseases crop up with ever greater frequency. There is little hope.
I am the They who says it!
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Pronouns: She/They
It is the year 20XX. What part of the century? It matters not; our future was taken from us after that mad despot came to power.
Society was shoved onto a slippery slope backwards, all the way to a neo-medieval dystopia. Our leader has created laws made to spread terror and ensure this hell lives forever. You're not the law, nor part of an extremely specific elite allowing themselves to be brainwashed and to turn a blind eye? Enjoy your new life as a 16th-century beggar half a millennium too late.
Among the new rules, it was decided that all legal disputes are now settled by jousting duels with the excuse of "might makes right". Horses are born and raised for this kind of thing, and end up slaughtered in their prime should they and their rider fail to kill their enemy. Law enforcement is trained to master this art. Anyone who opposes the regime is dragged into a rigged duel and made an example of.
Perhaps our leader got the idea from how this dystopia came to be. The previous leader accepted the duel from our new leader, intending to create a display of power. Unfortunately, that backfired. Our leader keeps the lance used on that fateful day on display as a warning to the inevitable rebel factions that would sprout up and be crushed. Not even those outside our home turf were safe; our leader went on to conquer the world. Anyone who declined the duel was forced to surrender their territory, and those who accepted with stomped into the ground and added to a collection of morbid kebabs, with their territories lost to this madness.
Sentient bears.
What else needs saying?
That's what you are.
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Pronouns: He/His/Him
The year is 20XX. Someone had the idea of uplifting the grizzly bear population. Unfortunately, they overthrew humanity after seeing those Charmin Bear commercials. Said they were offensive somehow. After establishing themselves as the dominant civilization, they get the dumb idea of uplifting another species. Said species gets offended at a commercial featuring said species and overthrows the sentient bears. And then this revolution repeats itself ad nauseum until the sun dies, billions of years in the future.
Vanity printing press companies
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Pronouns: It/She/They
In the recent past, there was a company known as PublishAmerica. It claimed it wasn't a vanity publisher. One day, people banded together and wrote the worst book they could, and proved it was by getting PublishAmerica to publilsh it. In the year 20XX, a powerful eldritch force reanimated the twitching husk of PublishAmerica. PublishAmerica, in turn, could only do its last action before it lost all credibility. It could only publish the book "Atlanta Nights". It published it again and again. The line between reality and the awful, awful book began to blur over the months. Soon, everything was awful forever. Nothing and no one was even remotely consistent anymore. People's traits would change wildly and at seemingly random. The very concept of time breaks down, everything happening at wildly unclear intervals. Words wrongly were used and grammariatical things were defenistrated as speling stoped being a thing that was; and imporper punctuaton exploded across every writing work, now everyone is dead and-or miserable. Also Henry Archer keeps coming back to life too taht is a thing that is happening,
The Hotel Industry.
I am the They who says it!
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Pronouns: he/him
In the year— No, why would listing a year matter anymore? In another timeline... hotels have figured out a legal loophole by which they can prevent their clients from departing their dormitory. Now, people are enslaved to hotels due to an ever-lasting debt to live in extremely comfortable housing! Thankfully, minors and other people who aren't paying for it can escape. These young ragamuffins must seek out a way to break this capitalistic capture, and crush the corporate hotels!
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Pronouns: He/His/Him
In the far-off future, pole-vaulting has become serious business. Arguments are settled through pole-vaulting. As a result, many influential people began hiring professional pole-vaulters as proxies to settle disputes. The less-fortunate don't have that luxury, so the rich get to win by default. All is not lost, though. Some pro pole-vaulters have begun teaching spirited folk the art of pole-vaulting, giving them a chance of fighting back. This summer, come read My Pole-Vaulter Academia! There will be laughs. There will be tears shed. There will be excitement as well!
Submarine Sandwiches
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Pronouns: It/She/They
In the year 20XX, Elon Musk decided to bring back the Fleet Submarine as part of a one-upmanship contest with some other rich guy. This is despite the idea of a fleet submarine being tried and failed in the 1910s. The design was a shoddy knockoff of the original fleet submarines, which were already widely known for being possibly the worst ships ever to float (or rather, not float.) The crews were miserable, underpaid, and ununionized. The submarines were then coopted for use in the great corporate war of 20XX (but later). Because of the bad visibility and terrible turn speed of these fancy death-traps, two of them patrolling in opposite directions in the ocean came across a US Nuclear Submarine. Because they didn't see it and were unable to turn in time, they both collided with it, turning the situation into a nuclear submarine sandwich. In a terrible accident, the submarine fired all its missiles at random targets. Most went into the ocean, but nuclear war ensued anyway. Sixty percent of the world's population was killed in the initial wave of destruction. The global famine and transportation shutdowns killed another chunk. (Also cancer rates rose slightly twenty years later, but that wasn't really a noticeable problem.)
Corn Futures
I am the They who says it!
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Pronouns: He/Him
The year is 20XX. Peak oil has been reached and passed, forcing the world to belatedly switch from fossil fuels to renewables; specifically, biofuels. The massive demand for ethanol in turn causes demand for the corn required to make it, and producers of corn use their advantageous position to dominate the world economy. Once-proud countries are humbled by the power of the Corn-porations, while millions are forced into starvation due to the Ethanol Empire's brutal retaliation towards anyone who tries to harvest corn for food production. To make things worse, the Corn-porations are all engaged in a battle for supremacy between themselves, trying to steal their rivals' corn breeds when they're not contaminating them with engineered blights. Is there any hope left in this corn-copalypse?
Mud wrasslin'!
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
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Pronouns: he/him
The year is 20XX. Mud wrestling gained a following despite the health concerns, as people grew sick of normal wrestling. With mud came slickness, and with slickness came more action! Eventually, the mud wrestling scene grew so large, people began creating their own mud arenas. Backyard mud wrestling spread across the nations, and eventually, mud wrestling became an aspect of status. With mud came famine, and so people began to war for food. However, the wars came not with traditional guns. They only used their artillery to further muddy up the battlegrounds. Countries fought with their professional mud wrestlers until those countries were no more. Ancient homelands, reduced to brown waste with nothing but corpses to populate its barren surface. The few remaining humans, however, learned to live off the mud.