04-02-2021, 19:04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2021, 00:42:55 AM by PointMaid.)
Welcome to Schadenfreude Studios! We're looking for a few good toons to become STARS. But if you want to make it, you've got to show you have the spirit to become the best. Take out the competition, by any means necessary. ...BUT if you're not sneaky enough to keep the rest of them from figuring it out, you're going to get CUT too!
All Trouble Cube and Murdergames Forum rules apply, please make sure you are familiar with them.
This is a Free-For-All style murdergame. No special roles. There will be Day and Night phases, but keep in mind that kills can still happen in the daytime, it's just that it doesn't give you cover of darkness (No visibility or interaction unless you're literally in the same location; no player posts in the game thread during Night Phase).
Day Phases and Night Phases will each last approximately 48 hours.
As in the Murder U games, if you don't get voted off after two night phases have passed since your kill was revealed, you will be allowed to leave… a STAR! Otherwise, you WILL stay on the studio campus (Consult the Studio Map). Game will go on until three entrants are left not dead.
All forms of animation accepted. If you ABSOLUTELY MUST enter a non animated character, please run it by us (PointMaid and Cutbug) first. Game will take 16 entrants. Sign-ups will close at 2:00pm ET, Sunday April 4.
Maybe this goes without saying, but… yes, your character can die. Killing characters are encouraged to be appropriate to the genre in the manner of their kills. You want to impress Lotta and Bitta, don't you?
04-02-2021, 19:33:31 PM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2021, 19:51:35 PM by EeveeGirlChey.)
Name: Paddy the Pelican
Gender: Male
Age: 46 (his age was never established in the source material)
Source Media: The Adventures of Paddy the Pelican
Abilities: Flying, physical combat
Other: Paddy was the star of his own cartoon a long time ago. It unfortunately turned out to be a massive flop and was cancelled after merely six episodes. After the failure of his cartoon, Paddy made several attempts to get his career off the ground by shopping around multiple TV pilots, but nobody wanted them. He even tried to pitch a movie to MGM but he was tossed out. Paddy then slipped into a bout of severe depression, with his only remaining pleasures in life being drinking copious amounts of alcohol, sleeping with every willing bird in town, and holding onto hope that one day, he'll once again be a cartoon star.
Genderfluid, he/she/theyno this is not canon. but it should be
Age: 10 years old, forever
Source Media: Pokémon (anime)
Abilities: Being really good at telling Pokémon how to fight.
Other: I definitely totally remember many things from this show that I haven't watched since the early GS days.
Name: Hank Hill
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Source Media: King of the Hill
Abilities: A very good businessman and assistant manager of Strickland propane. And also one who can play guitar and golf as well as kick somebody's ass if he needs to.
Other: Speaks in this color, I'll tell ya what.
Name: Rosalia Berengaria (Rosie works too)
Gender: Female
Age: That's a rude question, don'tcha think?
Abilities: Anything she wants! She can do whatever gets the most laughs in any given scene. Of course, you can't really abuse this cuz if it's not funny, it's not gonna get a laugh.
Other: Talks in red.
Age: Very old. He's been around since the dawn of your funny little human civilisations. But he still has an eternal spring in his step!
Source Media: Helluva Boss
Abilities: Enormously powerful infernal magic, enough to erase lesser demons with a thought. Outside of Hell, though, the distance from the unholy source of his power weakens Stolas considerably, though he can still pull off some nifty tricks. He would also like to remind you that impeccable royal manners are a skill.
Other: The most well-mannered and reasonable demonic ruler of Hell itself you will ever meet. Also the horniest, but he's at least polite about that, too. Stolas is here for one of his occasional tastes of life in the world of the living, but don't expect him to simply take all this murder lying down. Speaks in Times New Roman. Why is it New Roman, anyway? I remember when those funny centurions were the new kids on the block...
Since I have been watching way too much South Park lately...
Name: Wendy Testaburger Gender: Female Age: 10 Source Media: South Park Abilities: Decent at fighting and debating, especially if it's something she's passionate about. She's also been shown to be pretty good at singing and ice-skating. Other: Prone to jealousy. Has committed crimes. Loves anything cute. Will post in this shade of pink.
Name: Squid Girl
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown, but physically looks around 13-14
Source Media: Squid Girl
Abilities: Catching and hold things (and others) with her tentacles, squirting squid ink, glowing, changing her weight (without changing her body shape) to fly and lift heavier things
Other: speaks in blue
Name: Kai
Gender: Male
Age: Teenager, probably 16-17
Source Media: Beastars
Abilities: He's a decent actor, and better stagehand.
Other: It's been a short while since I last watched Beastars, so forgive me for any minor inacuracies.
Name: Scott Kelly
Gender: Male
Age: Probably late 50s or early 60s.
Source Media: The Onion.
Abilities: The ability to compartmentalize any information, and stick labels on any object. Also the ability to make lazy puns about most situations, and to have a whiskey sour on his person at all times. Also he's ostensibly a political cartoonist.
Other: Speaks in stark black and white.
04-02-2021, 21:41:13 PM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2021, 21:41:31 PM by Dookie.)
Name: Dookie
Gender: Male
Age: None
Source Media: Tropers: The Series
Abilities: Can sniff out trouble, has a sense of humor, likes belly rubs, smart for a dog.
Other: Talks in normal black. Has been in one of these before, so really doesn't like murder.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
04-02-2021, 21:47:53 PM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2021, 21:48:50 PM by SmilyCube112.)
NAME: Leone
GENDER: Female
Age: 20s
SOURCE MEDIA: Akame ga Kill
ABILITIES: Leone possess a Teigu (Imperial Arms) known as Lionel, which, when activated, not only enhances her speed, reflexes, strength, and regeneration, but also grants her animal-like characteristics through her hands turning to paws with claws, and gaining cat-like ears and tail. This boosted her durability greatly, and Leone seems to have gained a sort of "sixth sense" in regards to danger, allowing her to sense danger incoming before it strikes her. Lastly, she has an impressive regeneration capability, since one fight she took part in costed her an arm, which she managed to regen (albeit the process still took a long time to do so).
OTHER: Leone seems to have animalistic personality traits regardless of whether or not she has Lionel activated, e.g. 'marking' things (Or, in the case of her friend, Tatsumi's, case, people) as a sign of territoriality. Also speaks in bright yellow.
Viking Duck is back fromValhalla, and ready to take all the loot.Also, still a friend to animals.
Name: Optimus Prime
Gender: Male
Age: Young in Cybertronian years, ancient in human years.
Source Media: Transformers, specifically Transformers Animated.
Abilities: Can turn into a truck, is good at using an axe, and is a giant robot.
Other: https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/i...ed_637.jpg
04-03-2021, 01:09:30 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2021, 03:01:49 AM by Cassie.)
Name: Moona Hoshinova
Gender: Female
Age: 20s
Source Media: Hololive
Abilities: Can get blunt and brutally honest, but can also be quite a cloudcuckoolander. Quite the Engineer.
Other: Moona possessed Hoshinova just before the latter fell into the sea during a full moon, and said possession is a symbiotic one (they're both fine with it). The possession caused them to ascend into Moon Goddesses, which is why Hoshinova didn't drown (though it's not like there'd been any situation where any lunar powers she has sees any use). Speaks in this color.
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.
Name: Strong Bad Gender: Male Age: Around his early-mid 20's Source Media: Homestar Runner Abilities: Answering emails, boxing Other: Speaks in red text.
04-03-2021, 02:58:41 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2021, 12:05:02 PM by artsyGeek.)
Name: Western Parotia
Gender: Female
Age: ..18? (headcanon)
Source Media: Kemono Friends, more specifically from the 2nd season of the anime
Abilities: Dancing, as well as reasoning. Oh, and singing, kinda? The last one's more for meta reasons though.
Other: Speaks in this colour.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Since I missed out the signup (which is the second Point Murdergame I have missed after EFZPI) by few minutes due to first being asleep, then being busy, and finally having bad internet connection when the signup was up, can I at least be a reserve in case someone drops out?
Name: Eugene Krabs
Gender: Male
Age: 78 (will turn 79 in November 30)
Source Media: SpongeBob SquarePants
Abilities: Can detect money or wealth, above average gripping and pinching strength, and decent endurance with his shell
Other: Here's his appearance. Also he will speak in this color.