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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
"...what the absolute hell is happening?"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
...Three more "chapters?" What could that mean?
Look, can you at least kill Bakugo specifically for being unerringly stupid all the time? Or... HEY LISTEN THE FUCK UP YOU IDIOTIC WIZARD, MY IDEAS ARE FUCKING AMAZING, DON'T IGNORE ME! Clearly, you're in PAIN, but I DON'T HAVE TIME TO PUT UP WITH YOUR "NOT FEELING WELL" right now, so either AGKNOWLEDGE ME AND LISTEN TO MY IDEA OR keep going with your FUCKING LAME plan. You want your "three more chapters" from NINE OF US? Bullshit, these people are all too fucking cowardly to make a move! Once I've killed my two, that's IT! The others aren't going to do SHIT! So LISTEN TO MY FUCKING IDEA, or YOU'RE GOING TO BE WAITING A HELL OF A LOT LONGER for a LOT less reward!
I am the They who says it!
[Haruka shrugged for a bit.]

"....I'll be honest here. I.. kinda like the "killing Bakugo" idea. I won't be the one committing it, of course, but I won't be that surprised if he's dead meat."
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
We aren't playing your game anymore, Host! No more murder! And no more insanity!
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"Yeah no. Because we're not playing their game anymore. If you try anything Kellensea, I'll simply use a pressure point to render you immobile for a good while. You like using your legs, no? Then knock off with the killing talk." Ranma said, getting into a stance. "Even if I have to fight tooth and nail, I won't let anyone else die to this stupid killing game, on my honor as a man!"
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
"We're not playing the game anymore! Except for Kellensea, but she's Kellensea, and if she tries anything I will promptly stop her. Face it. Your killing game is a failure!" Ranma yelled at the host's face, gritting his teeth.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Okay, sure host. I'll kill Ranma and his horrific misunderstanding of biology that leads him to think pressure points are real, if you'll prevent the others from killing me. but otherwise, I'm not killing anyone at this moment, if you're going to just let me die if I kill someone and get convicted.
I am the They who says it!
"....ohhhhhh fuck. On one hand, it'd be nice if we don't have that waste of space that is Bakugo. On the other hand.... Killing is bad, and we all know that! Except for Kellensea, but eh."

[Haruka holds her head in confusion.]

"..who am I supposed to trust again?"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
"Sure Kellensea, try it. Got anymore doorknob poison on hand? Faucet poison? Because that sure worked out well in the end. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't kill anyone. One of your many failures here." Ranma growled at Kellensea, before looking over at Haruka. ". . . Do you really want to trust the host and Kellensea's options?"
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Why is killing bad, Haruka? He has the same right to life that every animalcule, every insect you've killed, had. Why are sapients different to the easily quintillions of lives you've ended? Just... think on that. Maybe you've been lied to, somewhere along the way, right? Not maliciously. But the social contract is optional, if you want it to be... consider it, okay? Anyway, host, will you protect me and let me go if I kill Ranma right here, right now, with no conditions or terms, or not?
I am the They who says it!
Ranma just rolled his eyes. Look, someone wants to kill him. Hasn't heard that before in his life multiple times. Such an original concept. "Heh. No offense Kellensea. . . But do you know who I am? I am Ranma Saotome. You think I spent the last fourteen years of my life twiddling my thumbs looking dumb? No. I've put my blood, sweat and tears into training to be the greatest martial artist in the world. Perfecting my Anything Goes Martial Arts. I've faced countless opponents: fellow martial artists, kunoichis, assassins. No matter the foe, no matter their own strengths, I've come out on top. You've made many terrible risky moves this whole time. But thinking you can actually defeat me in a battle. You're sorely mistaken." Ranma said, completely serious. If Kellensea tries to attack him, he'll win in the end. "You keep failing to see your major flaw: Your own pride. You're here actually demanding special treatment if you follow through the host's orders. Even if he does stop the others from attacking you, you're still bound by his rules. You can't kill more than two of us, and you can't leave unless everyone votes wrong. Which, if you openly admit to and perform the murder, everyone will know it's you. And no one will skip a beat in voting you, despite the strange amount of confidence you seem to bare in thinking everyone likes you enough to let you get away with murder. Face it Kellensea. You can't win this. You're as much as a loser as we are."
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Yeah. You've spent fourteen years. I've spent twenty one years perfecting the art of making alive things stop being alive, a more general, and more practical skill. You need to face it. Your martial arts bullshit is useless in actual combat against real opponents with actual armor. Martial arts, as it has ALWAYS BEEN and ALWAYS WILL be, is a worthless discipline. That's why people DON'T SEND ARMIES OF MARTIAL ARTISTS OUT TO WAR! Longbowpeople took WAY longer to train, and THEY WERE ACTUALLY USEFUL! I'm demanding special treatment and immediate release in exchange for killing you. I'm demanding that the rules not apply to me. If they continue to apply, you won't die by my hand unless I think I can walk out alive anyway. No matter how many countless opponents YOU'VE faced, you haven't had the TIME to face as many as me. For once, Ranma, you're outmatched. Without your martial arts? You're nothing. Whereas I? I remain an adventurer. You say "anything goes", but I act on anything going. Host, give me the words that I ask of you. I kill Ranma here and now. Don't give me those words, and you'll be waiting a hell of a lot longer, and the person who I kill is going to be undeterminable.

As always, Kellensea's face is hidden, preventing her expression from being seen. But her tone of voice is more pedantic than enraged. She talks like she's explaining basic knowledge, and is annoyed that she has to.
I am the They who says it!
His martial arts. Means nothing. That actually made Ranma burst out laughing. It was mostly to hide his anger at his entire life being called meaningless. "Oh Kellensea, Kellensea, Kellensea. . . That silly armor you have on. That doesn't mean anything. I've cracked harder things than that rusty hunk of metal. Your combat, your adventurer. They're nothing compared to my skills. You're a loser Mellensea. If you try to kill me, you'll be stopped. No ifs, and or buts. You won't be able to win in basic hand to hand combat against me." Like Kellensea, there weren't any rage in his voice. Just a matter of statement.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
[Haruka, while enjoying the rivalry, isn't too keen on the constant arguments between the two.]

"...can you two please stop bickering with each other for 5. Minutes?!"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
"Maybe! If she stopped being an unlikeable jackass who constantly believe she's the next best thing since slice bread every five freaking minutes." Ranma responded to Haruka, trying not to actually punch someone, probably the host.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Look. I've faced better monks than you. Your punching can crack bricks, but have you ever considered the physics of how that works? I'm wearing layers. More importantly, I'm wearing padded layers, and flexible layers. Sure, I have metal plates, but I also have mail, ring armor, and the metal plates are padded with cloth and leather. A punch, a punch is absorbed into soft materials. Bricks crack easily. Sheet metal, less so, but it can tear. Leather, chain, they don't. They bend and reform, dispersing your strikes. You might bruise me, if you punch me. But the real irony is, for all your training, all your specialization, I believe a mythical ranger said it best... "Even with that, You hit more often and deal more damage if you have a sword anyway, so what's the point?" We stand at the end of the world, Ranma. And though we both stand on the precipice... I have my ring of feather falling. What do you have?

On hearing Haruka's demand...

Oh shush, this isn't bickering, I'm waiting for the host to offer me better terms. If I get them, Ranma dies, and I can leave this place happy. I figure if I continue attacking his life choices with facts and accuracy, I'll have fun, and he'll become really defensive before I extract his bones and sell them to a necromancer who doesn't understand how useless skeletons are in actual combat and just thinks that because they look cool, they must be good at fighting. Like people who learn martial arts! Like Ranma! It's like... Wow that's a funny joke I didn't even intend to make! It's like, poetic or whatever! Someone who does something useless for the intended purpose which looks cool gets killed by someone practical, who sells their remains, and then their remains get made into something useless for the intended purpose which looks cool! Ha! That's funny actually.
I am the They who says it!
" Breaking bricks. . . You really think I'm a simple martial artist? Tell me Kellensea. Have you ever broke a boulder and tree in half? Cracked a steam roller with a bare swat? Split an entire mountain with just your fist? Gotten so accustomed to dodging attacks you can literally do it in your sleep? All based on your own skills and capabilities, no gizmos or artifacts or even that clanky armor of yours which, yes, I can easily destroy if I so wanted. You might have more years on me, but I'm more experienced and skilled. So even if you get the green light to kill me, you won't be able to lay a single finger on me." Ranma's dead serious. All the stuff he was saying was true. He can and most likely will do that if she even attempts to kill him.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Ooh, save me from the big scary tree puncher. Ugh. If martial artists are so landscape altering, clearly your world would have been destroyed years ago. Oh no, watch out for the fucking MONK with his dodgy shit. And, obviously, I've done all that shit aside from punched a mountain, and no idea what a steamroller is and... wait. If you... how the fuck... OH, that's how you do it. Alright, so... let me instill some doubt in you, kid. You know that imp summoning thing I tried that didn't work? That's because the rules of reality are different here, right? Aside from the really basic shit, somewhat different here, presumably. You mentioned not hearing of Newton's third, or Uvir's rule of opposition, or whatever you call it at home. So... either you're merely uneducated... or your world follows different physics. And now, I'm going to prove to you that you stand no chance against me without even touching you.

And with that, Kellensea smugly pulls out a crossbow, and fires it out the blast hole, checking for recoil.
I am the They who says it!
If Kellensea is planning on hitting Ranma with a recoiling arrow, then boy is she in some bad news. He's just going to catch the arrow once it comes shooting at him. Even if it wasn't that and was something else that she was "planning on hitting him with without touching him. . ." He's able to dodge in his sleep with ease, he should be able to dodge whatever she's doing with no problems. If she's not doing any of that, he's simply moving behind her.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Bakugo heard the blast from the Balcony, but anything else is left unheard by him due to him being too far away, so he decides to just go to the Main Cafeteria to >Cook something spicy to eat.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
"I don't want to see anyone else die. Certainly not Bow. Not Ranma, not Bakugo, and no matter what you think not even you, Kellensea. Not Kai or Komaru or Haruka. Not Monika either, even if she tried to kill Bow. And comparing murdering a human to stepping on an ant or part of your biome dying or whatever in order to justify it is possibly the most insane thing I've heard, which is saying a lot. So if you've got another brilliant plan that will get us all out alive, I'm all ears. Otherwise, shut the fuck up."
Stupid doomed timeline...
Bow turns to Alexis.

Hmmmm... the power I have does allow me to convert strong emotions such as love into pure energy that I can use to power myself up, but I don't know if it's going to be useful here.
"If it looks like there's a reason to use it..."

Alexis smiles faintly.

"At this point we're going to need all the ideas we can get. Sadly, all I've got is observation and... well, not wanting anyone to have to die. Which isn't exactly an escape plan."
Stupid doomed timeline...

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