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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
"Well, at least it was worth a try. Hey, we should probably find the others, see if they're anywhere closer to a way out of here."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Yeah. We don't want to leave anyone behind."

>Go find the others.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Uhh... any of you know how to make explosives? Because I need some powerful ones to blow up the wall behind the door to get into the exit gate, if we're still doing that... If you like my idea which probably doesn't involve killing people, that is.
I am the They who says it!
"I mean, I can sort of create explosions? It's more or less a ki blast and not an actual explosion, so that might work but I don't know. We do know Bakugo can create explosions with his hands though."
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Yeah yeah, I know, but I don't want pew-pew explosions, I want like... a bunch of small directional charges, a drilling tool, a ladder, maybe some more ladders... Hell, we could probably make do with just the drilling tool and the multiple ladders, but I'd prefer some kind of charges. Blast through the concrete. Oh, and like... some hooks or something to pull out the debris. Hopefully the wall is fairly thin, because if it's really thick, we'll have to do another round or eight of blasting to get it mobile, and at that point, it would be easier to break through even a magically reinforced door.
I am the They who says it!
"Breaking throw some concrete walls? Well I don't want to brag. . ." She does. She definitely wants to brag. "But I'm pretty good at destroying concrete walls. Heck, I managed to destroy a steam roller before. So if we need to break through the concrete wall, I'm your guy for the job. . . Just need some hot water or something. . ." She'd say slightly cocky. She'd prefer to turn back to male since she doesn't really like being like this for a long while, plus she's stronger in her normal state as well. So at the very least she can make an attempt to bust down the concrete wall.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Yeah, sure, you could fight your way through it, but I really think blasting is going to be optimal. We don't want to risk taking out the whole thing and burying the portal that may or may not be in there. Controlled demolition, relatively clean removal of a chunk of wall, that would be optimal. Kicking through, that'll make a jagged death-trap of a hole. We'll keep "throw Ranma at the wall" as the plan directly in front of "Let Bakugo do anything other than die", and behind explosives, and behind attempting to cut the actual door out of the wall. Also, you'd be standing on a ladder against the building while doing this, and I don't think you'll be able to get through the wall, because uhh... what do you call it? Newton's third? That one. You'll kick the ladder back while kicking the wall forwards and fall into the hole and die. And I will laugh so hard when that happens if that happens, but the point is, there's some key limitations, since we're going through the back, where it's probably not as fortified.

Kellensea scans the wall from a distance.

Any of you got a... a protractor? I need a protractor. Or a rangefinder, if you can track one of those down. Surveyor's scope? Whatever, I need to know how far it is to the wall and the angle. I'll see if I can eyeball it, but I'd like to figure out how many ladders we'll need to lash together more accurately to even get there. Then we can worry about things like uhh... kicking in the wall or blasting it.

>Do trigonometry to figure out how far it is from the edge of the hole to the outer wall of the structure where the exit is supposedly located.
I am the They who says it!
>Numbers, numbers, NUMBERS! [Kellensea]
After some quick NUMBERS, Kellensea now has a decent idea how far it is from the edge of the crater to the back side of the launch pad. This is admittedly stymied somewhat by not being able to see it directly through the cloudsmoke. Still, she's got it at least approximately right.
"Oh sure, because blowing a giant hole into the wall is the safer option. Whatever you say, Ms. "Let's stab someone and summon an imp." Whatever you say. . ." She'd say, lightly rolling her eyes. ". . . . . Yeah, I have no idea what any of that stuff is. Sounds like math. . ." Ranma would say, before

>Investigating that paper map she found some more for anything they may have missed.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Yeah yeah, okay, this should work. Right, going to need some ladders, some explosives, a drill... Hey, you know, that Bakugo kid supposedly sweats a moderately powerful high explosive. Could we skin him and extract his sweat glands?... Wait, actually, I'd prefer a low explosive for this. Can we get some low explosives? Like uhhh... you call it ANFO. It's a very specific kind of fertilizer, and refined rock oil, mixed together. It's... FAIRLY stable, but be careful with it, it can be touchy. And DON'T ignite it. That WILL set it off, and you will be VERY dead. So, a couple of you, get on that, a couple of you, get on getting ladders and rope, I need about... oh, three big ladders tied together should do it. I'll deal with drills, a detonation mechanism, etcetera. And... any of you good with explosives? Because if not, I'll need most of you to hold the ladder once I'm up there.

>Track down a battery operated drill, and see if there's any detcord lying around, and hope the others heard her request for supplies.
I am the They who says it!
Ranma just rolled her eyes, just awaiting Kellensea to be bragging about how she's the one who came up with such an ingenious plan. And when she does, she'll simply bite back with her other idiotic plans. For now. . .

>Look for that anfo and refined rock oil stuff Kellensea mentioned to help her make that explosive. Perhaps the warehouse would be the best place to find that stuff?
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Um... Okay!

Monika goes along with Kellensea's plan by...

>Going around the ruins for rope and ladders
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Bakugo was still in the Abandoned Kitchen >Looking for something edible.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
[Haruka momentarily walks to the kitchen to find Bakugo - Yes, she still has the crowbar in hand.]

"Oi, you wanna help us out or no?"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Hey, Haruka, if Bakugo doesn't volunteer to help, hold him down while I skin him and process his sweat glands into high explosives. They're not optimal for the job, but I didn't tell Ranma what fertilizer to grab, and it's like a 50/50 shot that they'll grab the wrong one and waste our refined rock oil on it. So, get Bakugo to help and tell Ranma to get Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer specifically, get Bakugo to do that, or hold down Bakugo while I skin him and wipe that intensely unhelpful attitude out of him, along with the ability to not have his internal muscle tissue and fat exposed to air. Also, if you could pass me that crowbar? There's a decent chance I'll need it to clear out the rubble, since I'll probably be the one on the ladder-bridge.

Kellensea laughs a little.

Ha, look at me! Taking charge or whatever, foremanning a project. Regular Azhi over here, with my mandatory voluntary labor. Anyway, yeah, do that. Oh, you know what refined rock oil is, right? Like, it's pretty common, but apparently your worlds have different rules, so maybe you don't have whatever underground magics process ancient buried plants into rock oil. Well, least that's what our geologists say it is. They're probably right, but geology isn't my expertise... Whatever, total tangent. Point is, let me recap.

She pauses to formulate a very quick way to say all that.

Okay, get Bakugo to start helping in some way, or hold him down so I can make him help, communicate to Ranma what fertilizer to get, (AMMONIUM NITRATE, common stuff, but still), I don't care how, give me that crowbar, and after you're done with that, I'll need some kind of... drawing rope. To draw the ladder back before we set off the charges. Oh, and a climbing rope would be nice. Just... Do the first three three things, at very least, okay Haruka? Awesome.
I am the They who says it!
Upon hearing that, Bakugo turns to them and says: "Try it, then. I dare you." While he's saying that, he gets into a defensive stance, ready to use his Quirk, Explosion, on them.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
[Haruka glares at Bakugo back.]

"Please, just shut the fuck up already. We could definitely need some extra help over here."

[She'll wait 'til a response from Bakugo has been said before yeeting the crowbar at Kel and talking to Ranma about the fertilizer.]
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Bakugo just decides to leave it and walks away, to the Abandoned Gym.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Okay, he's obviously fucking useless. Hold him down, Haruka, PLEASE! I just want to skin him with no anesthetics at all and then maybe rub salt onto his exposed muscle tissue... actually I wonder if that would be a good food product? Probably not. POINT IS, Bakugo is fucking useless, and go get a second crowbar and break his limbs so he doesn't struggle too much when I remove his skin so he provides SOMETHING to this escape attempt. Or at very least... promise me you won't begrudge me his death. You may think I'm CRAZY, but Bakugo is just USELESS. He's like the... the orphan who's the secret heir to some vast fortune or a fucking pointless fiefdom, or the destined holy priest of some dumb religion adventurers have to escort around, SERIOUSLY WHO THE FUCK HAS A FIEFDOM ANYMORE KYRONIL KILLED ALL THE NOBLES CENTURIES AGO and the orphan is always tripping over rocks and being upset and you just want to spit them upon a pike and leave them in the wilderness and you can't because the job is REALLY lucrative and then they inevitably attract all kinds of bandits and they can't even hold a sword and they want to be like you when the grow up and then if they DO follow their ambition, they're just the most INSUFFERABLE pricks who end up as mercenaries rather than adventurers, and FUCKING VELS I HATE HIM.

Her wild tangent aside, Kellensea's words are searing hot with rage, in between the mood swings to cheerly talk about rubbing salt onto a living creature's exposed muscles potentially being a food product, and an intense bitterness with the first part of the orphan rant, before settling into a fairly constant intensity rage for the rest of her spiel.
I am the They who says it!
[..Haruka just > yeets a crowbar at Bakugo while Kellensea rants about the guy before > finding a new crowbar.]
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Yeah, we should probably meet up with the others.

>head to where everyone is
>Investigate that paper map she found some more for anything they may have missed. [Ranma]
Nothing stands out as obviously important.

>Track down a battery operated drill, and see if there's any detcord lying around, and hope the others heard her request for supplies. [Kellensea]
The drill is easily located in one of the warehouses. Detcord takes longer, but a collapsed closet turns out to contain some in its wreckage.

>Look for that anfo and refined rock oil stuff Kellensea mentioned to help her make that explosive. Perhaps the warehouse would be the best place to find that stuff? [Ranma]
The warehouse does indeed contain refined rock oil, but ANFO is not so easily found. The greenhouse probably contains fertilizer, if anyone is inclined to make that trip back.

>Going around the ruins for rope and ladders [Monika]
Monika checks the gym for rope, since rope climbing in gym class is totally a thing, and she successfully finds some! And some ladders too for some reason.

>Look for something edible [Bakugo]
The kitchen is, again, blowed to smitheroons, but the pantry is not, and it turns out to contain several crates of various non-perishable food items.

>Yeet a crowbar at Bakugo [Haruka, 10]
The crowbar hits Bakugo in the head, stunning him. Also maybe setting off his explosive sweat? We don't watch hero show, is that plausible?
Alexis spots the others and runs over, hoping Bow can keep up.

"Hey, you find out anything good?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
>Well Ranma already got the oil, she might as well make a trip to the green house for the fertilizer.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Monika comes back with the rope and ladders.

I found these...
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...

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