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Bakugo, now having calmed down, and also having no need for the rope, decides to see what has been found under the clouds, thinking it's something he missed. So, he jumps down again, making sure to use his Quirk to safely land.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
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> Follow the others!
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
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>Descend into the abyss [Alexis, Bow, Bakugo, Haruka]
Bakugo blasts his way down, and the other three shimmy down the rope Ranma tied to the balcony, with Bow keeping her parachute at the ready in case she falls. As they descend, they too experience the curious loss of sound that the others had reported back to them. As they pass through the clouds, they happen to spot the three who descended earlier...
>Climb out of the abyss [Monika, Komaru, Kai]
These three climb the wall and make it out of the crater. Once again, as they ascend, they notice the sound-dampening phenomenon cut out midway through the cloudsmoke. And as they reach the top, they spot .
>Investigate the infirmary [Ranma]
It looks like it hasn't been touched for several months, but it's well-stocked on supplies, and the equipment is advanced well beyond Ranma's comprehension.
>Reminisce about the robot arm you never actually had [Kellensea]
Good times, good times. How Kellensea is deciding that is unclear, seeing as she wasn't there for them and knows nothing about them, but she is definitely coming to the conclusion that the times were good.
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Komaru looks specifically to that building that I can't particularly point to in text so I'm referring to the upper left. That guy is big.
She turns again to the others, pointing to it and tilting her head.
Do the others think that's where they should go?
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
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Well, she has no idea what any of this stuff is. Wouldn't hurt to take some. God, this feels like something Kellensea would do. . . Is she rubbing off on her? That's a terrifying thought to have.
>Look around for a bag or something to carry some medicine, on the offhand chance they need it, and leave the infirmary.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
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Alexis just concentrates on... not falling off the rope for the time being. So far, so good as that goes, although the eerie silence is making her uncomfortable.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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Bow attempts to point at the ascending trio without falling. They must know something important, right?
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03-15-2021, 21:41:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-15-2021, 21:42:06 PM by wingedcatgirl.)
>Loot the treasure! [Ranma]
Luckily, this infirmary was run by someone who keeps a plastic bag full of plastic bags in the cabinet under the sink. Ranma retrieves several bottles of various pain relievers and antibiotics, as well as a bunch of bandages, medical tape, and some antiseptics.
>Keep descending the rope
The four descending into the abyss finally reach the bottom.
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Monika notices another building to the north of the crater...
Monika points to that building, and then proceeds to...
>Go to the old cafeteria
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
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"Oh, Bow! What's up?"
... Hey, she can talk again!
"Hey, I can talk again! That was weird..."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
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Once she regains her footing, Bow decides to...
>explore the crater
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03-15-2021, 21:46:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-15-2021, 21:49:43 PM by wingedcatgirl.)
>Try talking to Bow [Komaru]
While Komaru has regained her ability to speak, there's now a solid layer of cloudsmoke between her and the crater, and she can't actually see Bow or anything else in the crater right now.
>Go to the old cafeteria [Monika]
There's a huge pile of Kit-Kats on one of the back walls, and the kitchen is completely demolished. Other than that, it looks fairly ordinary.
>explore the crater [Bow]
The most obvious points of interest in the crater are the pile of garbage Kellensea yeeted a while back, the pile of tampered and apparently-tampered medical supplies Ranma yeeted slightly later, and... the corpse of Ronnie.
Also, the building ground floor behind them, which has a hole carved into the wall, through which Bow can see that it's mostly empty space.
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Alexis looks around once her feet are on the ground again; that was... surprisingly easy, she thought.
So... crater. Weird, eerily quiet crater. Not exactly her idea of a fun place, but maybe outside of it... that's where the others went, right?
And... ewwwwwww, Ronnie-corpse. Yeah, she's gonna climb out of here. She doesn't even want to know about the hole in the wall.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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She carried the "borrowed" supplies outside the infirmary like she just exited the grocery story with bags full of instant noodles and vegetables. "Better safe than sorry, I suppose. . . I should probably see if everyone arrived yet. . ."
>Ranma tries to go back to where she was initially and see if any of the others arrived.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
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Hm... Oh! I can talk again!
Monika takes a Kit-Kat from the pile, and then...
>Goes to the warehouses
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
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... Musta been her imagination. Still, she can talk! With a shrug, she will
>follow behind Monika
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
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03-15-2021, 21:53:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-15-2021, 21:54:39 PM by wingedcatgirl.
>Climb out [Alexis]
Alexis follows the others out of the crater and onto the abandoned campus, seeing the same set of buildings.
>Check out the warehouses [Monika, Komaru]
There appear to be three... no, four warehouses - or, well, there were originally four warehouses. One's a pile of rubble right now.
They don't seem to be particularly distinguishable.
>See who's arrived [Ranma]
Ranma returns to the crater and spots Monika and Komaru wandering off to the north, Alexis just getting out of the crater, and Kai just kinda hanging around.
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Bow is also disgusted by Ronnie's body. The crater is awfully empty for someplace that the Other Host clearly didn't want anybody to see. But she just saw Kai, Komaru, and Monika climb out, so the real interesting parts must be on the other side.
>look for a way to climb up the other side of the crater
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Alexis waits for Bow before heading off to check out the buildings.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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Oh... My...
Monika stares at the rubble left by the destroyed warehouses... Before noticing the main building to the west and deciding to...
>go there
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
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Kellensea claps her mailed hands together with a muted clank, as gloves, rings, and bracers collide.
Right, let's go. Now, just to be clear, there's like a 50% chance there's a way out out here, so if there's ANYONE aside from me you want dead, now's the time to bring it up. Alright? Alright. Let's go.
>Search for a door not connected to anything, or something suitably portal-y looking.
I am the They who says it!
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>Ranma decides to follow where everyone else is going, better to stay in a group right?
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
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Bakugo, after he made the landing, decided to go look around by himself, and walks over to the Warehouses, to >Look inside the Warehouses.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
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>Similarly follow Ranma, reminiscing in an inexplicable way about the carotid artery you never actually lost.
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> Follow Ka- Hah you thought. Follow Kellensea out of curiosity.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed