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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
Once Kellensea entered the room, Ranma had his eyes dead set on her. "Touch his possessions, and I will destroy your belongings. That's not a threat, it's a promise. If he dies, you're dying. So you better pray to whatever cruel God that birthed you that he doesn't." You thought Ranma was pissed before? Girl, you ain't seen nothing yet.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Shut up, Kellensea. You will get yours.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Ah, whatever. I'll loot your shit after you're dead. Meanwhile, uhh... I guess I'll make sure no one else is dead who I can loot now.

Kellensea walks around, performing a headcount.

>Check for more bodies, just in case.
I am the They who says it!

Very helpful, Komaru, thank you.
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Once it's ensured that Kai's alright, you better watch out Kellensea. Because Ranma Saotome will be on your ass. And you'll wish that his honors and morals permitted him to murder.

>Still helping Kai for the time being.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Knowing her, she probably killed someone herself just to loot them.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
[Haruka walks into the medbay, only to see the clusterfuck.]

"A.. Are you guys alright?"

> Check for any injuries anyone might have
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed

Komaru runs up to Haruka, bawling. "EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG AND I DON'T KNOW WHYYYYY!!"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
While Kellensea is looking around for dead people, she overhears the comments.

Wait wait, you intend to kill me if Kai dies? Ugh. I'll kill you first. It'll be like that time I burned down that monastery. Except just one of you silly little punchymen who'd do better if you had actual weapons, instead of like, twenty. Anyway... Just tell me, do you know how Kai got like this? And, seriously, I didn't even leave the office last night, you can check the logs if you want. I don't see how accusing me is productive here.
I am the They who says it!
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
>look for potential sources of poison. [Bow]
Bow has no idea where to start. She knows Kellensea has a bunch of poisons, of course, but it's not like Kellensea's gonna let Bow search the office freely.

>Check for more bodies, just in case. [Kellensea]
Kellensea counts up who is and isn't involved in the panic and heads off to locate those missing.

The medbay computer beeps.

Treatment complete.
Hearing Kellensea play dumb, or actually being really dumb, Ranma exploded. "NO YOU DUMB BROAD! BECAUSE OF THE POISON YOU PUT IN THE FAUCET! IF HE DIES FROM IT, YOU'LL BE THE KILLER! AND WE'LL HAVE TO VOTE FOR YOU! WHICH IF WE'RE BEING HONEST, WOULDN'T BE A BAD THING! BECAUSE AT LEAST WE'LL BE RID OF YOUR ASS WITHOUT NEARLY GETTING KILLED AROUND EVERY CORNER BECAUSE YOU'RE A BITCH WHO WANTS PEOPLE'S CLOTHES AND BELONGINGS AND PROBABLY GET OFF ON IT! I SHOULD'VE LET WHATEVER WAS CRAWLING AROUND IN THE VENT KILL YOU, BECAUSE AT THEN YOU'LL HAVE SERVED ONE PURPOSE AROUND HERE: BEING OUT OF OUR SIGHTS!!! This whole time, you've been trying to keep your own "self-preservation." That's bullshit if I ever heard it. No one, not one person, has made an attempt on your life. Because unlike you, we don't want to kill anyone. You're the one complaining about there not being any deaths. The only other person who's been so upset of no one dying is the one keeping us. So make up your damn mind: Do you want us to die because you're so fucking pathetic you think everyone is out to kill you, or do you just get off on it and want to do unsavory things with our stuff? God, are you actually this stupid or demented or what? Just do us all a favor and leave us the hell alone. Just. . . Go Kellensea." His face was as red as his other side's hair. Pissed could not even describe the feelings Ranma was going through now. He's visibly trembling with it right at the moment. "Real men don't real man don't real men don't real men don't real men don't real man don't real man don't real men don't real men don't real man don't real man don't real men don't real men don't real man don't real man don't" "And about the vent situation, I wasn't trying to kill you. How many times must I get it through your thick skull? I only crawled in there to keep an eye on you! Because everytime we leave you alone, you try to kill us! You want us to leave you alone? Then stop being a fucking asshole and leave us alone and stop trying to kill us!" Ranma's just holding his head down, breathing in and out heavily. "Real men don't real man don't real men don't real men don't real men don't real man don't" He'd continue to think to himself, sweating some. Ranma's trying to calm down, because if he actually loses it, he'll only worsen Kai's condition. Once the treatment was completed, Ranma took a few more deep breaths and looked at Kai. "Kai. . . Kai, can you hear us?"

>Check his pulse Yugi Ranma
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
"Please be okay..."

Alexis bites her lip, watching Kai closely to see if the treatments have worked.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Kai doesn't look good, but his breathing and pulse are at least steady.
Come on, Kai, pull through. Pull through.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Is... is he alive?"

Komaru is watching from a distance, not DARING to fuck this up now.
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
FUCKING VELS, RANMA. The poison in the faucet was ACIDIC! I don't see Kai's flesh peeling off. IS IT PEELING OFF IN OILY CAUSTIC SHEETS? I don't think so. It's not my poison that's killing him, and quite frankly, if he does die, I suspect you, with your deceit about something "in the vents" that was going to find me and kill me and find you and kill you while you were trying to get into my OFFICE! UGH. You people. You people. I have a whole rant lined up for you later, but you keep distracting me.

>Keep looking for those who haven't turned up to deal with this madness yet.
I am the They who says it!
A body has been discovered!

It's not Kai. Anyone paying any attention to him can tell his breathing and pulse are still steady.

The computer's printing out a list of treatment recommendations to aid his long-term recovery.

>check out the body
"Oh, that's interesting."


"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Oh no...

>rush over to the body
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Ranma wasn't even paying attention to whatever the hell Kellensea was saying. "No. . ."

>Drop Kai's head on the bed and run off to find the body.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
...the one thought that comes to Kellensea's mind is "huh". Not even a particularly strong feeling, as she enters the bedrooms searching for the missing. Just a vague sense of "huh." Then an odd sense of utter smugness.

HEY DING DING DING! We've got an ACTUAL dead person here! I, Kellensea, am here to report one Ex-Rosa! Now, any of you interested in the items? Because I'm getting to that part.

>Ascertain locations of valuables.
I am the They who says it!
"Rosa?! No, shut up! Please shut up, just... where is she."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"Hell no. You're not getting any of the items! Touch the body, and I'll break that hand of yours." Ranma said to Kellensea as he ran to find the body.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.

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