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"I'm okay... I'm okay... just need to breathe... phooooo..."
Komaru looks up to Ranma, sighing. "I'm alright. Just need to, uh. Just need to lay down..."
She gets onto the floor, fetal position.
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
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03-07-2021, 06:50:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2021, 06:50:20 AM by Mr. Lee Hammer.
Edit Reason: fixed spelling
Ronnie quickly runs out, and very fast too due to all his Monster drinks and fetches Komaru a pillow.
Here, put your head on this, it will be more comfortable.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
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Ranma looks down at her, a bit concerned. "You. . . Should probably lay in your room instead of the floor. Want some help?" He asks, not really knowing how to help in this scenario.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
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"I don't wanna be alone right now."
Komaru accepts the pillow, though.
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
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"Okay. . ." Ranma sighs, leaning against the wall. What was he supposed to do? Keep staying up all night guarding until he falls asleep and someone kills? Or figure out a way to get past him and murder someone. Kellensea isn't exactly making it easy with her poison options. Ranma Saotome is completely and utterly lost on what to do. So he just sits down and tries to meditate.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
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Kellensea slightly nervously speaks up again.
So, you done planning on knifing me to death right here and now? You're coming for me in the night, or the next day via framing, or maybe, just maybe, never? I'm kind of hoping it's one of the last two, but I know none of you care what I want, so we'll see... Also, wait, you're tired? Any of you are... oh. Right. You wouldn't have that. Never mind what I say. Or mind it marginally less than you already do. Vels. Ugh. You all just... it's like you're specifically TRYING to frustrate me sometimes, but you act... nice enough. Like... Like extreme-non-adventurers, back home, like the merchants who's basements we cleanse of rats when we're young and new at our jobs, you know? Kind of... sweet, but naïve. Like you can't... Like you can't see the world quite right.
Kellensea mutters softly to herself for a bit, then finally says something again.
...Oh. I'm out of poison by the way. I used the last of it for that bomb that I was trying to make, they were explosive components that happened to be pretty nasty, remember? Feel free to check me and my horde for it, just... don't take my stuff. If you do, I will kill you, my own death be damned, because you don't take adventurer's things. And I insist that I be able to watch, to make sure you don't take anything. Look. There. Show of good faith, since you seem to be into that. I'd say you "get off to shows of good faith", but I just did in a roundabout way.
I am the They who says it!
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Just ignore her Ranma. She isn't worth it. She isn't worth the strength needed to throw her off the balcony.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
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"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
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Somehow, despite the multiple layers of armor which surely should be making it hard for her to hear...
Oh, you don't want to search, Komaru?... I'm sure the others do. Look, I'll make it easy for you all. Just... you can keep eyes on me at all times, if you want. You can search me now, if you want. You can search through my stuff... Wait. Look, I'll even give you permission to take any deadly poison you find. Okay? Then you can compare it to poison you find at the scenes of crimes, I guess. Adventurers don't normally offer out their stuff to be taken. I suggest you take advantage of this opportunity myself... Not to knife me in the ribs. Don't take advantage of this opportunity for that.
Kellensea puts her arms out, so as to allow for an easier search. She's almost theatrical in her method.
I am the They who says it!
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"No, I mean it. I trust you. Even after everything, I'm choosing to take your word for it. That's a very bad decision, but that's what it means to put your trust in someone."
"Besides, I'm wayyyyy too drained to check you in earnest."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
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Why thank you, Komaru. But I think the others are going to want to search me. They're very suspicious of me. Rightly so, I suppose. By guild and many nation's standards, I am a criminal. Not even an Adventuring-exempt criminal, though they can't stop me, even if they tried. Remind me to casually bring up what I've done to myself only to elicit shocked stares from Ranma and those like him, probably some insults regarding how I'm "No longer human" and "An aberration" or "An affront to nature" or whatever people like that call people like me to shame them, when we proudly wear those labels. Except the affront to nature one. That one is dumb, because all life is part of nature, and building artificial shit is also part of nature. You build your fortresses, your workshops, that isn't unnatural, it's parts of nature building more, different nature. Like seriously, there's city dwelling druids, they agree with me on this. It's a whole new biome, cityscape! It's... Oh, whatever. The point is, remind me to continue to bring up small details about myself that I see as ranging from kind of normal to "a bit quirky, but not too far out" to "huh yeah that's kind of weird I guess", but THESE people see as utterly insane, dangerous, erratic, evil, and other such negative adjectives. Either they'll learn to accept me and my ilk, and be better for it, or they'll prove my point about how they are little different, to the point of being willing to attempt to silence me for speaking such things.
Kellensea stops briefly, before suddenly going off on another tangent. She's still holding her arms out, apparently tirelessly, throughout the whole process. A meme-educated person might say she is T-posing to assert dominance, when in practice, it's quite clear she's T-posing to fake submissivity.
...I wish my party was here. Not the new ones, the kids... well, I say kids. Two of them are older than me. I mean my original ones. They're... competent and all, but they're not like my original party. Zharzy and Sedriel are dead, they're not coming back... but at least the other two... Sauthaiss and Lansse. Haven't talked to them since... since the night Sedriel died, I think. Vels that was... not a good funeral. Two of them, within weeks of each other. Ugh. To be back in the days when we were all active duty agents. Those were the days. You'd all probably think them as neurotic, hollow, fanatical, and unremittingly bitter respectively... and of course, all too much like me for your liking, but they... they were good friends.
She falls silent again. For how silent the silence is that comes from her when she's not speaking, to the point of even her breathing being undetectable, one certainly wouldn't think she's particularly talkative. It's almost jarring, like a lot of things about her, perhaps.
I am the They who says it!
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"Well I'm sorry what happened to your friends." Ranma said, leaning back against the wall. He meant it, but he was tired of whatever Kellensea was spewing out. "Just. . . Please knock off the poisoning and all that. I get being paranoid for your own life, and believe me I do, but unlike Cookie Monster none of us wants to take the bait. Sure, we all want to escape, you included I'm sure, but that's all the more reason to stick it to the one holding us here and get out without dropping a shed of blood. We've been doing good so far the past two nights, where no one has made an attempt on anyone's life. . ." Minus the recent poisonings Kellensea attempted.
Ranma crossed he arms, looking at her. " Trust me when I say this, I don't want anyone here to die. That includes you Kellensea. We're all tired of this and want to get out of here. We're all in this together, whether we like each other or not. However, we all have a common enemy we need to beat: the host of this demented killing game. So. . ." Ranma holds out his hand towards Kellensea for a handshake. " How about we wait the fighting for now and work together to get out. No one gets left behind." Quit the fighting. Ironic words coming from Ranma "punched a man in the face about an hour or so ago" Saotome. He still meant what he said. As a man and a martial artist, it's his job to protect people from harm and get them out of this hellhole.
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Sure. Work together against me. Very cool idea. Do you have an actual plan for that, or are you just going to see how irritated I get when you waste my time?
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"You're still here?!" Ranma shouts, a bit flabbergasted to see the host standing there still.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
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". . . Well, that's not creepy at all. But whatever, continue wasting your time with this little game. You'll only be disappointed when you finally realize no one here is going to kill anyone."
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
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Alexis, during all of this, has just kind of slumped down against the wall. One might think this was out of frustration, but closer inspection would show she's... simply fallen asleep. Whoops, maybe staying up all night in the Admin room hadn't been a great idea. Though it might be for the best she had slept through more of Kellensea's ramblings about adventuring and how much more awesome she thought she was than everyone else.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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Meanwhile, Ronnie ran around the whole building several times, as he felt way too perked up from all the Monsters, but not that it matters. As he's always so wired up, he always has to do something. Even mentally too as he, in his own words, says his brain works faster than his mind.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
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Bow is meanwhile tiredly eating some berries to herself in the cafeteria. This whole thing has exhausted her, and after her snack, she will probably catch up on some well-deserved sleep.
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Ranma sighs and tried to relax. Key word being try, because in between the snoring from Alexis and the sounds of Ronnie's feet pitter patter outside, Ranma was getting increasingly annoyed. He stood up with the same aggrieved mien, walked to where Ronnie was running around like a bat out of hell, and hold his leg out to trip him.
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For clarity, Ronnie is only running "around" the building in a metaphorical sense; he can't be running around outside because the only known way to get outside is the balcony.
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Ronnie was still running around the building, when suddenly he goes past the balcony and he falls hard on his face, with his glasses sliding away from his face. He crawls to pick up his glasses and wonders what made him fall and he notices Ranma's leg sticking out. He assertively walks up to Ranma to tear him a new one.
What the hell was that? I'm just trying to get some exercise and you had to ruin it. Was getting good cardio and you screwed me all up. Don't trip people like that! What if I threw a banana at your feet while you practiced your martial arts? That would stupid of me to do and you just showed how stupid you are., he says the last sentence as Ronnie shoved the martial artist.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
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Ranma got shoved back a small bit, unfazed mostly. "Well, yes. But also you could've hurt someone with how fast you were running. Seriously, how the hell did you even managed to go that fast??"
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You sure do seem to have it out for me ever since I got here. You wanna me for some reason and I don't know why. We're both trying to stop the killers around here and you sure seem to love picking a fight with me. And I'm not the enemy here, you know.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
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"I know! I'm just trying to prevent people from killing either each others, or getting themselves killed!" Ranma shouted, gripping a fist lightly.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.