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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
Ranma gave a light shrug. "Guess time doesn't fly by so fast when you aren't used to pulling all nighters-" He'd notice Monika walking around looking for bodies. "I doubt someone's dead. Us three has been staying here for the whole night."
Oh... I was sleeping all night, so I must have missed that... My bad... Hehe...
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Alexis comes out of her bedroom, yawning. Despite not having been on guard duty, she still hadn't slept great.

"So, that's... several people accounted for, at least." she muses, noting the others gathered already.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Yeah. . . You might want to avoid using the kitchen sink for a while. Kellensea put poison in the faucet first night here, and Kai got hurt. He's fine now."
"Maybe we should do a headcount anyway, just in case?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"

>Do a headcount
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"She... put poison in the faucet..."

And... Alexis adds something else to her ever-growing list of notes on Kellensea.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Yeah, that's probably a good point Komaru."

>Ranma's gonna "politely" kick open doors and take a head count.
"Are you really surprised Alexis? She also put them in the drinks, so I threw out all the drinks over the balcony." Ranma says in the midst of kicking open doors.
Monika ponders about the absurdity of the events described to her...

...I'm not even going to ask what happened last night. No wait... That could be useful information for the investigations later... What happened last night exactly, apart from you patrolling and Kellensea doing... that with the sink?
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"Not surprised, really."

The drinks are also now mentioned on the notes.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Well, I saw people leaving their rooms and followed suit. That's when I bumped into Komaru and Bow, who informed me of Kai's accident. After that, Kai and Kellensea left, and me, Komaru and Haruka decided to guard the dorm hall to see if anyone tries to pull a Cookie Monster."
"Well, last night, I got hungry. So I went out to the kitchen for a bite to eat. Bow was there, she was inspecting the sink because, uh... ohjeez. Kai lost his finger to it. That's because of the poison. After talking about it for a bit, we got scared about Kai and Haruka being alone together so we went out to meet them. On the way over, we met Ranma in the halls, so we explained everything to him. And after that, Kai and Haruka met us, with Kellensea behind them. Is that about right?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"As for me, last night I took some food back to my room and just... stayed there. There were a couple of other things I kind of wanted to do, but... also some people I'm not sure I wanted to run into."

Alexis made a mental note that if any bodies were found, she'd get the printouts from Admin again and see how it lined up with everyone's stories. For now, though, she made note of what Ranma and Komaru were saying about the night's events.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Kellensea walks in. No such luck of her being stabbed to death in the vents last night.

Is anyone dead? Kai isn't, even though he has dead-person ideas like sticking his finger in a faucet, cutting it off, and melting it. Vels, why would ANYONE do that without poking it with a long stick first? Anyway, utter madness of others aside, I'm fine, I'm sure you're happy to hear.
I am the They who says it!
NO, Komaru, treat others how you want to be treated. Golden rule! Wipe that upset, mildly scared look off your face! Take control of yourself!

"... Goood morning, Kellensea."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"Aw yes, I always poke the sink with a stick Everytime I want a glass of water." Unlike Komaru, Ranma wasn't hiding his chagrin with Kellensea.
"I think another good question is, why would you put poison in the sink in the first place?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
"... I think you know the answer to that."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"I have my suspicions, but I want to hear it from her."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"She told us last night. It was to kill. It would probably never be able to be tied back to her either, so she'd have gotten away with it."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Hey, you don't see me visibly and audibly judging you for not putting poison in the sink. But yes, Komaru is correct, the intent was that a few days later, one of you would be like "damn I want tap water" and drink it and then you would not have internal organs anymore, and I would pack up all my stuff and go out that door over there a champion.

Kellensea seems to actually be shocked about the looks of judgement, though it's not entirely clear whether she's genuinely confused as to why this is an issue, or merely faking it because she doesn't get people thinking it's an issue and she wants to shame them.
I am the They who says it!
"Guess you'll have to find a different way to get away with murder now that your little secret's out, huh?"

Alexis... just hoped the sodas from the vending machine were okay, even if they were a bit... mocking.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Why would you give her that challenge?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"Like she wouldn't have done it anyway. Hell, maybe she has." Alexis shrugs. "Though if someone turns out dissolved or poisoned or something, we'll at least have a suspect. Or someone stupid enough to try and frame an insane person."
Stupid doomed timeline...

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