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LETS GOOOOOOOO (General hangout thread)
Don't you call this a regular jam
I'm gonna rock this land
I'm gonna take this itty-bitty world by storm
And I'm just getting warm
Just like Muhammad Ali, they called him Cassius
Watch me bash this beat like a skull
Don'tcha know I had beef wit'
Why do you riff with me, a maniac psycho
And when I pull out my jammy, get ready 'cause it might go
Blauh! How ya like me now?
The ripper will not allow
You to get wit' Mr. Smith don't riff
Listen to my gear shift
I'm blastin', outlastin'
Kinda like shaft, so you could say I'm shaftin'
Olde English filled my mind
And I came up with a funky rhyme!
I can't think of anything clever.
I like the Pompeii one and Spunch Bob.

Grubhub can die in a fire and I still want to stab salad lady in the eye with her own fork.
Stupid doomed timeline...
I love Ruler of Everything memes
also I have started watching Community on Netflix :o

keep hearing good things about it so hey let's gooooooo :P
Stupid doomed timeline...
everyone talks about Morshu, but can we please get some love for Ushrom?

A while back, when I sucked at PHP (yes, I did know some PHP here and there, but my skills bordered on novice - and still do -), I messed around with MyBB's code in an attempt to create a tool not unlike the troll post crusher on TV Tropes - deletes every user's post in a thread.

I was never going to actually use it (of course), but it still posed an interesting challenge. I ended up asking a few people what they wanted it called, and I got mixed results. Some people wanted to call it "teh Nuker", and others wanted to call it "the Purifier" after a running joke in the forum that "Zarya will purify your soul" and that a spammer got Purified.

One thing led to another and I eventually decided to compromise, calling it... "teh Purifier". And no, the "teh" is not optional. Eventually, I ended up with something that would say "This post has been cleansed by TEH PURIFIER."

... what am I saying, anyway? Who knows.
Temptation lies in the forbidden. Some doors must never be opened.
oh yeah crush those posts

...idk either except of course I actually do because I actually know what I am talking about like 92% of the time
Stupid doomed timeline...
I've been thinking about making a custom red CSS for TroubleCube. The problem is, I'm lazy and I need to brush up on my CSS knowledge.

edit: punctuation will be the death of me
Temptation lies in the forbidden. Some doors must never be opened.
I have a cat curled up on my bed...

(yes, of course it's Dusty, who else would it be lol)
Stupid doomed timeline...
I can't think of anything clever.
(02-23-2021, 19:29:07 PM)Kennifer Wrote: I have a cat curled up on my bed...

(yes, of course it's Dusty, who else would it be lol)

Temptation lies in the forbidden. Some doors must never be opened.
Dusty is very cute and I adore her so much.

still can't believe she's gonna be 8 years old the start of April lol
Stupid doomed timeline...
hm today i will restart my compulsive avatar changing
idk what I'd change to if I changed mine

probably another Kennifer picrew lol
Stupid doomed timeline...
Dusty why are you so

l a z y

Stupid doomed timeline...
dusty just vibin
omg awwwwwwww... treadmill kitty...
Stupid doomed timeline...
only 20 minutes until i can yeet myself onto the bus
Dusty is doing food a CRONCH.

why are food crunching noises annoying when a human does them but adorable when a cat does them lol
Stupid doomed timeline...
Everything is adorable when a cat does it.

Even taking a fat shit.
I love cats, but there are just some times where you can see that they've got brains the size of walnuts. Like a cat walking on a treadmill that stops to lick itself.
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
Cats are hilarious and adorable and I love every single one of them.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Hilarious, adorable walnut-brains.
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?

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