It may have been delayed nearly a full month by the move to here, but nearly everything is ready. All that remains... is you.
-RECORDING: Alliance Post #114, (Listed Holder: F. Keyes) 1:32 PM Earth time, 15:43 AM Local time. Recording recovered from Impounded Alliance Vessel (Reg No. #12-538-SZT-TBH)
Well. We've unpacked everything, everything iss sset up. All that remainss iss to round up the people on thiss lisst.
But Sendri, mah weapons only arrived yesterday, Ah haven't marked the crates on the register yet!
You'll have time. We'll all have time. Liwari, get the guardss together. We're ssetting thiss place up properly thiss time. And for the love of all that iss ssane, don't ssign Keyes's petition, you're only giving her attention that she doessn't need. Floran doess NOT need her bothering uss about "terraforming the planet into a ski resort", which, for the record, iss not her dumbesst idea ever, and that ssayss ssomething about the quality of the resst of them.
Yess, Sendri! Floran won't!
Good. Right. Okay. Ssure. Now, obvioussly thiss won't be broadcasst, sso, one of you deal with the broadcasst tower, preferably without desstroying it, it lookss REALLY nice. One of you finish cleaning up Keyes's mess in the bar, and one of you, note down all your betss. Oh, and we really should ssend out those ssearch teamss like... now. Call it in.
On it. I assume you don't want them broken before they get here, of course. But don't expect them in PERFECT condition. Don't worry, don't worry, I'll make sure they don't remember. Keep them fresh and all.
Excellent! We're sset to go.
Yes indeed, it's here. There are 14 slots. For those of you who don't know the rules, they're in the main thread (which will remain locked until the day of the game beginning, and will go up shortly after this one does.)
And so... it begins.
Signups are open!
1: Rebel Cookie, played by TheGeekArtist08. (He's experienced with this sort of thing.)
2: Shin Amon, played by Zanreo. (A Yakuza is like a Mafia, right? You'll fit right in.)
3: Gary Busey, played by MatthewLM. (Agent 47 couldn't kill him. We'll see if the Alliance fares better.)
4: Cool Sendri, played by MadameButterflyKnife. (YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD.)
5: Holly, played by Kennifer. (Not part of the science team, but don't fuck with her.) DEAD: It came as quite a shock. White Hat Gunslinger.
6: Dr. Explosionface Willkillyou, played by TalesofUnder. (Has Dr. as his first name.)
7: Sam-I-Am, played by Dookie. (Has disavowed Senator Ted Cruz for missing the point of his book.)
8: Stezzai Thofee, played by Huney. (Goblins are the gnomes of evil, much as halflings are the kobolds of good.) DEAD: Her eyes and everything else were glazed over. Medic.
9: Model 2-E, played by Madface7. (It's only a model.)
10: Loona, played by Kafkaesque. (Haven't we seen you here before?)
11: Selen(ium), played by Pointmaid. (Burns cleaner than normal Selenium, presumably.)
12: Mettaton, played by Goose007. (it's an ANGRY calculator.) DEAD: This Quisling got Quizzed out. Black Hat Gunslinger.
13: Billionaire Killer Mark February, played by wingedcatgirl. (How many lives must be patented before his bloodlust is sated?!) DEAD: One, apparently. Victim of Circumstance.
14: Monaca Towa, played by Despair's Archon of Memes. (Unrelated to the DDLC Monika. Probably.)
Replacements: (You can sign up after the last slot is filled. You will be added to the replacement list, and will be dropped in if someone wants to drop out.)
-RECORDING: Alliance Post #114, (Listed Holder: F. Keyes) 1:32 PM Earth time, 15:43 AM Local time. Recording recovered from Impounded Alliance Vessel (Reg No. #12-538-SZT-TBH)
Well. We've unpacked everything, everything iss sset up. All that remainss iss to round up the people on thiss lisst.
But Sendri, mah weapons only arrived yesterday, Ah haven't marked the crates on the register yet!
You'll have time. We'll all have time. Liwari, get the guardss together. We're ssetting thiss place up properly thiss time. And for the love of all that iss ssane, don't ssign Keyes's petition, you're only giving her attention that she doessn't need. Floran doess NOT need her bothering uss about "terraforming the planet into a ski resort", which, for the record, iss not her dumbesst idea ever, and that ssayss ssomething about the quality of the resst of them.
Yess, Sendri! Floran won't!
Good. Right. Okay. Ssure. Now, obvioussly thiss won't be broadcasst, sso, one of you deal with the broadcasst tower, preferably without desstroying it, it lookss REALLY nice. One of you finish cleaning up Keyes's mess in the bar, and one of you, note down all your betss. Oh, and we really should ssend out those ssearch teamss like... now. Call it in.
On it. I assume you don't want them broken before they get here, of course. But don't expect them in PERFECT condition. Don't worry, don't worry, I'll make sure they don't remember. Keep them fresh and all.
Excellent! We're sset to go.
Yes indeed, it's here. There are 14 slots. For those of you who don't know the rules, they're in the main thread (which will remain locked until the day of the game beginning, and will go up shortly after this one does.)
And so... it begins.
Signups are open!
1: Rebel Cookie, played by TheGeekArtist08. (He's experienced with this sort of thing.)
2: Shin Amon, played by Zanreo. (A Yakuza is like a Mafia, right? You'll fit right in.)
3: Gary Busey, played by MatthewLM. (Agent 47 couldn't kill him. We'll see if the Alliance fares better.)
4: Cool Sendri, played by MadameButterflyKnife. (YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD.)
5: Holly, played by Kennifer. (Not part of the science team, but don't fuck with her.) DEAD: It came as quite a shock. White Hat Gunslinger.
6: Dr. Explosionface Willkillyou, played by TalesofUnder. (Has Dr. as his first name.)
7: Sam-I-Am, played by Dookie. (Has disavowed Senator Ted Cruz for missing the point of his book.)
8: Stezzai Thofee, played by Huney. (Goblins are the gnomes of evil, much as halflings are the kobolds of good.) DEAD: Her eyes and everything else were glazed over. Medic.
9: Model 2-E, played by Madface7. (It's only a model.)
10: Loona, played by Kafkaesque. (Haven't we seen you here before?)
11: Selen(ium), played by Pointmaid. (Burns cleaner than normal Selenium, presumably.)
12: Mettaton, played by Goose007. (it's an ANGRY calculator.) DEAD: This Quisling got Quizzed out. Black Hat Gunslinger.
13: Billionaire Killer Mark February, played by wingedcatgirl. (How many lives must be patented before his bloodlust is sated?!) DEAD: One, apparently. Victim of Circumstance.
14: Monaca Towa, played by Despair's Archon of Memes. (Unrelated to the DDLC Monika. Probably.)
Replacements: (You can sign up after the last slot is filled. You will be added to the replacement list, and will be dropped in if someone wants to drop out.)
I am the They who says it!