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Writer's Block and Worldbuilding Thread
Been thinking about the strucure of my screenplay and how everything will fit out. Some of the times I've actually gone back to the things I started on, but others I am not so sure about.

I legitimately think that Autumn might be starting to be a bit too insane at points, given that she is so jealous of Liz by the 5/8 mark that it's probably more likely to consider her the protagonist, and Autumn to be one of the main antagonists...
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.

Messages In This Thread
Writer's Block and Worldbuilding Thread - by Whistle - 03-02-2021, 22:41:49 PM
RE: Writer's Block and Worldbuilding Thread - by Whistle - 03-04-2021, 00:01:27 AM
RE: Writer's Block and Worldbuilding Thread - by Guma - 03-09-2021, 15:08:40 PM

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