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So I Know What You're Thinking, It's Yet Another Murdergame
[Image: download20221105164828.png]

Name: Darryl Meeks

Appearance/Pic: Picture above. 6'4, 220 lbs., shaved brown hair, green eyes, black cap, yellow polo shirt, tan slacks and black shoes.

Gender/Pronouns: Golfer

Age: 40

Abilities: He can handle himself in a fight. While short-tempered and headstrong, he can throw punches with the best of them. He also has a determination to keep coming back for more even when he really shouldn't go back for more. Which explains why he's still managed to keep his career going as a professional golfer despite the fact he's absolutely terrible at it.

Other: Speaks in this color, less greener than the fairways, but looks nice.
I like bananas. They're yellow.

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RE: So I Know What You're Thinking, It's Yet Another Murdergame - by Mr. Lee Hammer - 01-18-2023, 02:30:22 AM

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