02-19-2021, 00:42:13 AM
>Himiko: 4
The bat can be found in the training area in the roof. Using the bat, Himiko is able to bash the heads of the canivorous plants.
>Tim: 3
The chainsaw may work against trees, but the vast vines and armor of the plants make them more resistant. Tim IS able to create several noticable gashes in the plants, but not enough to cause significant damage...
>Mickey: 4
Despite the vast roots of the plants, Mickey is still able to pull out the smaller plants.
>Jui: 5
Surprisingly, Jui's sharp claws are very adept at slashing at the plants. Jui goes completely cat-scratch and creates many gashes and wounds in the plants, causing them to bleed from their stems.
>Jocelyn: 1
When Jocelyn attempts to stab the plant, a vine from a plant grabs her by the ankles and trips her. The vine also proceeds to grab the knife and feed it to one of the carnivorous plants.
Did you honestly think that'd actually work?
>Delilah: 6
The fireball manages to set the plants ablaze! Unfortunately, the yard's tarp also starts going on fire as well...
>Aichi: 4
Blaster Blade may be a bit small in the relation to the plants, but he still gets the job done! The sword actually does some decent damage!
>Sanae: 5
It seems that the star-shaped danmaku is just as effective on these plants as they are in Spell Card duels...
Spell Cards... Most interesting...
>Anabelle: 6
The sharp shard manages to pierce and slice theĀ of the plants. Anabelle is actually targeted by one of the heads of the carnivorous plants. Fortunately, she's able to drive the shard and decapitate the stem and cut the head, but not before receiving a bite by one of them.
>Gaea: 5
The Mini-swarms are quickly able to envelop many of the heads of the carnivorous plants. The swarms also spread to clean up the sliced and detatched parts of the plants as well.
>Akira: 5
Critical Hit! The Star Beam ricochets around the heads of the carnivorous plants, and the overload of energy causes the plants's proteins to denature, significantly weakening the plants.
The bat can be found in the training area in the roof. Using the bat, Himiko is able to bash the heads of the canivorous plants.
>Tim: 3
The chainsaw may work against trees, but the vast vines and armor of the plants make them more resistant. Tim IS able to create several noticable gashes in the plants, but not enough to cause significant damage...
>Mickey: 4
Despite the vast roots of the plants, Mickey is still able to pull out the smaller plants.
>Jui: 5
Surprisingly, Jui's sharp claws are very adept at slashing at the plants. Jui goes completely cat-scratch and creates many gashes and wounds in the plants, causing them to bleed from their stems.
>Jocelyn: 1
When Jocelyn attempts to stab the plant, a vine from a plant grabs her by the ankles and trips her. The vine also proceeds to grab the knife and feed it to one of the carnivorous plants.
Did you honestly think that'd actually work?
>Delilah: 6
The fireball manages to set the plants ablaze! Unfortunately, the yard's tarp also starts going on fire as well...
>Aichi: 4
Blaster Blade may be a bit small in the relation to the plants, but he still gets the job done! The sword actually does some decent damage!
>Sanae: 5
It seems that the star-shaped danmaku is just as effective on these plants as they are in Spell Card duels...
Spell Cards... Most interesting...
>Anabelle: 6
The sharp shard manages to pierce and slice theĀ of the plants. Anabelle is actually targeted by one of the heads of the carnivorous plants. Fortunately, she's able to drive the shard and decapitate the stem and cut the head, but not before receiving a bite by one of them.
>Gaea: 5
The Mini-swarms are quickly able to envelop many of the heads of the carnivorous plants. The swarms also spread to clean up the sliced and detatched parts of the plants as well.
>Akira: 5
Critical Hit! The Star Beam ricochets around the heads of the carnivorous plants, and the overload of energy causes the plants's proteins to denature, significantly weakening the plants.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...