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[Roleplay - Drop-in] Murder-Free II: The City's Portaling Revengeance
Hotel: Lobby

Sounds terrible. "Peaceful" always implies something bad is on the horizon. But you aren't from my world, at least. I have... a list of powerful enemies that reaches a bit farther than most people's, I think. Elrai of Morvyn, Tivraiss Krakenbane, (why she blames ME for killing her mom I don't know. We weren't even involved in that.) I'm pretty sure I've burned my bridge with Azhi... ah, but you don't care, and that doesn't matter right now, since, according to you, you're not from mine, and I don't think anyone would come up with such outrageous lies as how you describe the shape of yours... how does that even work? The point is is that we have a dragon (or possibly an elf) connected to organized crime in our midst, and you're just okay with this?... Ah, I suppose you tolerate me, which is more than I can say for well-on half these people, but nonetheless!

Bizarre tangent about her enemies aside, Kellensea seems to have calmed down a bit with the statement of the shape of the world... when...

Wait, why would you bring up the shape of your world if you've not left it and been to others?

And she draws her axe again...

Oh wait, this whole "kidnapped across realities and kill-or-be-killed thing". Hm. I'll have you know that if you are going to backstab me you should do that because I am very vulnerable and weak to such things. This is not a trick and you should do it the first chance you get if that is your intent, because it will end very well for you.

She rehooks her axe with her enormous array of weapons concealed in between layers of armor.
I am the They who says it!

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RE: Murder-Free II: The Portaling Revengeance - by Florien - 09-03-2021, 08:26:35 AM

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