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Poll: (NON-BINDING) Allow non-fatal elimination events? TVT HGS bans them, for reference.
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I'll quit if they're allowed.
0 0%
I'd prefer they be forbidden.
6 25.00%
I don't really care.
11 45.83%
I'd prefer they be allowed.
7 29.17%
I'll quit if they're forbidden.
0 0%
Total 24 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

Hunger Games Simulator - Trouble Cube Edition
Event dump of 30

* (Player1) kick(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) off a bridge. [TypeA2] plummet(s/s//s/2) to [typeC2] (death/death/death/death/deaths2). (P1 kills P2)
* (Player1) kick(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) off a bridge. [TypeA2] survive(s/s/s/s/2), only to get killed by (Player3). (P3 kills P2)
* (Player1) paint(s/s/s/s/1) a rainbow with the blood of (Player2) after killing [typeB2]. (P1 kills P2)
* (Player1), (Player2), (Player3) and (Player4) surround (Player5) on a high-rise bridge. (Player5) kick(s/s/s/s/1) (Player3) off the bridge and escape(s/s/s/s/1). (P5 kills P3)
* (Player1) pulverise(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) with a chainsaw. (P1 kills P2)
* (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3) provoke (Player4) in [typeC4] sleep. (Player4) wake(s/s/s/s/4) up and kill(s/s/s/s/4) all of them. (Triple kill for P4)

* (Player1) throw(s/s/s/s/1) a mug at (Player2).
* (Player1) and (Player2) make cookies together. (also Feast)
* (Player1) distribute(s/s/s/s/1) cookies to all the other tributes. (also Feast)
* (Player1) criticise(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) for crying at a TV drama, then [typeA1] watch(es/es//es/1) it later and cr(ies/ies/y/ies/y1).
* (Player1) charge(s/s/s/s/1) towards (Player2) from behind, but [typeA2] kick(s/s//s/2) [typeB1] in the face.
* (Player1) kick(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) off a bridge. [TypeA2] survive(s/s//s/2).
* (Player1) ask(s/s/s/s/1) what "WTF" means. (Player2) repl(ies/ies/ies/ies/y2) "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday".
* (Player1) ask(s/s/s/s/1) what "WTAF" means. (Player2) repl(ies/ies/ies/ies/y2) "Wednesday, Thursday and Friday".
* (Player1) smack(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) on the back. (Player2) scream(s/s/s/s/2) at [typeB2] in response.
* (Player1) and (Player2) have a pillow fight. (Player3) tell(s/s/s/s/3) them to go back to sleep. (Night-only)
* (Player1) reminisce(s/s/s/s/1) one of [typeC1] old phases.
* (Player1) interrupt(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) before [typeA2] can start singing again.
* (Player1) say(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) took everything from [typeB1]. (Player2) repl(ies/ies/ies/ies/y2) that [typeA2] doesn't even know who [typeA1] is.
* (Player1) and (Player2) play a board game. (Player1) flip(s/s/s/s/1) the board in rage when [typeA1] lose(s/s//s/1).
* (Player1) and (Player2) play Scrabble. (Player1) spell(s/s/s/s/1) out "YEET". When (Player2) ask(s/s/s/s/2) what it means, (Player1) exclaim(s/s/s/s/1) "YEET!" as [typeA1] flip(s/s/s/s/1) the game board towards [typeB2].
* (Player1)'s sanity is on low supply.
* (Player1) tr(ies/ies/ies/ies/y1) [typeC1] best to block out the screams, but they're haunting [typeB1] in [typeC1] dreams. (not night-exclusive)
* (Player1) give(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) a box, but it turns out to be empty, like (Player2)'s (heart/heart/heart/heart/hearts2).
* (Player1) write(s/s/s/s/1) a fanfic about being an animal.
* (Player1) write(s/s/s/s/1) a fanfic about being (Player2).
* (Player1) speak(s/s/s/s/1) in riddles and [typeA1]'s plotting to destroy. (Also Bloodbath)
* (Player1) give(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) a bar of soap.
* (Player1) visit(s/s/s/s/1) the last fallen tribute's grave and then flee(s/s/s/s/1) when [typeA1] think(s/s//s/1) [typeA1] see(s/s//s/1) a ghost.
* (Player1) accidentally talk(s/s/s/s/1) about soap, causing [typeD1] to freeze up. [TypeA1] tr(ies/ies/y/ies/y1) warning (Player2) against saying "soap", but the latter say(s/s/s/s/1) it twice, triggering (Player1) to suddenly swallow [typeB2] whole. (Player3), aware of (Player1)'s condition, make(s/s/s/s/3) a face at [typeB1] to puke (Player2) out.

Not great nor grave. Just grey.


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RE: Hunger Games Simulator - Trouble Cube Edition - by BlackFaithStar - 03-05-2022, 05:20:16 AM

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