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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
Bow slowly approaches Alexis, making sure that her friend is OK.
Alexis reaches out to show yeah, she's... well, maybe not OK, but at least alive and mostly unbroken.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Because you're Kellensea. You've proven that you have no problems using murder and bullcrap sacrifice rituals as a method to solve issues. And frankly because you're an ignorant asshat. So if you did happen to do that, would anyone be surprised? And it's not that I can't argue with you as long as I want. I've had arguments went on for days, so I can. It's just, you're really not worth it as much as you think arguing with us is. So go ahead and keep haggling the host and fail. Just don't be surprised when he says no. Or even if he says yes, you won't be able to drop a smidge of blood. Now keep wasting your time arguing why we should murder and how the Kellensea way in life is the right way. Go on, that'll really show us." Ranma said, before also sitting down, closing his eyes to meditate. Or at the least tune out to whatever long argument Kellensea is planning, responding with simply "Uh-huh" to whatever words come out of her mouth.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
... So you gonna do it or what?

There's a glowing pink woman floating in the air near the host. She appears to be carrying a box of popcorn.

You've been, uh... floating there silently for a while.

The host continues floating there silently.

... Dude? Guy? New host person who I never gave a name and am increasingly regretting that fact right now? You okay?
Errr... you're new.

Bow tilts her head quizzically at the host.

Who even are you?
Ooh, we've got a stonewaller here. I love stonewallers like you. By doing this, you concede your position has no merit, but you're too cowardly to retreat. Also, again, what the fuck, are you saying people with weird sex things are automatically ignorant and awful? Like, everyone else, I'm going to need to get you to confirm this shit. Like, this is not okay. And yeah, I have no problem solving issues with violence, because again, people like you can't EVER name an issue violence doesn't solve. It's not necessarily the BEST solution every time, but it's always a SOL-U-TION. Like, other people, I challenge you, I DEFY you, to come up with a problem which can't be solved with violence. Ranma here's obviously too afraid of being outcompeted to try it, but if your worldview is so much more valid than mine, you'd obviously have some scenario which can't be solved with violence, something sapient life can do that makes it more worth preserving, SOMETHING that invalidates me. But... I don't think you do. I think you're, to coin a phrase "wrong". I don't believe you were deceived maliciously. Just that maybe, maybe, somewhere along the way, you came to weird conclusions which other people also came to. I have reasons for my views, but yours? Yours are, as near as I can tell "my friends have those views, my family has those views, therefore, I must have the same views because that's the way it's always been done." Fucking test your views once in a while! Views are a science, as much as arcana, as much as physics, as much as biology! SO TEST YOUR ASSUMPTIONS! I... WHAT THE FUCK A SECOND OH SHIT FUCK

Kellensea suddenly realizes that there's a second host figure.

You, I don't know if you're that guy's boss or what, but could you authorize me to kill and release me without a trial? Because this one's just been stuck there for like a couple hours actually, and I kind of want confirmation whether or not I can get special conditions for myself. Uhh... also could you like, torture Ranma for a while? In horrific fashion? While I'm asking?
I am the They who says it!
Alexis just kind of... blinks at the pink woman. What was going on???
Stupid doomed timeline...
And he's just going to ignore that comment Kellensea made because he's wasting his breath. " Seriously, how many people are running these- Nevermind. Do we have to fight you to leave or what?"
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Monika comes back to the others while a fruitless search for computers... She then promptly notices the new host.

Um... Hey there.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Bakugo, after cooking and eating his dish of spiciness, decides to return down below, and heads for the Abandoned Gym to >See if the equipment is usable.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
...Is my asking questions the key to escape? Because this host isn't responding either. I'm going to keep asking for special conditions to the inevitable third and final host, maybe they'll explode and make an exit portal. Oh, while I'm asking questions, could you, second host, help me out here and you know, try to understand my point of view here, and maybe agree with it or at least tell the others that my stance on the matter is a perfectly valid one and they shouldn't be shaming me for being myself?
I am the They who says it!
"Or maybe even the hosts here can see what a stupid idea that is, but hey, you do you. . ." Ranma mumbled quietly under his breath, looking to the sidelines.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
It's his game, she says, shrugging. He's the one who decides things like that. I was trying to let him run it on his own... The whole point of this exercise was that he could do it without needing anything from me. Except like a million whiny linkpearl calls, apparently...

And yes, the equipment in the gym is still usable.
Ranma crossed his arms with a slight smirk. So like I said before, his killing game was a bust."
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Bow is now trying to get the other host to talk.

Er... hello? Can you hear me? Do you want to continue profiting from our despair or what?
Ughh, you mean you don't have jurisdiction, but here your subordinate is, being a fucking failure?! I bet he can't even reopen the portal on his own! UGH! Just... UGH! So I'll have to wait for you to fix whatever's broken in him, or can you just reassume jurisdiction, and grant my request a yes-no response? Because really... wait, this is your plan, right, the memory harvesting thing? I have a better idea that you could try for it, assuming you're open to hearing it.
I am the They who says it!
Monika turns to The Host.

...Why are you even doing this? Gaining power from memories, that is? Is there some sort of ulterior motive with this?
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Bakugo decides to beef up using the Abandoned Gym's equipment, going with the logic that it'll be more effective than using the equipment that was available back in his room.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
"...fucking emotion-feeding memory-harvesting despair-inducing weirdos..."

Alexis just sits and rubs her temples.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Uhh... so yeah, your guy is stuck, you going to like, perform percussive maitinence or you going to take over or... uhh... what? What's the plan here, new host? Because at this point I'm just kind of confused how to proceed. Like, do you WANT me to kill someone, or...
I am the They who says it!
At Kellensea's suggestoin of "percussive maintenance", the pink woman taps the host in the head a few times

whereupon he explodes into a million tiny motes of light.

... what the fuck. She holds out a hand, and the sparkles flow into her, presumably absorbed. ... okay?? I guess this might as well happen.

She waves a hand and the vortex reappears. Just... go. You weren't killing each other anyway, the game was totally wedged. I'll figure out what to do with you all later...
".....wait what?"

[Haruka's been speechless the entire time, but whatever the headmistress is doing... It's baffling enough to get her talking again.]

"...are you saying that we can go home, or..?"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Ranma's just standing there with a confused expression on his face. ". . . What. . . Wait, what? How do we know this isn't a trap or something, or a gateway to hell or something that leads to our death or eternal suffering?"
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
WHAT!? NO! I wanted to kill Bakugo and Ranma and the fox thing and maybe Alexis and probably just end up killing Kai with how he walked into my traps twice.

Kellensea sounds outright sad.

Well... I guess I should... No, I'll save my idea. A great bargaining chip for the future, should we... end up in a situation like this. With you. Again. Not like you can pry it out of me, as powerful as you are... I think... May I please at least kill someone consequence free? Come on, at very least let me... bludgeon someone, I don't know. I'll tell you my awesome idea if... oh, never mind.

She mournfully looks at the portal.

Ugh. Hopefully you have some sane people in there, because if you don't, I'm going to be frustrated.
I am the They who says it!
"Okay, on second thought, this is better." Ranma said with a chuckle, glad to see Kellensea throwing a small fit over not being able to kill any of them.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.

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