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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
Starboard, but also my... six? That implies that I'm in an airship, and also my back and left are under attack! BAIL BAIL BAIL I'D RATHER FIGHT ON THE GROUND! Over.
I am the They who says it!
"For once, I agree with Kellensea. Fighting on the ground is much more preferred and more manly." Ranma said with a grin on her face.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Abandon ship! Abandon ship! Grab your chute and jump ship! Over!

Bow is having way too much fun with this.
Alexis just... stands there and laughs.

It feels really good to relieve the tension, holy shit.
Stupid doomed timeline...
MAYDAY! MAYDAY! I'm going down! This is Brown Eevee, signing out!

Bow then mimics radio static and laughs some more.
Alright, I'm just going to... go down there. My feather falling thing is... probably working, right? Eh, worst case I break several limbs and get a concussion and die from falling about twenty feet. Actually... One second.

>Grab the sharpened stakes from the office and use them to climb down, then look around beneath the cloud layer.
I am the They who says it!
"Ha ha. . . OH right, we were going to do that thing." Ranma cleared her throat and fastened the rope around her waist. "Can one of you hold this? I don't think I can tie this to anything."
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
>Make sure that the walkie-talkies work
Yep. Well, some of them need their batteries replaced, but enough of them work.

>See if her necklace of feather falling is active. [Kellensea]
Something's a little off about it, but it seems like it should work properly in this context.

>She quickly looks around for anything she can tie the rope to. [Ranma]
The balcony railing seems an obvious guess.

>Grab the sharpened stakes from the office and use them to climb down, then look around beneath the cloud layer. [Kellensea]
This would seem on its face to be physically implausible, what with stabbing wood repeatedly into a brick building. Somehow it totally works anyway. Because it's convenient to the plot.
Oh, wait, nevermind. Ranma ties the other end of the rope to the railing, and began climbing down.

>Join Kellensea into the abyss below them.
Okay... Just give us the signal when you reach the bottom. Okay?
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Ranma rappels down the side of the building into the abyss.
Komaru approaches behind Monika and calls out.

"Don't die, Ranma!"
Alexis will attempt to watch without accidentally falling off the balcony.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Everyone's walkie-talkies crackle to life. "This is Brown Eevee coming in. Over."
Brown Eevee, do you copy? This is Colonel Monika Salvato, over.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Copy back. I'm currently on standby in Storage; waiting for any interesting developments from Ranma and Kellensea. Over.
"oh this is the first time I heard your name I think salvato that's nice"

"Corporal Naegi reporting, all clear up here, what's it look like down there?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"... Over."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
> Grab a walkie-talkie if I haven't already
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Anyone with thumbs willing to help me out? Over.
"Hey, Brown Eevee, this is Alexis, I couldn't come up with a codename but I'm on my way. Over."

Alexis will
>Head to storage to see what Bow needs help with.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Everyone who has a walkie-talkie hears it suddenly crackle to life. "Hey uh, Pigtailed Fighter here and- Oh forget the code names. You guys might want to get down here and see this. Shimmy down the rope I used to get here."
Colonel Monika Salvato on standby! We'll be there shortly, over!

>Shimmy down the rope
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"Corporal Naegi reporting! Sticking to codenames. Accepting your request, over."

>climb down the rope
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
>Also grab a walkie talkie if you haven't already and follow the others
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