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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
"Or maybe your plan was never going to work from the start, but you just can't accept that you were wrong." Ranma put bluntly, looking to the side. "Is there anywhere we haven't searched yet?"
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Alexis barely paid attention to the summoning-using-Ronnie-blood thing, she's just glad that nobody's getting stabbed and probably killed for something that isn't likely to even get anyone out.

Instead, she's going to try to help with the other plan. The one based on something found on one of the computers and thus likely connected to this place, rather than someone's previous adventures that... probably hold no bearing on the current situation.
Stupid doomed timeline...
There has to be somewhere where we can make a brick. Hmmmmm...

>look in the Office while Kellensea is distracted
>look in the Office while Kellensea is distracted [Bow]
Oh, look, a computer! If that first text file meant anything, maybe this computer has another one.

... Bingo.
Would be a lot of energy to create a fifth pocket. They're not gonna get out of the building anyway, right? I'll tell 'em jumping off the balcony is fatal, just to be sure. Not like they could break through the walls or anything anyway.

Starting to think I shoulda just made my own instead of copying from Red Sus's memories. Too late now.

... This one seems a lot more recent than the other one.
"Hold on, what did that text say again?"

Alexis looks back through her notes.
Stupid doomed timeline...
> Fuck it. Check for any computers for clues.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Red Sus? Who's Red Sus? And what could the person running this place be hiding beneath the balcony?

>investigate the balcony closely without actually jumping off
>Check ALL the computers! [Haruka]
... Looks like the admin computer, office computers, and medbay computer are the only ones in the complex. There doesn't seem to be anything more on the admin or office computers, and Haruka can't figure out how to search through the medbay computer for anything other than medical data.

>investigate the balcony closely without actually jumping off [Bow]
The clouds aren't actually that far down. And nobody actually knows what's beneath them. If there were a way to check...?
Alexis will

>also check the balcony and hope she doesn't end up losing her bearings like she did back on the first day.
Stupid doomed timeline...

>Search for any mobile cameras or anything capable of capturing footage
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
>also check the balcony [Alexis]
The balcony itself doesn't seem to be of any interest, but it's the only place in the complex where one can be outside the building.

There's people who climb buildings for various reasons, right? Like window washers?

>Search for any mobile cameras or anything capable of capturing footage [Monika]
Monika digs through storage and finds an old digital camera. Its battery is completely empty, of course... who knows how long it's been sitting there?
Bow starts thinking of ideas to check what's under the balcony. She then realizes something?

What if we tried lowering someone from the balcony with some rope? Or would a parachute work better? Hm...
Ranma looks down the balcony. ". . . Think we can find long enough rope and something to record and just. . ." He gestures to the balcony, before shaking his head. 'No, that probably won't work. And we can't dangle someone over the balcony without risk of accidentally dropping them or the rope snapping. . ."

>He looks around for something he can drop, something that can give them some indication. A flare, an explosive, fireworks, anything that can see or hear hit the bottom? Or perhaps something like a flare gun.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
[Haruka is.. Still at the medbay computer, trying to figure out how to extract other data from it — If that's.. Even possible.]

"くそー、ここに超高校レベルのハッカーがいるだけなら..." (Dammit, if only there's the SHSL Hacker here...)
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
>Look for something to shoot down [Ranma]
After digging around in storage some more, Ranma manages to turn up a flare gun and a pack of flares.
...Can I help?

Monika comes in to the Medbay, having overheard Haruka's quandary.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Ranma picked up the flare gun and the pack of flares. "Found these. Think we should. . ." He points the gun downward over the balcony to the void of clouds below.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
>Flare! [Ranma]
With a PSHOOO, the flare flies down into the clouds.

The sound abruptly cuts off almost immediately after it passes into the clouds. Curiously, Ranma can still see smoke rising out...
"Well hey, Monika! We wouldn't have known about the, ah... computer things without you! Did you see anything else?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"HOLY SH-" Ranma flinched as he accidentally squeezed the trigger. This is why he sticks to hand-to-hand combat people, not projectiles. However, he leaned closely when he noticed the smoke was still there. ". . . Uh, now I've never fired a flare before. But is the smoke supposed to stay like that?"

>Is the light of the flare still there or visible? Also, he's going to quickly check to see how many flares are in the one pack without accidentally dropping them.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
"Okay, that's pretty strange. Maybe if we dropped something solid we could figure out how long it takes before it hits anything, if at all?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
Not yet... I just need to hack into the Medbay computers really quickly...

>Do just that and Hack the Medbay computers for any useful info
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
[Haruka was pleasantly surprised by Monika.] "E-eh? I mean, sure, if you want to."
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Bakugo was awakened by the bang, and walks from his room to the balcony and says to the people there: Ok, who the fuck blew something up?
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
>Inspect the flare [Ranma]
It's faint, but it does seem like the light of the flare is still visible through the clouds.

Also there's five flares left in the pack.

>HACK AGAIN [Monika]
Monika manages to get the computer out of medical mode, which means it can't be used for scanning... but at least it can be used for general purposes now.

There's a big chunk of encrypted data. With her fourth-wall awareness, Monika realizes that it's only going to be possible to decrypt it at the rate of plot necessity. Luckily, one part seems to be ready for decryption immediately...
I'll just set it down here until I make the pocket. We're not using the lobby building anymore, right?

... That was more destructive than I had expected.

The timestamp on this places it well after the note she found on the admin computer, but slightly earlier than the one she found on the office computer.

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