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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Forget about me, Ranma. Just protect and save everyone else. Just don't lick anymore poison.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Aa...?" Exhausted and upset, Komaru looks up to Ronnie, seeing what he's doing.


"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Oooh, what a spectacle. Dibs on the shiv, assuming he drops it before the host drops the hammer. Also, poor form, boooo! Call me a coward, but you don't even wait, you just "me me me", making it all about YOU! UGH!

Kellensea wipes her goggle lenses after the blood is spattered on them, but makes no move to help.

So, anyway, anyone else want his stuff that survives, or can I just have all of it? Same with Rosa's, obviously. I'll just add it to the pile, if you don't mind, right? Also, blood? Really? You have any idea how good I've had to get at cleaning blood? The answer of course is "pretty damn good".

She just sits there and watches some more, then gestures to Komaru.

Not worth it. Enjoy the spectacle. He wants to have his little tantrum, he can. Either way, dead man walking, you know? Not even undead. He lost his rights the moment that sixth vote fell.
I am the They who says it!
"Damn it man, you can't just give up like this! Just. . ." Even if he didn't like the idea of suiciding, considering what they saw, perhaps this is a much better fate. And there was nothing he can do. . . Like always. "Real men don't real men don't real men don't real men don't" He'd just turn away from Ronnie's bleeding state, that dizzying sensation beginning to return.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
"Enjoy the spectacle?! I'm watching a man cut himself, what's..."

Komaru thinks it's about time to say what's on everyone's mind.


She gets it out. She knows she'll give the same answer she always does about how she's the only rational one, but...
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Ronnie finds himself getting weaker. He keeps his attention to Ranma, trying to give himself his little mantra while brushing off Kellensea's BS

Forget about me. It's too late for me now. I've got nothing else to offer. But if they make cookies out of me, feel free to eat them. Just be aware they may taste spongy or greasy.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Shut up! You can't die like this! A. . .A real man dies fighting!" Even though he knows it's hopeless, even though Ronnie's a killer who tried to frame a questionably "innocent" person, Ranma's still going to try and save him. Grabbing some napkins, Ranma's pressing them against Ronnie's slashed wrists trying to stop the bleeding. "damnitheprobablycutaveinRonnie, stay with us! Come on!" Ranma's seen countless terrible things. But a live suicide attempt was one he'd hadn't seen before, one that was completely horrifying to the martial artist. "damndamndamnDAMN!"
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
"It's useless," Kai, who was definitely there at the meeting the whole time and hadn't just been teleported, finally cuts in as if to respond to Ranma's thoughts. He looks and sounds pretty grim; maybe even familiar? "This is the resistance he's chosen to put forward... Whether the 'host' will intervene is a question only he can answer."

Thiiis is probably not going to end even remotely well, either way.
[Image: bb0ecb42111c57f72c68ae22416ffcb828b3ff47.gif]
What's wrong with me, Komaru? A lot of things, by your metrics, it seems. I don't agree with those metrics. I think they're the metrics of a world that doesn't have a place for my kind in it, and I can't accept that world is a good place, because it obviously can't like me for what I am. But by my metrics? I see nothing wrong with anything here. He's already dead, let him have his little tantrum. Oh, sorry, quick change of topic, since you and Kai are in my party, Komaru, you and he can call some loot from Ronnie and Rosa's things if you like, okay? But I already dibs'd the shiv, that's 100% mine. It's mithril precursor, I'm totally keeping that.

Kellensea continues generally not paying much attention to the chaos around her, the rapidly pooling blood, and the others' expressions of horror. Her tone of voice sounds like what someone who's never seen someone be comforted would think "a comforting tone of voice" sounds like.
I am the They who says it!
Ranma, stop. , he pushes him away and rips off the napkins. I think it's clear with what happened last night and today.... I'm no real man. I'm nothing. All I am is a failure.

Ronnie heads to the balcony and stands on the wall.

If the host wants to kill me off, then get it over with. Otherwise, they'll have to catch me in mid-air. Good-bye.

Ronnie lets himself fall of the balcony below.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Ranma sat there for about a minute or two trying to keep Ronnie from bleeding out. But like Kai said, it was completely fruitless. Even if he didn't listen and continued trying to save him, what can he do? Ronnie most definitely cut a vein or artery. And the most he can do is put napkins on it, which are quickly becoming soaked in the Monster-drinking culprit. ". . . I'm sorry for punching you in the face that one time." He spoke regretfully, removing the blood stained napkins and his soaked hands off of Ronnie's risks. Like he said before, a man goes down fighting. This was Ronnie's final act of defiance just as Kai stated. Ranma doesn't even try stopping Ronnie from falling to his death. He just stand there, staring at the puddle of blood clenching the napkins in his hands.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
"Huh? His... loot?"

She's given up. She just slumps onto the floor, defeated.

"... It's all yours."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Excellent. Kai, you want any, or do I get all of it?

Meanwhile, Kellensea grabs the abandoned shiv on the ground and pockets it, completely ignoring that a guy just fucking jumped off the balcony. To her, it's clearly "someone else's problem"
I am the They who says it!
"Wh.. What the?! Am I having an aneurysm what is happening??????"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
"i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go..."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Ranma just gave a light glare at Kellensea, both pissed and just exhausted. "Here Kellensea. Since you're so inclined to take people's crap after they died, you might as well take these at well." And he haphazardly tossed the blood soaked napkins at Kellensea, hoping they stick to her. He looks over at the given up Komaru and frowned. Why are they here? What did they do to deserve this? Did they do something terrible that warrants them to be put in this killing game? With a heavy sigh, he walks over to Komaru with a concerned look on his face. "Are you. . ." No, that's a stupid question. Of course she's not okay. "Do you. . . want to get out of here?" Ranma asked, meaning the cafeteria, trying his best not to eye the blood puddle that once belonged to Ronnie Pines.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Kellensea eyes the blood soaked napkins.

What do you want me to do with these? I'm not hungry, and I don't know enough magic to... OH, that's an insult. Okay, yeah. Right. Not even vendor trash, those are just trash. Whatever. Can't extract the blood or anything, no vials or anything, no point anyway, he's about to be dead. I mean, I'm certainly not giving him over to the reincarnation coven that I hear so much about.

She brushes the napkins away from her and quietly sits, awaiting news of whether Ronnie is dead enough yet, or will need re-executing.
I am the They who says it!

no internal thoughts this time

komaru looks to ranma and just gives a shaking nod
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Ranma doesn't give Kellensea a smart remark or insult. He almost touched Komaru's arm, but quickly remembers he still has some blood on his hands, and opted to give a head gesture that mimed "Come on," walking out of the cafeteria with the water bottle in his pocket.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
As Komaru gets up, following Ranma, she looks back to the scene. Where Ronnie went and... did it. And back to Ranma.

"... Are you okay? You. Probably should be asleep right now."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
I crackle back into existence, floating over the balcony. Um... wh... Okay, well... he did slit his writs and jump off the balcony. I can call that dead. Light's will go out in... a bit... Thankfully, nobody notices even the tiniest gap in my composure.
"Not my first time being poisoned. Definitely won't be my last." He gave a dry chuckle, trying to crack a joke. Ranma walks to the dorm hub, and just sits down, resting an arm on his knees. "You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine. . ." Fine. . . He says that, but he's bullshitting hard right now. Seeing Ronnie commit suicide like that struck a little too close to home for him. How should he fail his malehood, he and his family must partake in seppuku. He barely noticed he was squeezing the water bottle in his hand until a few seconds later. "Enough about me. What about you? And don't say you're okay, but let's be honest, no one is after. . . ya' know."
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.

"How... do you expect me to answer that?"

There were in truth thousands of things running through her head. Did her brother really go through this? What about her? Why does she have to go through another one of these sadistic games? How could Ronnie have it in him to take someone's life...

Who's going to kill next?
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Aw. I was hoping to get more from him. The shiv is cool though. See you all when the lights return, I suppose. Well, see those of you who aren't busy being dead. Oh, and Kai, if at some point I die, you are obligated to uh... about a hundred gold in blood-price for my repeated failures that somehow didn't kill you. So there's that. Actually, you can come get that from me any time when it's not night. Okay?

Kellensea goes, strips all potentially valuable items from Rosa, and then heads off through the vents back to the office, tosses all her new-found items into her horde, and awaits darkness's approach, rechecking the barricades and re-securing the vent.
I am the They who says it!

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