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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
"Okay... okay... shit, someone else died, I wonder... I saw lights in a bedroom while I was in Admin last night..."

Alexis is torn between wanting to check and see if the body was found in that same bedroom and wanting to ensure Kai is going to keep being alive for the time being.

She decides to

>check out the body and hope Kellensea doesn't fuck up any potential evidence in her greedy attempts to take everything she can loot from it.
Stupid doomed timeline...

> Cockblock Kellensea's attempt on raiding the dead person's belongings
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Don't you have any respect for the dead, you greedy bitch?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
...Oh my fucking god. How is it respectful to let dead people have shit!? She's not undead, she doesn't need her items! No. NO, just explain how the fuck in any way is it respectful.

The speech is ostensibly directed at Ronnie, but it's pretty clearly actually directed at everyone.

No. You explain this shit. You explain why dead people need shit. What are they using it for? Why do they need respect? THEY'RE FUCKING DEAD. EXPLAIN THAT SHIT. Dibs. On all of it. Fucking GOD what's wrong with you people!? It's not even GREED, it's pragmatism. Greed is breaking into your boss's safe to get more money for your work. PRAGMATISM is breaking into a dead person's safe because why the fuck do they need money!?
I am the They who says it!
Rosa, like most people, does not sleep with her valuables. (A prospect that surely baffles Kellensea.)

Inspecting the body reveals that she convulsed terribly as she died, and there's a small puncture wound in her neck.

Komaru shouts now, fury on her face. She's had just about enough, enough to even wear her down.

"Where. Is. She? 10 words or less."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"Kellensea, we shouldn't have to tell you this crap. If you touch Rosa's belongings, I will destroy your stuff. No ifs, ands or buts." Ranma said, elbowing her to get her out of the way so he can find Rosa's body.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
You know what, Kellensea? I have half the mind to rip apart that metal meat-suit you have on, grab you by the panties and throw you off the balcony right now!
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Because anything on the body right now could have EVIDENCE that could lead to whoever killed her. All talk of greed or pragmatism aside, don't you want to find the killer?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
...right in her bedroom Komaru. Anyway... Wait, convulsions... huh. A puncture wound... Yeah I'm going to check the admin logs, one moment... WAIT STOP DODGING THE QUESTION. HOW, HOW IN ANY PLANE IS IT REMOTELY DISRESPECTFUL TO TAKE DEAD PEOPLE'S STUFF?! Fuck it, I'm checking the admin logs, you think long and hard before you answer, and don't dodge my FUCKING QUESTIONS. At least ALEXIS has the courtesy to answer, and I wasn't about to take the stuff right away, just figure out where the good stuff to take is for when we're DONE.

>Check admin logs.
I am the They who says it!
Ranma stared at Rosa's body regretfully. The one night he didn't stand guard, this happens. Walking over, he kneels down and, if her eyes are open, close them as a sign of respect. "One of you better fess up. Now." Ranma said, gripping his fist until his knuckles were white. "Confess why the hell you decided to continue playing this damned game, after watching what happens."

>Getting over his anger, he's going to investigate the body.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Komaru doesn't seem to have the patience or willpower to answer Kellensea's very dumb question, as she moves into Rosa's dorm, as she goes to

>check the state of the body
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
>Search room for any weapons that could have caused the puncture wound
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Having been in Admin all night and at least having her own notes on things, she figures she can wait to check the admin logs.

For now she will

> Look for anything on the body such as hairs, fibers etc. that do not match Rosa or her clothing.
Stupid doomed timeline...
> Inspect. The motherfucking. Body.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
>Inspect the body HARDER
Rosa died early in the night. She was stabbed in the neck and presumably injected with something, convulsed a lot, and died. There's no visible foreign material on her.

>Search the room
Ronnie doesn't find anything in Rosa's room that remotely matches the wound on her neck.
"The one night I wasn't watching. . . This is my damned fault. . ." Ranma muttered, looking down.

>Is there anything on the body? Like in her clothes or anything?
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Don't be hard on yourself, it's not your fault. Just a sadistic killer on the loose and we have to bring them to justice.

> Search room for prints
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Hmmmm... where would the killer have gotten a weapon that could have punctured Rosa's neck?

>search for weapons matching Rosa's puncture wound
"It looks like she was injected with something. Which means our likely bet might be. . ."

>Investigate the medbay.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
> Search for any poison, drugs, meds, anything that can be injected into someone's vein and killing them.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
And NOW Alexis will

>Check the admin logs so she can compare with her notes.
Stupid doomed timeline...
>Is there anything on the body? [Ranma]
Nothing unusual for a sleeping woman.

> Search room for prints [Ronnie]
Ronnie doesn't find any fingerprints.

>search for weapons matching Rosa's puncture wound [Bow]
>Investigate the medbay. [Ranma]
Bow and Ranma search medbay for used syringes, but the only ones they find are the ones Alexis used to treat Kai.

> Search for any poison, drugs, meds, anything that can be injected into someone's vein and killing them. [Haruka]
The medbay contains a few bottles of things that would be lethal if injected into someone's neck, but the only open bottles she can find are the ones Alexis used to treat Kai.
>Well how about the closed bottles? Anything that could be potentially injected into someone that could kill them?
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Well, yes, but they're closed. Sealed. Have not been used.

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