03-06-2021, 23:16:16 PM
Destroy The Godmodder^3: Cubed!
Oh dear... The Godmodder has infiltrated the Trouble Cube! It's your job, all of yours, to destroy it!
This is an adaptation/port/reboot/whatever of the ever-popular Destroy the Godmodder!
The Rules!
- You may only post once per turn (One of my posts)
- In your post, you may do a normal attack, as well as charge up to three attacks (including other people's charged attacks) once each. (format the charges like so: (current number of charges)/(total number of required charges)).
- Don't expect your attacks to work. Even if they do, you're lucky if they deal 1 damage. Even so, due to what's known as the "Curse of Repetition", an attack can only affect the Godmodder once.
- You're not alone in this... You may summon entities to help you! However... If they're summoned hastily (I.E. in a short amount of turns), they may be turned against you!
- Terminology: GM: Godmodder, AM: Anti-Godmodder (All Players), PM: Pro-Godmodder (any entities summoned by or turned to the Godmodder's side)
Earlier Installments of Destroy The Godmodder:
- Destroy The Godmodder
- Destroy The Godmodder 2: Operator
- Destroy The Godmodder 0rigins
- Destroy The Godmodder: TV Tropes Edition
- Destroy The Godmodder TV Tropes Edition 2: Salvation
You are all teleported to an indistinct seemingly infinite warped mass of land floating in a dark glitchy void. The Godmodder floats in menacingly...
Greetings... I am The Godmodder... And you are all here... You must be foolish to think you can stand up to a god... I'd like to see you try, regardless... It won't be long before I have full dominion over this place... Just like the others... But... I feel like being entertained...
Suddenly, a giant health bar appears in the sky, showing the following:
The Godmodder [GM]: 100/100 HP
Face me!
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...