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Topic. Please edit in the response to the below post in-character.

(V) Dr. Pepper. Actually, wait, I think milkshakes. Mmm. 
What is your favorite thing to drink?

v That is an interesting question, and I am glad that you asked. My primary ingredients are- [REDACTED]
"I worry exactly the right amount. You can never worry too much!" - Tulio
What's your active ingredient, Drix?

(V) I... LOVE Vampires! They're so cool!
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
What is your opinion on... vampires?

Well, when I was (allegedly) cloned from a timeline master or whatever I think a teeny bit of shark DNA got in there somehow.
Stupid doomed timeline...
okay, I get that vampires usually have fangs, but how and why the hell are ALL of your teeth razor-sharp?

(v) oh, uh... if you're asking because you wanna become a cosplayer too, I don't think I'm the best person to ask? since my costumes are a little different than your typical fare at a convention. still, it's pretty fun, experimenting with which costumes give me what powers and whatever.
What's it like being a cosplayer?

Cats, probably.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Favorite animal?
"I worry exactly the right amount. You can never worry too much!" - Tulio
Drix, are you prepared for the pandemic?

(v) This shade of blue, because that's the color of my pelt!
Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
Favourite colour?

"Yes, I am indeed an officer of the law. As for why I chose that path.. Well, I suppose my sense of justice back when I was little hadn't change much 'til today, huh?"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
you're an officer of the law, I'm guessing? what made you decide to go on that path?

(v) oh, god, do I have to pick one? uh... I guess Fujin from Mortal Kombat. that was the costume that made me realize I could use costumes to gain powers and such. plus, wind powers are cool. and katanas are cool too.
Favorite character to cosplay as?

(v) I can hold things with my magic, and also bring my art to life with it!
Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
What's it like being a unicorn?

"Well, uh.. Remember that little kid swearing? Yeah, that might be the closest thing I did to a crime."

[Ramsey scoffed at Percy.] "That's the worst crime you did? I scammed people multiple times using my forging abilities! And my epithet but no one cares, huh."

"And I tried normalising child murder!" 

"EGADS!" "Goddammit, Zora."

"You two know damn well that ain't the worst I can do!"

..eyep, Zora had tried to normalise child murder, apparently.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
In order left to right, what's the greatest crime you've committed? Yes, you too Percy.

(v) ... Hm? Am I?


Ahhhh, don't worry about it! Just hot out today is all.
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Why are you blushing so hard?

(v) "Me, obviously. I'm actually committed to my job. She just does it because she's too weak to stand up for herself."

"I'm not weak. I managed to escape that life, m8. Come back when you devote your life to something other than searching for a fucking piece of pizza."

"How typical of you to get sentimental in such a way. Learn to abandon your emotions. It's the only way to succeed."
Who's the better pizza thief between you two?

Down arrow We... draw straws from cups I guess? No pun intended.
Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
Are hooved types like you any good at rock paper scissors? How do you settle arguments if not with that?

(v) "Iiiiiiiiit's really not that special. I just help my uncle's with their businesses! Part time, I'm just a student still. Heh, wish I had a flashier answer for ya."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
So, what do you do for a living?

Down arrow "I just like it, woof! I think it's cute and all. Besides, I like animals, meow!"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Up arrow Is there a reason you switched from "meow" to "woof"?


Down arrow -If Aichi seems a little perplexed.-

"I can see just fine. Maybe it's just the angle you're looking from that makes it seem that way...?"

-This answers nothing, as his hair is still covering one of his eyes.-
So I adore Karre from Star Wars: Visions now. That was completely unexpected since I'm not a huge Star Wars fan or anything.
...how can you see when your hair is covering one of your eyes thanks to that mask?
Noot noot?

Down arrow  "Bonk!"
What's in that can?
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
What happened to your eye?

Down arrow Things are cool in the Pokeverse, thanks for asking
I like bananas. They're yellow.
So how are things going?
So I adore Karre from Star Wars: Visions now. That was completely unexpected since I'm not a huge Star Wars fan or anything.
How much do you spend on dye to keep your hair that blue?

Down arrow Any way that keeps their valuables intact. Failing that, I don't have a preference. Dead is dead.
I am the They who says it!

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