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3 things you have/don't have in common with the character the below poster selects
Based on this. Mention a character for the above poster to compare themselves to, and when you get a character, similarly reply (by editing your post) with three things you have in common with them, and three things you don't! So... let's start!

In common:
* I like pudding
* I can be kinda lazy
* I have purple hair

Not in common:
* I don't hate eggplants (they're ok)
* I'm no good at fighting
* I haven't met a version of myself from another dimension
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers

v Similarities
* We're both Asians.
* We both like hats.
* We both have a sense of justice.

* I like mafia games, he... doesn't.
* He's a man, I'm a girl.
* He's (presumably?) Korean, I'm Indonesian.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Rebel Cookie


Like Applejack:
  • I have a large family.
  • I value honesty.
  • I live near a farm.
Unlike Applejack:
  • I have black hair.
  • I don't have an accent.
  • I'm the youngest.
Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
hey who turned out the lights?

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