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What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Printable Version

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What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Kennifer - 03-03-2021

Simple. What color or colors do you associate with the above poster?

Cube-tan's color scheme is turquoise, purple, and red. :P

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Mr. Lee Hammer - 03-03-2021

Purple and black for Kennifer Ozbourne

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - AyyBee121 - 03-03-2021

Uhh, purple, I guess?

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - ~okami~ - 03-03-2021

black and white

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Kafkaesque - 03-03-2021

mostly black and white, hints of orange/yellow

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Whistle - 03-03-2021

Black and orange.

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Subparman - 03-03-2021

Orange and green

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - KungFuCutbug - 03-03-2021

dark grey and red

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - MadeOfMilk - 03-03-2021

Purple and pink

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Superjohn 2.0 - 03-03-2021


RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - ~okami~ - 03-03-2021

Red and blue

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - madface7 - 03-03-2021

Blue, red, and tan.

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Whistle - 03-03-2021

Pink and orange.

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Dookie - 03-03-2021

Purple, orange, and green.

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - KungFuCutbug - 03-03-2021

yellow, dark green, and brown

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - madface7 - 03-03-2021

black, pink, red, and green; all in neon

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - AyyBee121 - 03-03-2021

Orange, yellow, and hot pink.

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Kennifer - 03-03-2021

Yellow and black mostly. Because bees. :P

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Despair's Archon of Memes - 03-03-2021

Mainly Purple and blue.

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Whistle - 03-03-2021

Black, white, and red.

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Superjohn 2.0 - 03-04-2021


RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Florien - 03-06-2021

Red, different-red, and white.

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Cassie - 03-06-2021

Green, Orange, and Brown.

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - Kennifer - 03-06-2021

Mostly brown with green accents.

RE: What is the color scheme of the person above you? - ~okami~ - 03-06-2021

Purple and turquoise