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Experiment 194 - Printable Version

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RE: Experiment 194 - Zanreo - 10-19-2021

Then, >Look around rework labs

RE: Experiment 194 - Kennifer - 10-19-2021

"Wait, we've got booze here? And here I've been drinking Vanilla Coke like a fool!"

She pauses.

"...I sound like that friend who I hope is checking up on my bees right now."


>is there any HONEY MEAD?

RE: Experiment 194 - Dookie - 10-19-2021

>Look around rework labs (2)

You can not find anything interesting other than groups of people doing some lab work.

>is there any HONEY MEAD? (6)

There's honey in the cafeteria, but no honey mead.

RE: Experiment 194 - PointMaid - 10-19-2021

...We're drinking now? Hell yeah, I'm in on that.

> Jack looks for some BEER

RE: Experiment 194 - wingedcatgirl - 10-19-2021

"Aw yeah, this is the good stuff. Don't leave expensive stuff like this around your kidnapping victims or this will happen -"

And Hallie just fucking chugs an unreasonable amount straight from the bottle.

RE: Experiment 194 - TalesofUnder - 10-19-2021

...Pfft. Drinking is for clowns.

(Red, meanwhile, is off drinking a glass of wine. Is... is he even of legal age to do that?)

RE: Experiment 194 - Cassie - 10-19-2021

"Uh, kid? 'Don't think you're fit enough for a cold one..." Banch says in response to seeing Red drink, whilst drinking some wine himself. "Makes ya tipsy if yer not careful."

RE: Experiment 194 - Kennifer - 10-20-2021

"Awww. At least there's honey if I go through all the stuff I brought."

>How about some sweet wine? Or rum and coke? (coke the soda not the drug, we'll get to that later)

RE: Experiment 194 - PointMaid - 10-20-2021

...Don't tell me you weren't drinking by his age? And I'm sure he knows it makes you tipsy. That's what it's for.

Jack, meanwhile, is indeed drinking a beer. ...Not precisely a great one either.

RE: Experiment 194 - Despair's Archon of Memes - 10-20-2021

Who wants to join me in the freezer!

Cirno proceeds to... >look for anything there...

RE: Experiment 194 - Dookie - 10-20-2021

> Jack looks for some BEER (7)

Aw hell yeah we all gettin drunk

RE: Experiment 194 - PointMaid - 10-20-2021


Anybody else want some?

RE: Experiment 194 - Cassie - 10-20-2021

"Hm...yeah, I'll take some, mate."

He grabs a glass himself and CHUG-


...well geez he's already looking a bit plastered.

RE: Experiment 194 - PointMaid - 10-20-2021

Jack grins, drinking more. Good stuff, isn't it?

RE: Experiment 194 - Kennifer - 10-20-2021

"Sure, I'll have some of that too. Or... whatever I can find. I mean, this shit's not gonna be any easier sober is it? It's really a shame there's no mead though, that stuff's amazing."

RE: Experiment 194 - Weirdguy149 - 10-20-2021

"I will pass on the alcohol. Let's just say..." Enoch held out his golden metallic arm. "Liquor and technology do not work well for me."

RE: Experiment 194 - Oggy123 - 10-20-2021

"I can't drink stuff like that! That doesn't sound good for me..." said Kirby, when he sees the others drinking.
> Find regular water

RE: Experiment 194 - Dookie - 10-20-2021

> Find regular water (7)

That's not hard to find at all.

RE: Experiment 194 - PointMaid - 10-20-2021


...Gah. I'm so bored.

RE: Experiment 194 - Oggy123 - 10-20-2021

Kirby drinks the water.
Approaching Banch, he said "Are you okay, poyo?"

RE: Experiment 194 - Cassie - 10-20-2021

"All fine, buddy! Just takin' a coldie 'n all while shit's still cool as of now! You keep to the water as you wish." They answer whilst helping Kirby with getting a cup of water for him.

Of course, being drunk, they don't realise the sound of skin tearing on them...

RE: Experiment 194 - Oggy123 - 10-20-2021

"Ok!" Kirby said happily, before...
> Look for other foodstuff and non-alcoholic drinks.

RE: Experiment 194 - Zanreo - 10-20-2021

"WHAT A [Disappointment], NOTHING [Interesting things you might not have known!] TO SEE HERE"

He decides to go back to the cafeteria, where most of the others seem to be... and drinking? He, too, decides to >look for some booze

RE: Experiment 194 - Dookie - 10-20-2021

> Look for other foodstuff and non-alcoholic drinks. (5)

You find coffee, and a banana.

RE: Experiment 194 - Dookie - 10-20-2021

>look for some booze (6)

Most of the hard stuff is gone, but there's still some beer left.