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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame - Printable Version

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RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wingedcatgirl - 03-22-2021

She groans, facepalming. I already told you, I do not care whether you trust me. It is entirely irrelevant to my interests. The portal is open, you can take it now or later or never as you so choose.

I'm wasting my time trying to explain it to you. And with a crackle of energy, she vanishes.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - artsyGeek - 03-22-2021

"....oooookay then."

[She looks at the other survivors. Alexis, Bakugo, Bow, Kai, Kellensea, Monika, Ranma..]

[Throughout the killing game, they prove to be quite good teammates. She gave them an assuring smile.]

" you guys wanna stay or not? Because I'm fine with whatever."

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-22-2021

Alexis shrugs.

[color]"On the one hand, I've been to that hotel and... it's not home, but it's not unpleasant. And no worries about anybody trying to murder us. On the other hand... I'm still wondering if the portal actually leads there."[/color]

She's taken a couple steps backwards as she said this. Towards the portal, mind you.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Caret - 03-22-2021

Bow also looks at the remaining survivors.

Well, looks like the hotel is the only way out here. You've all been pretty great to work with. Except for Kellensea, of course...

The Eevee then turns to Alexis, and smiles.

You... had been an excellent friend to me here. I don't know if I'll be able to continue speaking human on the the other side of that... but even then, I hope we can still maintain a healthy friendship in the foreseeable future.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-22-2021

"Hopefully we'll see each other in the hotel, if that's where we end up. Whether or not I can still understand you... I guess we'll see when we get there. Either way we'll be friends, I'm sure. I never forget friends like you."

Alexis smiles... probably the closest to an actually happy one she's done since she got here.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wahoothis - 03-22-2021

Ranma crossed his arms and looked at the survivors. ". . . You are all the most annoying people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting in my life. But. . . That's basically my entire life. A bunch of annoying people that comes and goes in my life." He said with a smile on his face. Translation: Ranma actually cares about you all and is glad him and you all met and are able to get out of this hellhole. "Although I will say one thing. . . I'M STILL NOT READING THOSE GIRLY MANGAS!"

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-22-2021

"Actually... I'll have a hard time forgetting any of you any time soon."

Alexis held up her notepads with a grin.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - artsyGeek - 03-22-2021

" guys mind if we hug one last time, before we go?"

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Despair's Archon of Memes - 03-22-2021


Monika proceeds to join the hug pile...

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-22-2021

"All right, come on then."

Alexis joins in on the hugging.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Caret - 03-22-2021

Ah, why not!

Bow also joins in on the hug while attempting not to get crushed at the same time.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wahoothis - 03-22-2021

Ranma crossed his arms and shook his head. "I would, but hugging isn't exactly manly so. . ." He says with some hesitation, but after a few seconds takes a deep breath. "What the hell. Not like my mom or anyone else is here to see this." He says, before joining the hug.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Caret - 03-22-2021

After a while, Bow then breaks apart from the hug.

Well... it has been a wild ride, and it took a pretty taxing toll on me. Hopefully, I can actually get some rest once I'm at the hotel the host speaks at. Anyways... see you all later.

The Eevee then trots over to the swirling vortex and then takes a deep breath. Keeping in mind all of the new people she met, Bow takes a step into the portal and begins the journey to the Murderfree hotel.

>leave Murder U

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-22-2021

Alexis smiles at the others one more time, before turning and walking into the portal.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Despair's Archon of Memes - 03-22-2021

It's been fun. See you later... and goodbye for now. You'll always be part of MY reality...

Monika gains a quite glad smile on her face, while also crying tears from her eyes as well. Monika then starts rapidly glitching, managing to play... a piano tune... She then spreads her arms and proceeds to fall directly into the portal.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - artsyGeek - 03-22-2021

[Haruka lets go of the hug as well.]

"またね、みなさん! (Mata ne, minasan!) S..See you someday, everyone!"

[And with that, she heads into the portal.]

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - SmilyCube112 - 03-22-2021

Bakugo, after using the equipment, was unsure of where the others are, so heads back to where he last saw them only to now see what is happening. He's confused af about all this, saying only this: "What. The. Fuck?"

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Subparman - 03-22-2021

>Uh, woah, this must be awkward huh. :P Kai who we will assume was once again definitely there the whole time bows his final farewell to Ranma, Bakugo, fuck, even Kellensea, and anyone else who's still around, before departing through the portal behind the others.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wahoothis - 03-22-2021

>Welp. Time to yeet self out of the RP. No, literally. Ranma jumped straight into the portal.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - SmilyCube112 - 03-22-2021

Bakugo just decides to casually walk through the portal, despite being confused af about what's going on.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Huney - 03-24-2021

"We... oh my gosh, we made it! Yeahhhh!!!"

And nobody died! I mean... I mean some people died! but the majority survived!

"Thank you, everyone! You're the best! And Ranma, you WILL read all the cheesy manga I have. NOT EVEN SPACE TIME WILL SAVE YOU FROM ME."

... still, she goes through the portal.

RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wingedcatgirl - 03-24-2021

And with everyone gone, the portal closes once more.

Final Results (🎶)

  • Doug Grugg, taken from us way too soon
  • Rosa, host2's pity breaker murder
Executed Killers
  • Cookie Monster, and a monster he was indeed
  • Ronnie Pines, as monstrous as his energy drinks
  • Alexis, noted the way to escape
  • Bow, refrained from evolving into a corpse
  • Haruka Ito, kept watch
  • Kai Satou, permanent nerve damage is still alive babey
  • Katsuki Bakugo, blasted off to safety
  • Kellensea Harthdareiter, just as planned
  • Komaru Naegi, Ultimately Lived
  • Monika, not just Monika, but Monika
  • Ranma Saotome, knows that stopping murderers is manly as hell

The lights go out in Murder HQ and the sun sets on Murder University once more.