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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame - Printable Version +- Trouble Cube Forums (https://troublecube.net/mybb) +-- Forum: Trouble Cube (https://troublecube.net/mybb/Forum-Trouble-Cube) +--- Forum: Hybrid games (https://troublecube.net/mybb/Forum-Hybrid-games) +---- Forum: Murdergames (https://troublecube.net/mybb/Forum-Murdergames) +---- Thread: [Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame (/Thread-Fin-thread-concluded-Murder-U-Too-Endgame) |
RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wahoothis - 03-20-2021 Ranma looked over at Alexis, keeping his senses up as he looked to the musical fangirl. "Well, I could fight the host. But considering the last time I did, I became a pin cushion for knives, I'd prefer to hold off on it. Although. . . I do know a technique that makes it seem like I'm dead. But I doubt that'll fool them." He'd whisper this as quietly as he could to Bow and Alexis. RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-20-2021 Alexis whispers back. "Probably not, although it's definitely something to keep under consideration... I kind of worry what the host would do if we tried, though." RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Caret - 03-20-2021 I don't want to find out... Anyways... with my bond with Alexis, I could try using my power to take on the host, but... I don't want him to pull out a Machamp on me or something. RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wahoothis - 03-20-2021 "Pull out a what?" Ranma whispered to Bow, raising a brow. RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Caret - 03-20-2021 It doesn't matter. What I'm saying is that the person that runs this place clearly wants us to stay until his desire for blood is satisfied, and that he will probably do anything in his power to keep us here... Now we need to find a way around the host... RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-20-2021 Alexis nods. "She's right. If we're going to get out without killing each other, which is obviously what most of us want, we've got to find a way around him. A loophole, something." RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wahoothis - 03-20-2021 "Right. Because I don't know about you, but I'm not so keen on letting Kellensea's offer of "kill Ranma and Bakugo and waltzing out of here" go completed." RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-20-2021 "I'm not either. I mean hell, I don't even want to see Kellensea get murdered, as much as I dislike her..." RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Caret - 03-20-2021 But how are we supposed to find a loophole? Hmmmm... Oh. A idea suddenly pops up in Bow's head. What if we tried to find more computers here and search them for information? RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-20-2021 "It's certainly worth a shot!" RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Despair's Archon of Memes - 03-20-2021 Did someone say computers? I'm on it! >Search for any computers and hack them to extract any information RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Florien - 03-20-2021 HOST! SAY THE FUCKING WORDS! You want dead people, say the fucking words, agree to my terms. Otherwise, I'm not making a move. These others, they're all running about, gathering useless information, talking about dumb ideas to harm you, all I'M asking is YOUR FUCKING COOPERATION WITH MY IDEA. I make my move, kill someone, and get immediately released. Wouldn't that be traumatizing for them? Because suddenly, someone would be dead, and they'd never get their petty revenge. SO SAY THE FUCKING WORDS I ASK OF YOU OR I'M NOT MAKING MY MOVE. Alexis is intensely stupid, like the rest of them. I bet she can't even think of a real reason why human lives are more important than other ones. But I STAND HERE, AGAINST THEM. I COULD DO AS YOU WANT, IF YOU REMOVE THE RULES FOR ME ALONE. RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wahoothis - 03-20-2021 "Yeah no, Kellensea. You're not getting any special privileges here. And you're not going to kill anyone. Sorry, not sorry." Ranma mumbled under his breath loud enough for the girl in the armor. RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Florien - 03-20-2021 Shockingly enough, Ranma, that's not for YOU to determine! That's the host's place, considering they're the one with access to the rules. SO I NEED THEM TO SAY THE FUCKING WORDS, or else I'm not going to make my move for a long time yet! RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-20-2021 "If you think there's no difference between a sapient creature like a human or Pokemon and something like an ant or an amoeba, that's on you, you sociopathic bitch." RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wahoothis - 03-20-2021 "And shockingly enough for you Kellensea, you're not the special snowflake in this group. I severely doubt the host will let you bypass their rules. And even if we don't escape and you kill someone, no one is just going to let you leave." RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Florien - 03-20-2021 And again, it's worth a shot, to get the host to change the rules. I hold the bargaining power. BUT SERIOUSLY, If you were saying all sentient life but then nothing beyond is equal, rat traps wouldn't be a thing. Hell, if it's even narrower, all sapient life? What's the point at that point? You're excluding far too much from "valuable lives." And what can you do with a sapient life anyway that you can't do with not-sapient life? And why, tell me, is your system of determining life-value so you-centric? Isn't it weird that every category you're drafting as the determiner of value is one you're a member of? You might as well say "only bipeds who look like me get value, all else be damned." Hell, there isn't even a NATURAL SYSTEM WHICH DETERMINES THIS VALUE OF LIFE! YOU CAME UP WITH THIS SHIT WITH NO underlying ANYTHING other than "I need a system which says I specifically am worth more than other creatures and plants and things", and I'M the egocentric one!? If you start claiming that there is a value sans reason? That way lies letting others choose your moral code for you, and aren't you people all about self-determination? Or are you so deluded and complacent as to refuse to work from first principles to your code? I bet if plants wept and begged for mercy when you cut them down, purely as reflex without sapience or sentience, you'd be reticent. I could list more reasons, but your only two reasons for your framework seem to be "If I don't have more value than other things in a framework, that framework is invalid" and "hurr durr killing bad but only when the thing looks and acts like me". It's like you're willfully ignoring EVERYTHING that says your kind in general isn't special. RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-20-2021 "You seem to be the only one saying lives aren't special. That because I swatted a mosquito, even because I've cooked and eaten fish or a chicken that I may as well go all the way and start killing people." Alexis sighs. Why is she even still entertaining this insane woman and her ideas? RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wahoothis - 03-20-2021 "It may be weird to you, but it isn't to us. You might've grown up in a crappy life style where killing people is the common norm for you, but we don't. Well, most of us don't. Even so, we're not planning on killing anyone. Stop trying to justify your own desire for bloodthirst just because you don't have anyone's belongings to loot and do whatever the hell you do with it, probably some sick stuff. Now shut up and quit trying to bargain for an easy way out. If we have to suffer here, then so will you." RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Florien - 03-20-2021 "All my friends think my kind of life specifically and not all the others has inherent value so I'm going to do that too". Flawless fucking reasoning. I don't know why I bother with you people. I thought I'd given up hope in you all, but I guess you're right that I'm insane, because clearly, I'm not giving up hope that maybe, instead of dismissing me out of hand you'll actually look at my worldview and either come up with a refutation or recognize it as valid and acceptable. But then you do shit like that, and it... it like, physically hurts. I don't even feel physical pain anymore, but it hurts in like... You'd call it "cringe-y" I guess. Yes. Your worldview, to coopt your idioms, is "cringe". She even does the finger quotes. Ugh. It's like... You listen to my words, then you say "nuh-uh those words mean I'm not cool and special and that I'm just one of myriads of myriads of myriads of life forms, not occupying a special position, so those words can't be right". And then you listen to me bargaining and are like "Hey don't try to improve your position! No fair how dare you try to get a better position!" It's like you're fucking... fucking CHILDREN! Or a good chunk of gambling establishments! In your world, it's not allowed to try and get a better position at things! THERE'S NO RULE SAYING I CAN'T BARGAIN FOR FEWER RESTRICTIONS ON ME SPECIFICALLY, so OBVIOUSLY, I'm going to DO THAT! And guess what? If you have to suffer here, I DON'T NECESSARILY HAVE TO SUFFER WITH YOU! There are people outside this demiplane who aren't suffering, would you drag them here to suffer with us? NO! You would keep me here though, how is that different?! I'm not JUSTIFYING my bloodthirst, my bloodthirst is part of who I am! I accepted myself long ago! But YOU are trying to invalidate me! WHY?! Because I don't hold fucking identical values to you? This isn't Prop-rep no seat-count restrictions parliamentary-ranked choice politics here! You can't DO this shit and expect me not to call you on it! RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-20-2021 "Maybe you don't get special treatment because... you're not any better or more special than anyone else here!" RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Florien - 03-20-2021 Hey look, just because you're not willing to bargain for a better position doesn't mean I should be restricted from doing so. I'm not stopping you from asking the host, who's just... standing here, doing nothing right now, I guess, but the point is, I'm not stopping you for asking for lifting of restrictions on you, or implementing extra restrictions on others, or for glazed ham, or whatever. Kellensea shrugs. But even if you're not going to bargain, I'm going to. I have every right to haggle for better rules for me specifically, even if the host won't listen to my great idea that would get them way more negative memories without this whole killing game thing. RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - wahoothis - 03-20-2021 "WE DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE! HERE, YOU'RE NOBODY EXCEPT FOR THAT INSANE CORPSE-LOOTING FETISHIST WHO'S TRYING TO MURDER US! Excuse us for not wanting anyone here to actually kill someone! That's the whole reason we went on this adventure in the first place, to actually escape here without shedding anymore blood. But no, the whole time you've been wanting to kill someone because "it's who you are." Yeah, being a childish woman who thinks ever problem in the world can be resolved with murder is such a great thing to be. But no, because we're not murderers who like to take people's clothes from their corpse and sniff them, that means we're the weirdos who's values and beliefs are invalid just because they don't hold up to your own standard of "ha ha murder and looting."" Ranma growled, before looking over at Alexis and nodded. "She has a point. Like the host said, we're all on equal footing here. They're not going to give you what you want because "You're Kellensea and you deserve special treatment." Face it, no matter who you are, no matter what great of an adventurer you are, here? You're nothing but another person trapped here. Another person here who's life could end like that. And there's nothing you can do about it. Another failure to add to your evergrowing list of them. Now please shut up after this, because let's face it, you're too egotistical and delusional to actually look at how you think and realize "Oh, so this is why people don't like me." And frankly, I'm tired of arguing with you. At this point, I don't care if we have to fight the host and get stabbed to hell and back. At least you'll be out of sight, out of mind." Ranma crossed his arms and sit down on a nearby rock. "If anything, they'll let us go and keep you here. Because you cause nothing but negative emotions to everyone here." RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Florien - 03-20-2021 VELS, you're delusional. I'm not asking for special treatment because I'm Kellensea, the wonderful perfect slightly sexy adventurer with a wild life of fun and joy who's generally liked by people etcetera. I'm asking for special treatment because there's nothing that says I CAN'T. Maybe the host is flexible! Again, I'm not preventing you for also asking for it. I don't even necessarily think that I will get special treatment! I'm just looking for a firm yes or no answer, and if the answer is no, I'll move on. Also, that you have to decide that my looting of corpses is a sex thing to shame it kind of disturbs me. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you? You can say it's wrong, but because it's wrong, it has to be a sex thing?!... also, wait, the fuck? Name a problem that can't be solved with violence! I never said murder specifically solves all the problems, just that violence does. And, seriously, prove me wrong on that point. As for your being tired of arguing with me? I could keep this up all day. Literally. I never sleep. I always have more words. Do you concede? Do you concede, sincerely, that you have no refutation to my worldview and thus it is as valid as yours? RE: Murder U Too - Endgame - Kennifer - 03-20-2021 Alexis just sits down... wherever, doesn't matter. A rock, the ground, a piece of rubble, whatever. She's just mentally exhausted from this whole thing, and she's getting one hell of a headache from all the yelling. |