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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame - Printable Version

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RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Florien - 03-13-2021

...You didn't say OVER! You need to say OVER or I'll have to assume you're DEAD! BROWN EEVEE AND PIGTAILED FIGHTER AND COLONEL MONIKA ARE DEAD FOREVER AAAAAAAAAAAAA oh wait I don't care. Over!

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Huney - 03-13-2021

"Colonel Monika, Pigtailed Fighter, Brown Eevee, I hear you all loud and clear, over."

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - wahoothis - 03-13-2021

"This is Pigtailed Fighter, copying to you Brown Fighter, mostlysinceyou'retheonlyotherpersonherewhoactuallytookoneofthewalkietalkiesinitially." She has no idea why they're doing this, but might as well play along. Even if this was somewhat ridiculous, it was a little fun, and got a chuckle out of her. "Actually, you never assigned yourself a title. So you don't count in this Kellensea! You're in breach of this group!" This is really dumb and she doesn't know why she likes it.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Florien - 03-13-2021

I'm your adventurer, I don't need a code-name, that's VERY clear in The Grey Fens... I mean Greywatch's military communications guide! Over!

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Caret - 03-13-2021

I don't know why we're even speaking in code names! Are we in some action movie? Over! Bow giggles to herself.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - wahoothis - 03-13-2021

"I don't even know how a movie can be full of action? It's literally just moving pictures, isn't it?"

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Huney - 03-13-2021

Komaru whispers in Ranma's ear.

"Maybe she's a foreign diplomat."

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Kennifer - 03-13-2021

Alexis decides to take a walkie-talkie too, even if she hasn't yet come up with a clever code name for herself.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - wahoothis - 03-13-2021

"Probably. Most definitely. Keep an eye on her, "Colonel"" Ranma'd whisper back, stifling a chuckle.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Despair's Archon of Memes - 03-13-2021

Roger that, Pigtailed Fighter, over.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Florien - 03-13-2021

Technically I was a diplomat once, so I guess that could technically be true! But also don't keep an eye on me, because I'll rip it out! Over!

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - SmilyCube112 - 03-13-2021

Bakugo is now trying to hold in his laughter, and it's because he actually finds this funny.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Huney - 03-13-2021

"You'll rip it what, Kellensea? Your transmission ended, over."

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Kennifer - 03-13-2021

Alexis is trying to stifle giggles over all of this walkie-talkie stuff.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - wahoothis - 03-13-2021

Ranma wasn't even trying to hide her laughter. She's actually on the floor, covering her mouth laughing.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Florien - 03-13-2021

Kellensea abruptly switches to beatboxing terribly on the walkie talkie.

LOOK AT ME FUCKERS! I'm a BARD now! The Bardic Councils better watch out, because I'm coming for ALL their seats with this EPIC MOUTH NOISE MAKING ABILITY!

After doing that...

In conclusion, I now rule the bardic councils. They should step down and all be replaced by me, because I'm just too good at bard-being, despite my lack of being a bard.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - wahoothis - 03-13-2021

Okay, there goes her eardrums. "If being a bard means making horrible noises with your mouth and making people deaf, then you should quit your job as an adventurer and become a bard."

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Florien - 03-13-2021

Bards are a type of adventurer! And also that is included in the bard job description! BZZKH KHH BXZXZZZ BVVV BZZ GHHK BBXX!!! Over!

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Kennifer - 03-13-2021

"Oh man that was... Not good. Funny, but... Yeah, I don't think she should audition for any musicals any time soon."

...yeah Alexis is outright laughing now.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Caret - 03-13-2021

Bow is now laughing hysterically on the ground, finding Kellensea's terrible beatboxing hilarious.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - wahoothis - 03-13-2021

"[DE1738]Wait. . . That was music?! That was just a bunch of terrible noises![/color]"

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Kennifer - 03-13-2021

"I'd be a better bard than her, probably because I can actually sing."

Alexis laughs some more. It actually... feels really, really good to laugh.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Huney - 03-13-2021

"This is Corporal Naegi, we got 17 bogies starboard, watch your six, over."

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - wahoothis - 03-13-2021

"Watch my what?" Sorry Komaru, Ranma knows nothing about war movies or lingo.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 6: Aftermath - Huney - 03-13-2021

"Oh, I don't know what these words mean, they just sound professional."