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[Dangan] Free Association: Part One. Day 6: "Graduation Day" - Printable Version

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RE: Free Association: Part One. - Florien - 09-08-2021

Kaikoku gets a [4] and questions the citizens. At this point, they just seem exasperated more than angry. No new information is revealed. However, heading over to block three and checking police files reveals something interesting, as a [9] is rolled for that. There are no known criminals or people of interest for the police in town who are bald, blonde, and big, aside from a couple Nazi bikers in a different part of town, who probably didn't do it.

Meanwhile, in the warehouse district, as Scott waves at the guard... "Mm."

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Cassie - 09-08-2021

"See? I told you they're a buncha bitter bastards-"

Then Anaheim notices the files.

"wait does this mean we gotta look elsewhere for a big bald bearded dude-"

RE: Free Association: Part One. - artsyGeek - 09-08-2021

. .because I forget to add this in my last post, Scott's just gonna > investigate the park.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - The Map Maker - 09-08-2021

"That looks like a lead to me, let's get it!"

>Seach for the reports in block 3.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Florien - 09-08-2021

Ah, the park. [?] There's a fountain, some trees, some rocks, a war memorial for some war, and a horrible, horrible feeling of exposure. There's also some chess tables.

Meanwhile, Seven looks for the reports in block 3. [10] He finds the report room, and manually starts going through every crime-scene report one by one... by one... by one... This might take a while.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Subparman - 09-08-2021

Well, well, well. What do we have here? Guess a lack of results is as good of a source of information as any. Bald Nazi bikers? Weird, but they don't sound especially important.

At Anaheim's question, Kaikoku gives a breezy shrug. Not quite. Either this says we're looking at one of the common folk with no record of crime to speak of, or our Mr. Romero has some explaining to do.

>Now what to go milling around for... The residential areas, maybe? If you could find out whether anyone knows where someone like that lives, that would be a step in some direction.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Cassie - 09-08-2021

Being impatient, the green bean goes off to where Seven is, and >scours the files for any matching descriptions of bald, big, and blond men.

"Slower than a snail..."

RE: Free Association: Part One. - The Map Maker - 09-08-2021

>Try to search faster.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - artsyGeek - 09-08-2021

That probably wasn't anything meaningful, so. . > Office investigation time.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Florien - 09-08-2021

Kaikoku, on the way to the row houses [1] manages to get cut on a rusty spike sticking out of the wall on the way to the Catkin residential area. It looks bad, and might get infected or something if you don't do something.

Anaheim takes one look at the files and starts scouring through them... [2] and immediately gets so unfocused he's just reading the same sentence over and over again.

Meanwhile, Seven tries to get through the files faster [8] and finds the index, making it easier to track down the 20 remaining files. It looks like most of the victims were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, even the ones who stand out a bit by not being regulars of the Catkin area. The wounds are the same too (Stab wound and shotgun to the chest), except on three of them. Victim #7, Victim #10, and Victim #19 each had the gunshot and stab-wound noted as postmortem, rather than Antemortem. The cause of death appears to be two shotgun blasts to the back on #7, a single pistol shot to the head on #10, and blunt-force trauma to the head for #19. -Some other interesting bits: Victim #2 was a CSI team member. Victim #1's death is the only one with a CSI report, which found a shotgun shell, but minimal other trace evidence on the scene.

And Scott tries to investigate the office. [?] It looks like an office. Nothing much interesting about it, aside from its great height relative to everything else in the area. It's a powerful vantage point.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - artsyGeek - 09-08-2021

> . .well then. See how good of a vantage point it is.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Subparman - 09-08-2021

>Uh. Properly treat that shit and THEN go continue your investigation.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Cassie - 09-08-2021

>stop getting distracted and recheck if there's anything spicy about the bald figure through the files Seven scoured

RE: Free Association: Part One. - wingedcatgirl - 09-08-2021

"A possible drug mule..." Sariel mutters. "In that case..."

Sariel investigates what precisely is in those potatoes.

Are you going to need my expertise?

I'm not going to eat them! I'm just investigating.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Florien - 09-08-2021

Scott scopes out the vantage point-ness. [?] Yep, you sure can see a lot of things from up here.

Kaikoku tries to treat the injury. [1] Oh dear. Your "Solution" to a rusty spike cut on the leg was to go to the store and buy a bottle of hand sanitizer to dump into the wound. It burns like all hell, and you pass out from the pain, collapsing in the parking lot. It's not infected, but now you have a head injury and are obstructing traffic. Also you're incapacitated and have a high blood alcohol level now.

Yep, that's one of the things Scott can see. Kaikoku writhing on the pavement.

Anaheim looks for mentions of a bald figure in the files. [10] He looks through all 21 of the files, and then starts looking through all the rest. He keeps coming back to the Nazi Bikers across town who probably didn't do it because they're too busy being Nazis on the other side of town and not being in the nine blocks, but by the end, he's more confused than when he started.

Sariel goes into the bar to investigate the mystery of the potato skins. [?] The bar is still a mess from the bar-fight sparked by Runner Five earlier, and one of the staff is busy mopping up the various spilled potato skins, mingled intermittently with blood, alcohol, and broken glass. New baskets haven't been put out yet, and the floor ones probably aren't going to be too useful in figuring out what's wrong with them.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Magolor - 09-08-2021

"O-oh, well, that's a mighty... fine collection of bayonets! Y'know, I was wondering, since you still sell these... does anyone else buy them? We could make a little group and talk about this stuff." She hopes she won't have to demonstrate her knowledge of bayonets, like how to SPELL THEM!

RE: Free Association: Part One. - artsyGeek - 09-08-2021

". .ohhhhh dear."

> Is there a medkit here? Cuz if so, he's gonna try and heal the umbrella fighter using it.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Subparman - 09-08-2021

Beat. Oh? Why hello there, fellow agent. As you can see I'm perfectly fiAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGH

>... Assist Scott somehow?

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Florien - 09-08-2021

Lynne asks about the bayonets, trying to figure out how to wheedle out a customer list from the Man in Green at the pawn shop register. [10] She ends up engrossed in the topic of 19th century weaponry, and signs up with his Civil War Reenactor group.

Scott searches for a first aid kit to stop Kaikoku from bleeding out. He rushes into the store to buy one... [1] and gets stuck in a line waiting to pay behind a guy with a cart filled entirely with baked beans.

Kaikoku tries to assist Scott, struggling to his feet and getting to the door, when he collapses in agony again, landing on his wrist, spraining it. [8] This distracts the clerks long enough for Scott to rush out with the medkit without paying for it without anyone noticing.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Cassie - 09-08-2021

Anaheim's visor(?) is frowning. Clearly, he's going nowhere with the bald man.

"Oh fuck this shit I'm out. I've gotten sour for nothing."

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Subparman - 09-08-2021

>Preferably try not to fucking die before he even gets to you

RE: Free Association: Part One. - artsyGeek - 09-08-2021

B a m. He's now near Kai.  . .He can't help but notice the kid looks vaguely familiar.

. .eh, maybe put that thought for later. For now, > patch up that wound.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Florien - 09-08-2021

Kaikoku tries not to bleed out immediately on the floor. [5] He does very well at that.

Scott tries to use the first aid kit. [1] He decides the best course of action is to pour the sanitizer into the wound, not realizing that's what caused this particular problem in the first place. Kaikoku passes out from pain again, and after a few minutes, begins to develop symptoms of alcohol poisoning. His breathing becomes erratic and slow and he blacks out. Again.

RE: Free Association: Part One. - Cassie - 09-08-2021



>resuscitate Kai and try to find medical equipment to get him out of this shit

RE: Free Association: Part One. - artsyGeek - 09-08-2021

. .wow with this sort of luck and/or blatant lack of medical knowledge, I'm surprised this guy ended up rolling medic in another game.

"I-I'm sorry! I- Fuck, fuck, fuck-"

> Try again and hope to RNGesus he doesn't put hand sanitiser again.