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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame - Printable Version

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RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Florien - 03-11-2021

Oh my fucking god Ronnie, it doesn't matter if you weren't seen with gloves, you HAD them. Else, you would be like Kai. I poisoned the exit doorknob to the east wing and only the east wing. The gloves are contaminated. You left the east wing BEFORE Kai did, and you didn't die of international terrorist sauce poisoning. Hell, you don't even have any SYMPTOMS. Therefore, you must have touched it with gloves. Oh look, GLOVES WITH IT ON THEM. Oh look, someone briefly entered Alexis's room? And INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST SAUCE on the DOORKNOB? WHY Ronnie!? WHY!? WHY DID YOU GO THERE!? I have to fucking know. You ask me to take off my armor, but unlike you, I understand that stupid risks are just that! STUPID! So NO, this armor is important! Now, you can either confess now, or we execute you as soon as everyone realizes.

>Investigate Alexis's room.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Huney - 03-11-2021

"Okay, okay..."

Komaru woke up late to the keeping Kai from dying horribly party and looks around for instructions. How did Alexis know how to treat Kai?

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Kennifer - 03-11-2021

"I'll get back to, you know... someone wanting to MURDER ME later; did you need some help with Ranma? I still have the printout from before with the medicines and their proper dosages."

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Mr. Lee Hammer - 03-11-2021

You just wear that armor because you're a coward. Risks..... ha ha ha. I bet you're just all talk. Ranma can lay you down flat in two seconds if he could. And maybe I did go to Alexis's room. So what? Wanted to read her notebook, but she wasn't in there. Is that really worth executing people over? That's extreme, don't you think? And that yellow stuff? I just washed it off in the bathroom. I don't like getting sticky stuff on my hands. Plus I'm not stupid enough to lick it like Ranma did. So just admit it. Why do you want to pick a fight with me for? Don't like my honesty, is that it?

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - wahoothis - 03-11-2021

Ranma's just sitting on one of the beds, trying to keep composed. "Relax, it was just a little bit of poison. Just a spec. I've had worse amounts put in me before. So this should be nothing and be a piece of-" Just as Ranma was going to give a thumbs up and finish that sentence, he passes out.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Huney - 03-11-2021


Komaru watches Ranma pass out, fucking terror in her eyes as she turns to Alexis.


RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - wingedcatgirl - 03-11-2021

>Investigate Alexis's room. [Kellensea]
Alexis's room, having been decorated to her liking, is not nondescript. There doesn't seem to be much of interest inside, but there's scuffing on the floor that doesn't match Alexis's shoes.

>How did Alexis know how to treat Kai? [Komaru]
She probably put him on the big honking scanner taking up half the floor and asked the computer what to do.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Huney - 03-11-2021


>drag Ranma onto scanner and await further instructions

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Kennifer - 03-11-2021

Alexis shuffles the various printouts she's gotten from Admin and Medbay, then hands the one from Medbay to Komaru.

"This is what I got when I scanned Kai. Scanning Ranma separately is the better idea though, in case he needs different dosages since it seems to require a lot of precision. But this will at least tell you the medications you'll need, as well as after care. Now if you will excuse me..."

>Go make sure the crazy adventurer doesn't steal your posters.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Florien - 03-11-2021

Yeah, except that poison, if it got on your hands? You'd have symptoms. A researcher had an accident with it, accidently touched it with bare skin, was in a coma for a week. KAI WAS the BEST CASE Scenario. Which, this looks BAD for you Ronnie. Gloves in your room, soaked in that international terrorist sauce. Alexis's door, with the international terrorist sauce. Why'd you do it, Ronnie? Cowardice isn't hiding behind armor. Cowardice is refusing to hide behind armor because people will judge you. It's refusing help because people will judge you. You a fucking playbiller? A paladin? Point is, you're so dead when I press that button... Wait, fuck. Host, if I press that button, it drags Ranma to the meeting room, and he dies, does that count as a kill for me, or a kill for Ranma because he's a fucking idiot?

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - wahoothis - 03-11-2021

Ranma is currently incapacitated and can't do anything at the moment. But if he was awake, he'd probably be saying something like "If I did, punch Kellensea in the face for me and keep my belongings from her.. For now, he's getting his ass hauled to the scanner because he decided it was a good idea to lick poison off a doorknob.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Mr. Lee Hammer - 03-11-2021

Well, maybe I'm lucky. I don't know what to tell you.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - wingedcatgirl - 03-11-2021

>drag Ranma onto scanner and await further instructions [Komaru]
The computer's scanning laser moves up and down Ranma's body and it prints out a sheet of paper with detailed treatment instructions.

>Go make sure the crazy adventurer doesn't steal your posters. [Alexis]
Alexis returns to her room.

I turn to Kellensea. Um, button? ... Neither. You can't call meetings during immediate crises. Wait for Ranma's condition to stabilize... or for him to die, I guess. That's a thing that's also possible.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Huney - 03-11-2021

Okay! Hey look Komaru, you may save Ranma yet!

>Breathe a sigh of relief and read the instructions.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Kennifer - 03-11-2021

"Yeah, don't touch my stuff while I'm still alive, okay?"

She figures the doorknob shit was already an attempt on her life, so she no longer feels weird saying such a thing.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Caret - 03-11-2021

The gloves fit better on Ronnie then Harkua... hmmmmm... what about that poison?

>search for where the killer(?) might have gotten the Novichok agent

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Florien - 03-11-2021

UGHHHH. Whatever. So if Ranma dies of this shit, that's on him for being a fucking idiot, and you should let me go for it. Okay? Okay. So, RONNIE. Don't worry, everyone, I'm probably not going to kill him. Yet. But can we agree that Ronnie totally did this and we should either execute him normally extrajudicially or let me kill him and allow me to walk out that door without being executed? I'm open to both options. Obviously, I'd prefer the latter, but if you really want to go with the former, we can do that. And Alexis, I'm not taking your stuff while you yet live. Don't worry about that. ALSO FUCKING GOD BOW YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FUCKING IDIOT OF A FOX THING EVER. I USED THE NOVICHOK. NOT RONNIE. GOD. You are EASILY the DUMBEST FUCKING FOX THING THAT'S EVER BEEN. PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION sometimes!

Kellensea's utter hatred boils over for a minute, before another abrupt calm takes over.

Anyway, in conclusion, Ronnie is a murderer, and we should do something about that, the Fox thing is an idiot and we should probably do something about that, and I think I should get permission to loot Ronnie's stuff sooner, but that's negotiable, okay?

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - wingedcatgirl - 03-11-2021

>Breathe a sigh of relief and read the instructions. [Komaru]
The instructions prescribe very precise amounts of certain chemicals to be injected in a particular order. The chemicals in question are, thankfully, conveniently at hand, presumably from Alexis using them to treat Kai.

>search for where the killer(?) might have gotten the Novichok agent [Bow]
The only place it makes sense to store Russian chemical warfare agents is the science lab. Bow heads off there to check... Well, there's a wide variety of weird-ass shit in there. She can't rule out that this is where someone found Novichok.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Mr. Lee Hammer - 03-11-2021

Why did you put the Novichok on the doorknobs? Why are you trying to kill everyone here anyway? I'm just trying to help everyone out here. Ad all you want is for everyone to die? Why? So you can take our stuff for yourself? What use could you possibly have for our things anyway?

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Huney - 03-11-2021


Komaru takes a deep breath.



>Use your famed Naegi memory to remember. He cut his hand before he showed his neat trick, was that wound still on his hand in his different body?

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Florien - 03-11-2021

I put the international terrorist sauce on EXACTLY ONE DOORKNOB Ronnie. The East Wing Bedrooms Interior Doorknob. But somehow, it ends up on TWO Doorknobs, the second of which is a room you ADMIT YOU ENTERED LAST NIGHT. This just goes to show, you FUCKED UP. You put your gloves on, walked into that room, unaware that that you got that excellent nerve agent all over Alexis's doorknob while turning it. You interfered with my plans, Ronnie. But you left traces. No one is good enough to leave no evidence. No one. But especially not YOU.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - wahoothis - 03-11-2021

As Ranma's player, I can confirm that Ranma's curse doesn't get rid of wounds. He/She still had that wound when he was female. So changing him won't get rid of the poison's effects. Probably would make the poison pass faster since Ranma becomes a lot smaller. So short answer: No, his transformation doesn't heal his wounds, they just carry over to the other form.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Huney - 03-11-2021

... No, that wound was definitely still there.




RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Mr. Lee Hammer - 03-11-2021

Oh, wah wah wah. I ruined your attempts to kill Alexis. Poor Kellensea. Cry me a river, you ugly-armored bitch.

RE: Murder U Too - Day 5: MEDIIIIIIIIC - Kennifer - 03-11-2021

"Hey, Ronnie? As annoying as she is, I can vouch for Kellensea being in the office all night. I saw this from Admin. And Bow was with me when someone entered my room. Which you admitted to doing! By the way, I keep my notes on me, so if you want them, you'll have to make a better effort at killing me than smearing poisons on my doorknob. You want to know what it says about you? I'll tell you, if you're so curious. It says you're addicted to possibly dangerous energy drinks, you smell like dog shit, and you're too stupid to realize that if you wanted to save water you could at least give yourself a sponge bath once a day or something. There. Now you've got no more reason to bother me. Now go get yourself some actual soap, you smelly weirdo."