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[Dangan] Free Association: Part One. Day 6: "Graduation Day" - Printable Version +- Trouble Cube Forums (https://troublecube.net/mybb) +-- Forum: Trouble Cube (https://troublecube.net/mybb/Forum-Trouble-Cube) +--- Forum: Hybrid games (https://troublecube.net/mybb/Forum-Hybrid-games) +---- Forum: Murdergames (https://troublecube.net/mybb/Forum-Murdergames) +---- Thread: [Dangan] Free Association: Part One. Day 6: "Graduation Day" (/Thread-Dangangame-Free-Association-Part-One-Day-6-Graduation-Day) |
RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 09-28-2021 [4]: You panic and forget how to do things, so instead you just grab everyone's signup sheet from the aether. https://troublecube.net/mybb/Thread-Signup-full-Free-Association-Signups-Full?pid=46015#pid46015 RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Kennifer - 09-28-2021 1T 1S K1ND OF 4 SH4M3 4BOUT TH3 CH4LK GUY BUT TO B3 F41R H3 S33M3D L1K3 4 PR3TTY 34SY T4RG3T SO 1M NOT TH4T SURPR1S3D >:/ 1T S33MS TH3 ON3S WHO 4R3 TH3 R1GHT S1Z3 4R3 B-SH4 4ND TH3 SQU1D COOK13 S4UF S1 SOM3ON3 CROUCH3D OR SOM3TH1NG TO FR4M3 ON3 OF TH3M Terezi ponders this while munching a croissant. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 09-29-2021 Come on, find Snap's killer and tip the police! Hurry along now, it could be any of you! I don't want someone who gets caught being a spy, and you don't want someone who killed one of your friends to walk out, do you? RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Subparman - 09-29-2021 Really? Kaikoku, who was already at the crime scene for some reason, raises an eyebrow in amusement upon seeing the report. And I thought this one was responsible for his own death. What were our masked missy and the Cookie doing out at night, if I may ask? ...Then again, it's not as if they convict the victim for his own murder. Maybe there's more to this case than he initially thought. >Does the window show any signs of being disturbed past the initial breaking-in attempt? RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Kennifer - 09-29-2021 C3 N'3ST P4S 1MPOSS1BL3 TH4T SN4P 1S R3SPONS1BL3 FOR H1S OWN D34TH BUT 1M NOT SUR3 HOW L1K3LY 1T 1S M4YB3 H3 W4S TRY1NG TO R3MOV3 TH3 B4R 4ND UND3R3ST1M4T3D 1TS W31GHT 4ND GOT H1T 1N TH3 H34D 4T TH3 WRONG 4NGL3 4LTHOUGH 1F H3 W4S GO1NG TO K1LL H1MS3LF 1 WOULD H4V3 3XP3CT3D H1M TO D1SSOLV3 H1MS3LF W1TH W4T3R OR T4K3 4 DRUG OV3RDOS3 Terezi pondered this, offering Kaikoku some bread as she spoke. 31TH3R W4Y 1 SUGG3ST W3 G3T TH3 STOR13S FROM OUR OTH3R P3T1T3 COMP4TR1OTS SO W3 C4N T3LL WH4T L1N3S UP 4ND WH4T M1GHT NOT RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 09-29-2021 Window Disturbance? [6]: If anyone went through after Snap, they did a very good job of leaving exactly no trace. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Magolor - 09-30-2021 Sorry for forgetting about this—I've been busy then forgot!!!! Hoo boy I'm really sorry though; here's Lynne's next action. If this bar really was pried out... then she shall >attempt to determine what tool was used to pry it! RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 09-30-2021 [10]: You decide to test via experiment, and systematically pry out every single bar with various tools you find lying around. You decide that it could have been any tool really, or maybe even no tool. The bars are generally fairly loose, and are mostly for show. Also you have an enormous pile of pried out bars and people staring at you. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - artsyGeek - 09-30-2021 Scott is . . Also now at the scene. Just. . > Investigating the chalk dust, I suppose. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Kennifer - 09-30-2021 >Try and figure out if Snap COULD have killed himself with the bar or if it was definitely someone else doing the deed RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 09-30-2021 Oh, and in further evidence that you people are really struggling to achieve anything other than chaos and destruction... we finally tracked down that cookie you had with you briefly. They tried to flee the nine blocks, so instant fail there... then they crashed into an electric substation and got fried. Turns out water-suited eyes aren't great for seeing in air. Calamari jokes aside, the power outage is on the other end of town. Your relays weren't affected. Chalk dust? [6]: It's from Snap. What else is there to know? Could snap have done it? [5]: Well, there's nothing that says that he couldn't have. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - wingedcatgirl - 09-30-2021 "Was the cookie desperate enough to escape to murder Snap and then try to flee when it seemed like people might be onto them...? "I don't know how much sense that makes, but we can at least rule it out surely..." >Search for evidence to either confirm or exclude the possibility of Squid Ink Cookie being Snap's killer RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 09-30-2021 [9]: Squid Ink cookie disappeared two days ago, long before Snap was killed. It's probably safe to assume they deserted then, and that they didn't murder Snap. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - The Map Maker - 09-30-2021 >Determine how hard would it be for the killer to bash someone's head in while lowering their own height. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - artsyGeek - 09-30-2021 > . . investigate Snap's body again - See if there's any clue the file had somehow missed RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 09-30-2021 Altered height? [6]: Well, people use hammers while kneeling all the time. All that matters is how fast the striking part swings. So theoretically it wouldn't be too difficult. In practice, most people probably wouldn't think of doing that in the middle of ambushing someone though. Look for things the CSI team missed: You don't need to roll to know that the CSI and autopsy report are not lying, nor did they miss any evidence that is at the main crime scene. It's up to you to assemble that evidence, or think of clever ways to test that evidence. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - wingedcatgirl - 09-30-2021 "So our culprit is either B-Sha or someone very dedicated to framing her." >Search the crime scene for evidence of a third person, other than B-Sha and Snap RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - wingedcatgirl - 09-30-2021 "The CSIs found all the evidence, we don't need to do that. "Oh. Hm. ..." RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - The Map Maker - 09-30-2021 >Try to find out if B-Sha has an alibi or not. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Kennifer - 09-30-2021 31TH3R TH4T OR SN4P M4N4G3D TO DO TH1S TO H1MS3LF 4S W31RD 4S TH4T WOULD B3 WH3R3 1S B-SH4 4NYW4Y 1 DONT SM3LL H3R 4ROUND RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 09-30-2021 Alibi? [?]: You can't think of a way to get an alibi for B-Sha other than asking her directly. Evidence of a third person? [?]: Well, there's nothing that specifically says that certain individuals were at the crime scene, but through some careful thinking, you decide that there probably wasn't a third person. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Kennifer - 09-30-2021 SO 1T 1S N4RROW3D DOWN TO D3UX 31TH3R 1T W4S B-SH4 OR SN4P K1LL3D H1MS3LF C'3ST BON 1T 1S N4RROW3D DOWN BUT B-SH4 H4S SOM3 3XPL41N1NG TO DO RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 10-01-2021 Just a reminder, agents. The day after this is the deadline. If you haven't decided who killed Snap and tipped off anyone who you might want to know that, I will graduate any surviving individuals involved in that. Seven of you are still active in the region. Evening is descending. Night starts at 8 PM pacific on Friday. (20 hours from now.) 105 hours after that, the final day starts. Be Ready. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Zanreo - 10-01-2021 B-Sha then arrived... oh crap, and now she was a suspect? "I can tell you I wasn't doing anything at night! Aside from sleeping! In fact, I might have slept in a bit... still tired" she says and lets out a small yawn. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Kennifer - 10-01-2021 Terezi is gonna.... >Try to smell any chalk dust on B-Sha |