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[Dangan] Free Association: Part One. Day 6: "Graduation Day" - Printable Version

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RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - Florien - 09-22-2021

Your choice, but absolutely. Especially with the current situation in the city, I expect there to be a much higher body-count in a few days when the FBI comes in full-force, and I really can't afford to be watching you then. That's one of the reasons I've set the deadline.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - Magolor - 09-22-2021

"Well, great."

She trudges around.
>Any new serial killer victims today? Or maybe I missed the part where they got got I missed the part where they got got

>investigate the apartments for any leftover traps or something

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - Florien - 09-22-2021

[?]: No traps... you think.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - The Map Maker - 09-22-2021

"Hmm, there might still be some loose ends."

>Try to figure out if there is anything still left unsolved.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - Florien - 09-22-2021

[10]: Why yes, there are things left unsolved. You haven't yet figured out how to unify general relativity with quantum chromodynamics nor electroweak theory. How ice skates work remains elusive, the reason behind bicycles not wobbling and falling over while moving is an enigma, and how those bulbous tops flip over when you spin them doesn't have a good explanation. World hunger remains too. Lots of unsolved mysteries out there.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - wingedcatgirl - 09-22-2021

"Ooh, that's a good one, let's go with that."

Vivi begins researching how to solve world hunger.

"This feels off-topic," Sariel mumbles.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - Florien - 09-22-2021

[1]: You come up with a solution to world hunger! It involves a lot of murder. Some might say "too much murder". Your idea is roughly on par with the idea of Thanos, except somehow even stupider than "kill half of all the things even though the vast majority of resources come from living things". It is so stupid, in fact, that you forget everything about it save that it was a very stupid idea.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - Dookie - 09-22-2021

> Come up with a better solution, to better the world

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - Kennifer - 09-22-2021

Terezi, not thinking any of this is going to help any of them graduate, just pulls a baguette out of hammerspace and munches on the end of it.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - wingedcatgirl - 09-22-2021

Vivi, not to be deterred, researches harder!

Sariel, starting to get annoyed, tries to convince their headmate that this is incredibly silly.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - The Map Maker - 09-23-2021

>Try to think of something better to investigate.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - Florien - 09-23-2021

Better Solution! [4]: It's not difficult to come up with a better solution. Yours is unworkable and awful, but it's better.

Harder Research! [1]: You don't have much access to resources to research, so you use Wikipedia, the only real source you can use here. Naturally, your phone's battery depletes, and while trying to charge it again, you accidently get zapped. Electrical burns aside, you've achieved nothing.

Better Investigate! [5]: Well, you never did find for certain why there were three victims of the killer who were killed with different weapons. But you caught the killer already, right? It might not be worth worrying about right now. Or maybe it is?

Evening is descending. Night starts at 10AM Pacific on Thursday, 14 hours from this post.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - wingedcatgirl - 09-23-2021

"Y'know, that's actually a really good ques-


"Thal's balls, Vivi, can you drop it for two days?! I'm looking into those three outliers now."

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - Florien - 09-23-2021

[9]: The Mysterious Matter of the Differing Data Points:

Of the outliers, you think back to the strange text file recovered from the laptop marked "important." Were you there for that? It doesn't matter. You know about it now. You note that the numbers in it with extra information (however inscrutable) corresponded to the outliers' positions in the death order, each being followed by an exclamation point. and that the murder of Mathra also was noted for featuring the killer's weapon being used post-mortem, as well as featuring extra information next to it, and an exclamation point.

The question is, what was Lindsey doing keeping that text file? And why were the lethal wounds from weapons other than a shotgun-with-a-bayonet in the cases of the outliers? And why would Lindsey inflict their signature wound post-mortem in those cases?

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - The Map Maker - 09-23-2021

>Go to an apartament room and lock the door.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - Kennifer - 09-23-2021

Terezi ponders the outlying cases as well.



Well, later, since it was getting late. For now she's gonna

> Hide out in an apartment for now

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 4: "Graduations and Deadlines" - Florien - 09-23-2021

Seven gets a [9], and locks himself right in.

French Terezi gets a [3] and can't open the door. It seems to be stuck. Oh well, the hallway is plenty secure.

Night has fallen, mysteriously four hours late. Day returns... let's say Tuesday at 11:00 AM. (93 hours from now.)

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 09-28-2021

The sun rises on Tripford. The Atmosphere is tense. No shots have been fired yet between the various federal agencies and the TCPD, but even the slightest spark might set off a conflagration that could be difficult to extinguish. Appropriately, the sky is in a most gloomy, overcast state. It feels like it might rain. Police forces are widely dispersed throughout the city, and the police encampment is rather less inhabited right now, many of the officers from there having gone to other locations throughout the city. Police cruisers drive around, playing a constant, repetitive urging from Chief Clearday to remain calm and support your local police from mounted radios. There's mutters of discontent among the populace, and journalists flit around the edges, recording everything.

The local news is broadcasting that a suspect has been arrested in the Catkin Lane Killer Case. One "Lindsey H. Clipton, a local warehouse security guard". The newsreader mentions also that the killings have stopped with the arrest, and credits the "good police work" of the TCPD for solving the case. Non-local stations appear to not be picked up for some reason. This is blamed, unconvincingly, on a "power surge" and "atmospheric interference". Cell data and internet alike are apparently unavailable. (Thankfully your phones are very multipurpose and manage to allow you to communicate still, though you do not have an internet connection.)

Meanwhile, in matters that pertain more closely to you, the Spymaster calls in, staticky, indistinguishable voice monotonal, as if reading a script.

You have two days to attempt to graduate left. Snap is dead. You've been delivered the case files. Solve this mystery.

The Case of the Snapped Skull
The Victim is Snap, a bizarre creature made of chalk who is also a police consultant. The body was found in the former offices of The Eye, a minor local paper.

The Cause of death is injuries from a single strike of a blunt object to the front of the skull, which shattered it and caused a severe hemorrhage, leading to death.

There are many pre-mortem internal and external injuries on the body, mostly appearing to be chemical burns. These are multiple days old. There were also drugs in the victim's toxicology screen, mostly cocaine.

CSI Report Attached.

-C.M.E. McCastle.

CSI Report: There are signs of a break-in at the office. The window was smashed inwards and one of the bars was pried out. There was chalk around the windowframe. The victim was found lying next to the pried-out bar, in a corner distant from the broken window. The pried-out bar had chalk-dust on both ends, and is suspected to be the murder weapon. Based on the angle of impact, the victim was struck by someone standing roughly four to five feet tall.

After a few minutes, the Spymaster speaks again, this time noticeably annoyed-sounding.

Do NOT do anything to inflame the current larger situation. Knowing you people, you insist on making things difficult. You blow up the sewers, and that gets the feds involved. One of your own gets into a shootout in the grocery store, and then goes on the run, before getting gunned down by police. I am disappointed that I need to say that you should NOT INFLAME THE SITUATION FURTHER, as it should be obvious that your trail of destruction is NOT A GOOD THING. I don't want to see you doing ANYTHING that doesn't involve attempting to graduate or solving the problem of who killed one of you, should that come up.

The Final Night Phase starts on Friday at 8PM Pacific, 79 hours from this post. After that, the Final Day Phase starts on Tuesday at 10AM Pacific, 185 hours from this post (and 105 from the night phase.)


RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - wingedcatgirl - 09-28-2021

"Snap, really? That's who our attempted graduate is going for? He's harmless.

"Maybe that's the point. An easy victim.

"... Hm."

The Elakhas will start by >figuring out where everyone was last night.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Zanreo - 09-28-2021

>examine pried-out bar

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Kennifer - 09-28-2021

>Does the chalk on the windowframe smell like it came from Snap?

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 09-28-2021

Figure out where everyone was last night. [3]: Well, you can account for all your own whereabouts. That's a lot of whereabouts! Where any other people were? You can't possibly guess.

Figure out the business of the pried out bar. [7]: The bar was probably loose. It was blocking the window so people couldn't just smash the window and get in, but it seems that's exactly what happened. It has chalk dust on both ends.

[5]: Yes, the chalk dust on the window frame probably came from Snap.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - The Map Maker - 09-28-2021

>See if there are any witnesses.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - Florien - 09-28-2021

Were there any witnesses? [9]: You get the feeling that no witness would ever come forwards, even if they'd seen what happened, because to see what happened they would have had to be inside the newspaper office, itself a crime. Not that there would be any witnesses anyway. It's easy to avoid having witnesses at night.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 5: "Penultimatum" - The Map Maker - 09-28-2021

>Compile a list of suspects who match the kiler's supposed height.