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[Dangan] Free Association: Part One. Day 6: "Graduation Day" - Printable Version

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RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Kennifer - 09-17-2021


RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Mr. Lee Hammer - 09-17-2021

[evil]Let me try. [evil]

> Use key to open the door

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Mr. Lee Hammer - 09-17-2021

*Pretend that's evil text

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Florien - 09-17-2021

[8]: You unlock the door... and open it... and that's not a supply closet.

A small room with an array of camera feeds greets you. There's no visible place to retrieve the recordings from, nor a way to play them back that you can see, but it looks like it has eyes all across block 7's outdoors areas. There's a laptop in the corner with a "Strickland Semiconductors International" screensaver, a shiny 3D logo bouncing around in the most early 2000s way possible.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Kennifer - 09-17-2021


RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - PointMaid - 09-17-2021

...Agreed. Very much agreed.

> Okay, look through the laptop

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Mr. Lee Hammer - 09-17-2021

Strickland Semiconductiors International, huh...

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - PointMaid - 09-17-2021

Yeah. They're... definitely involved in this stuff.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Florien - 09-17-2021

CHECK OUT THAT LAPTOP! [10]: HELL YEAH! You unscrew the laptop's stuff and look at the interior components, voiding the warranty. You pop out the battery and inspect it! You poke the weird dot mouse in the middle of the keyboard and question why computers still have those things. You do everything except actually manage to look at anything ON the computer.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Mr. Lee Hammer - 09-17-2021

We're not here for tech support, you know!

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - PointMaid - 09-17-2021

...Why did I do that?

> Um. Put that back together and look at what's actually on the computer, like, files and stuff.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - The Map Maker - 09-17-2021

>Tend to your leg.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Mr. Lee Hammer - 09-17-2021

> Try to acquire some information about this "Strickland Semiconductiors International"

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Kennifer - 09-17-2021

While the computer is being repaired Terezi is going to...

>Sniff up "Strickland Semiconductors International" on her phone

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Florien - 09-17-2021

Tend to your leg. [1]: It wasn't compound before, but it sure is now! There's a bone sticking out of your skin, and that's weird, gross, painful, and a potential vector for infection. You need medical attention, stat.

Reassemble the computer. [5]: You manage to do that without breaking anything. Impressive! Now you just have to get past the password.

Hey Siri, tell me about Strickland Semiconductors! [2]: EJL accidently looks up Strickland Semiconductors UNITED, which is a tax shelter in Ireland, and probably not relevant to anything.

No, INTERNATIONAL, Siri. [6]: It's been looked up before, but not by you, so here's the story. They're a leading manufacturer of wafercutters and depositors, which make the wafers computer chips are cut out of. They're a relatively small corporation, but in a key place in the tech supply chain, as not many others do what they do. The CEO is Richard Altadena, they're incorporated in Delaware, headquartered a few cities over, and their EULAs demand you sue them in River County, the county in which Tripford and not their headquarters is in.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - PointMaid - 09-17-2021

...Perfect. There's a password. Anyone think of a way to get around that?

But... Hmmm... > Are there any prominent lawsuits at the moment in River County involving Strickland Semiconductors International? What are they? The victims of the CLK don't happen to be testifying, prosecuting attorneys, or, oh, jurors, do they?

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Cassie - 09-17-2021

Anaheim finds Seven's leg badly broken

"Oh SHIT lemme fucking help"

> help fix Seven's leg

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Mr. Lee Hammer - 09-17-2021

> Hack the laptop where we can bypass the password and access the files

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Dookie - 09-17-2021

> Look for some medicine air chalk are whatever the fun you can to not feel like someone who should be in the hospital.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Florien - 09-17-2021

Lawsuits? [6]: Lawsuits... not really. Certainly none of the victims were involved in the legal system as much more than defendants. But apparently there was a lawsuit some time a couple years ago when Altadena suddenly became CEO out of nowhere, ousting Robert Strickland. Robert tried to sue for battery, but the charges were dropped. Aside from that, there's nothing much more than a few "wrongful termination" lawsuits, most of which were settled out of court, and a few news items about tax evasion which never got followed up on.

Anaheim tries to fix Seven's leg... [9]: Somehow, Anaheim, with a broken leg of his own, manages to get down a ladder, properly treat a compound fracture with incredibly limited supplies, and get Seven in a splint and out of the hole. Impressive.

Hack the laptop. [7]: Password? No. Password1? No. Password2? No. password? No. password1? No. password2? No. Passw0rd? no. Eventually, you enter "xPasswordx." That works. The computer unlocks.

Look for medicine. [10]: COCAINE! That'll make you able to move around without feeling as much pain! There probably won't be any immediate ill effects either! YES! You quickly snort a copious quantity of cocaine.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Cassie - 09-17-2021

"Oh thank fuck I managed to do it right here and now..."

Anaheim heads to the warehouse.

"Whaddya got so far?"

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - artsyGeek - 09-17-2021

. .I-I'll just say Scott's read the case files for today and . . I dunno uhh > investigate whatever the fuck happened last night.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - IsThisAPikachu - 09-17-2021

After all that doing nothing, Squib finally decides to show their face!

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Kennifer - 09-17-2021


Terezi offers some baguettes for munching while going through the files.


RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - PointMaid - 09-17-2021

Oh, you got the password! Alright. Cool. Awesome. Now hopefully this can tell us something. It has to have something important on it, right?

> Yeah, look over that laptop's files