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[Dangan] Free Association: Part One. Day 6: "Graduation Day" - Printable Version +- Trouble Cube Forums (https://troublecube.net/mybb) +-- Forum: Trouble Cube (https://troublecube.net/mybb/Forum-Trouble-Cube) +--- Forum: Hybrid games (https://troublecube.net/mybb/Forum-Hybrid-games) +---- Forum: Murdergames (https://troublecube.net/mybb/Forum-Murdergames) +---- Thread: [Dangan] Free Association: Part One. Day 6: "Graduation Day" (/Thread-Dangangame-Free-Association-Part-One-Day-6-Graduation-Day) |
RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Florien - 09-16-2021 [1]: While looking into the open sewer manhole, recently burned out, Five manages to fall in. She don't die from the fall, at least, but she's clearly broken an arm. [5]: Dr. Fischer remembers that this is nowhere near where victim #22 was found. They were killed on the north end of the block, not the south, by the bar. There's also a black lump of melted plastic in the sewer, so charred and melted that it's quite impossible to tell what it was. [5]: Warrant? Well, Seko's not around to help you forge one, so you go through the legal channels. Surprisingly, based on your incredibly limited evidence of "well maybe the killer came from the warehouse" the judge is like "okay". Of course, the warrant is faxed to the police base on block 3, so now you have to walk all the way over there to get it, which you do. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-16-2021 OH GOD RUNNER FIVE ARE YOU OKAY DOWN THERE? RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Kennifer - 09-16-2021 Glad she managed to find her way to the police base and with warrant now in hand, Terezi sends a text to Runner Five and Dr. Fischer, unaware of the former's injuring herself. 1 GOT TH3 W4RR4NT L3T M3 KNOW WH3N YOUR3 R34DY TO DO TH1S TH1NG >:] ...good timing? Definitely not, but she's been sniffing around block 3 to find the police base so she doesn't know this lol RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Dookie - 09-16-2021 Snap comes up to the news feed. Then, he notices Five. "You alright?" > jump in RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-16-2021 Monsieur, would you mind helping getting Runner out of the sewers, she fell in, and it sounded like she hit the ground pretty bad. >Attempt to aid Runner Five out of the sewers RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - PointMaid - 09-16-2021 ...Well, I'm not dead. That's something. But I think my arm is broken. Dammit. > ...Tear a piece of your clothing and try to make a sling. ...Not the first limb I've broken with limited medical attention, though RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Florien - 09-16-2021 [10] Snap jumps high into the air, does a triple backflip, and jumps into the sewers, which are known for containing water. He suffers horrific injuries, even worse than the time he drank a glass of water, and manages to grab onto the ladder. If he hadn't, he would be dead. As is, he's pretty close to death now. Help Five? [5]:You somehow manage to get her out without causing the fracture to become compound. Make a sling. [7]: Well, that worked. It'll take weeks to heal, of course, but it probably won't become compound. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-16-2021 ... Snap you absolute fucking idiot. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - PointMaid - 09-16-2021 Oh, great. SNAP!?! Thanks for helping, folks, by the way. ...Ow. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Dookie - 09-16-2021 "Oh great..ow...how was I supposed to know...this sewer's dark? There was water?" > Climb up the ladder, and don't die. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Florien - 09-16-2021 [8]: You somehow manage to haul your injured, chalk-bleeding (running?) body out of the sewer and onto the pavement, where you writhe for a while. You achieve the stated goal of not dying, but you're in incredibly bad shape. Like "it's a miracle you're not dead" shape. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - The Map Maker - 09-16-2021 "The fuck's going on here?!" The recently awoken Seven yelled as he saw the state of the apartaments. >Investigate the apartament crime scene. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Kennifer - 09-16-2021 Terezi, warrant in hand, is gonna >Head back to the bar; if anyone questions here it's time to play up the blind girl act again. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Florien - 09-16-2021 Investigate the disaster at the apartment. [4]: The CSI report from earlier tells you pretty much everything. There isn't exactly much trace evidence to be found. Now if you could just think of a way to use the evidence at hand to come to some sort of conclusion... Meanwhile, Terezi goes to the bar. [3]: Cicero the Bartender stares at her suspiciously. Ya look a little young, kid, ID? RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Kennifer - 09-16-2021 D3SOL3 1 MUST H4V3 W4ND3R3D 1N BY 4CC1D3NT 1 W4S JUST TRY1NG TO F1ND 4 PL4C3 TO GR4B 4 CH3RRY SOD4 >play up the blind girl thing again yeah, go out and wait outside the bar for the others if need be because she's gonna want backup on this one RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - The Map Maker - 09-16-2021 >Which room was used for the trap? RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Florien - 09-16-2021 [5]:...Okay then. Which room? [8] Well, a random one on the fourth floor not belonging to anyone in particular. And considering that anyone could unlock a door with some effort... RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Kennifer - 09-16-2021 And back outside. WH3W TH4T COULD H4V3 B33N ST1CKY >smell around for the others she'd been talking to earlier RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - The Map Maker - 09-16-2021 "I feel like I'm not gonna get anywhere here." >Investigate block 7 once again. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Florien - 09-16-2021 Terezi successfully finds the people she was talking to earlier. As one does. 7 gets a [7] on investigating the 7th block, and wins the jackpot. Not a literal jackpot. Just a metaphorical one, in that the explosion which ripped through the sewers last night probably started here. Oh, also, you find the bullet from the sniper rifle which killed Mathra. It's embedded in a wall behind her, and based on the direction and angle, you'd say she was shot by someone standing on the ground across the street. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-16-2021 I would love to help, but I've already been kicked out of the bar. And I need a nap, cause staying up all night is kinda shit. >Go to the apartment I was in yesterday and take a nap. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Florien - 09-16-2021 Dr. Fischer gets into that apartment and sleeps. [7]:... staying up all night would be tiring. Wouldn't it. RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - PointMaid - 09-16-2021 Um... Is there anything I can do, Snap? You look... not so good. I really appreciate your trying to help me earlier, by the way. > ...Try to help Snap, although you're not sure how to help, not being familiar with chalk people And, I can probably help with some backup, Terezi, yeah. I haven't been banned from there... yet. What exactly do you have in mind? After trying to help Snap, she's going to > Provide Terezi backup at the bar RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Kennifer - 09-16-2021 W3LL 1 GOT 4 W4RR4NT 4ND 1M NOT SUR3 WH3R3 TO GO FROM TH3R3 1F YOU N33D CH4LK 1 C4N H3LP W1TH TH4T THOUGH >:] She takes a box of colorful chalks out of her sylladex. H3LP YOURS3LF BUT DONT T4K3 TH3 R3D ON3 1TS TH3 MOST D3L1C1OUS US3 TH3 BLU3 ON3 OR SOM3TH1NG >:] RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 3: "Explosive Revelations" - Florien - 09-16-2021 Stop Snap from being on the verge of death. [9]: Not much you can do, but you manage to use advanced field medic skills to patch him up enough that he can move around and do things without his innards trailing around behind him or whatever? Provide Terezi with backup. [10]: You moonwalk aggressively in front of Terezi. It's impressive. Some people loitering around the bar (mostly construction workers who aren't at the site because of the whole "it collapsed" thing) clap. The warrant is specifically to investigate the warehouses. |