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[Dangan] Free Association: Part One. Day 6: "Graduation Day" - Printable Version

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RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Cassie - 09-13-2021

>knock and wait

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - artsyGeek - 09-13-2021

Feeling like doing a Persuasion check of sorts today, let's see how it goes.

". .h-hey, hey. Okay, I. . I know you're pissed off about the questions, so! Here's a deal. You stop shooting me, and I'll stop asking stuff to you. I. . Is that good?"

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Florien - 09-13-2021

Knock and wait. [8]: You knock and wait. For quite a while. That's when you realize Romero couldn't be home, it's day and he's at the construction site. That's when you realize the consequences of that, and pry the doorknob off, fiddle with the mechanisms, and pop the door open without anyone who you don't want noticing noticing.

Scott tries to diffuse the situation... [4] VS [1]. +2 Nonlethal for Scott. Victory! THAT'S ANOTHER QUESTION! SHUT THE FUCK UP! Shouts the civilian, louder than ever, as he takes aim again... before his hand cramps and he drops the gun. That was lucky, and would have been enough for Scott to get away... However, at that moment, Seko comes in.


She draws a shotgun, and before Scott can react... [8] [1] +7 for Seko. She fires a slug directly into the civilian's head. It's a gruesome sight.

Well, that's done. I'll haul that off with the other when it's time for me to head back.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - artsyGeek - 09-13-2021


Certainly is a bullet he dodged.

". . t . . Thank you?" He states sheepishly.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Florien - 09-13-2021

Yeah, yeah. Just doing my job. Clearing the streets of scum like that.

"Seko" Meitner basks in the mild adulation from shooting a disarmed and neutralized civilian like it's the highest of praise.

Back to work. Got a crime scene to guard, you know. And the others, badgering me about getting them a warrant. When did we go for this "due process" crap in this town? It protects the criminals. Should abolish that shit.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-13-2021

Having witnessed the altercation, Fischer is curious about... something.

>What can I see about Meitner's shotgun? Especially around the end of it's barrel.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Florien - 09-13-2021

Inspect the shotgun. [?] It looks like a fairly standard police-issued shotgun, with a couple magazines of slug ammunition stuck on the sides for reloading purposes. Smoke pours out of the barrel from the recent shot, making it hard to see the area there, though.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-13-2021

... eh, it's probably nothing. Not sure what to think about the... er... execution...

Fischer is not comfortable with the head explosion.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - artsyGeek - 09-13-2021

". .right, right. We're investigating a case."

He nods at Seko, before looking at Fischer's general direction. ". .eh, there's probably worse things out there. It. . Is really extreme though. ."

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-13-2021

Yeah... you're right. You got any ideas on... anything?

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - artsyGeek - 09-13-2021

". .nope, other than some common knowledge and the fact that a couple of people here are a lot more trigger-happy than I expected."

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-13-2021

That's not too unusual, really, considering that there is a shotgun serial killer around here. I am wondering if there is something more linking the victims, or if it is truly random. Any idea where I would go to look at records for the victims?

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - artsyGeek - 09-13-2021

"The police station, probably? I'd expect something there."

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-13-2021

I'll be back in a moment then.

>Head to the police station; will they let me look at criminal records if I say that it might help catch the killer?

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Florien - 09-13-2021

Well, the police station itself is outside of the nine blocks, but all the records relevant to the case have copies at the borderline-military-base that the police set up on block 3. And, as a "consultant", you are allowed in to look at them whenever you want.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-13-2021

>check to see common features amongst the dead people: any particular age group, background, previous police records, etc.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - artsyGeek - 09-13-2021

> Eh, fuck it. Join in the criminal file check.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Florien - 09-13-2021

Look for patterns in the data. [9]: The victims skew young-ish, with an average age in the late 30s, distorted upwards by a few much older outliers (the average age without the outliers is more early 30s.) The sort of people who would be out in the very early morning, mostly. Most victims lived or worked around the Catkin, so it was less random and more victims of opportunity. The criminal record length is somewhat longer than average for the region, but that's most likely because crime is higher in the early morning, especially in the grimmer parts of town. The most remarkable background is #7's as both a gang member and a police informant. The youngest victim was #4 at 17, the oldest #18 at 80. There are a number of people with no criminal record, and some with extensive records.

Scott, on joining in, [3] gets told to "patch that up, blood'll stain the carpet", and his grazed arm from earlier is indicated.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-13-2021

Targeting generally young people in a high-crime area, with a firearm that is supplied to the police... maybe...

>Is there a pattern of what happens with the criminal records, i.e. the killer has killed more innocent people more recently?

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - artsyGeek - 09-13-2021

". .it's always the arm, huh?"

> Try and find a thing to temporarily patch up the wound

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - Florien - 09-13-2021

[8]: You draw a graph to figure it out. It moves and jumps erratically. The longest and most extensive criminal record belonged to #7 by a large margin, so it does look like more innocent-ness has been killed recently, but that's more a statistical anomaly than anything. Thankfully you were aware enough to not make that mistake and come to a questionable conclusion. With that in mind, the graph is essentially flat, with any correlation being within the margin of error. That mandatory statistics class you took during your chemistry degree certainly paid off.

Fix the arm wound! [6]: You "borrow" some band-aids from the police storage and put five or six of them up your arm. Hopefully they won't fall off. The injury probably won't get infected, for now.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-13-2021

Interesting... interesting... I'm certain that it's a cop who's our killer, but that's about as much as I can get. I was hoping that looking at this data I'd be able to figure out a motive, but I'm certain that it's just bloodlust, not any sense of justice or prejudice against any sort of group.

... I think. I could be talking shit, but I like thinking that I'm right.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - artsyGeek - 09-13-2021

". . a cop? How are you sure about that?"

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-13-2021

The weapon is a shotgun, and all the cops have a standard-issue shotgun. Plus the cops would be heroes if they caught a serial killer who has been wrecking havoc, and instead they do basically nothing. I think that is becasue catching the killer could incriminate them.

RE: Free Association: Part One. Day 2: "Showered with Spy-te" - artsyGeek - 09-13-2021

". .huh. That makes sense, but we can't be too certain, can we?"