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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame - Printable Version

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RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - Huney - 02-24-2021

"I, uh... have no idea who it is myself. I don't really like her either, but I'm not really seeing any other outcome now. Maybe we should just swallow our pride? But... ah, jeez..."

She sits against the wall, head in her hands.

"You'd think they'd make the first case easy on us..."

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - Florien - 02-24-2021

Kellensea practically saunters back to the cafeteria.

And so it seems I am proven correct again. Save your adulation for after the execution, please. Though I do thank you for your agreement, Kai. Should it turn out to be someone else, well, there's no negative consequences anyway! That means two of us now stand for this. Now, how many to drop the trapdoor?

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - wingedcatgirl - 02-24-2021

> Match the handmark on Doug's neck to the hands of other people [Rosa, 2]
Rosa tries comparing the handmark to people's hands, but gets confused looking back and forth and isn't sure what to conclude.

Votes - 7 to convict
Cookie Monster - Kellensea, Kai

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - wahoothis - 02-24-2021

". . . Wait a second. . ." Ranma facepalmed at a sudden realization. "If the gloves were in the toilet, then any chances of finding fingerprints are zero to none, since they'd be washed away by the water. . ." He said, before taking a deep breath. "As the print searching just concluded, Cookie Monster doesn't have any prints. Why couldn't he have simply just taken off the gloves and remove his fuzz. Besides that accursed fuzz I'm getting tired of hearing, there'd be no prints to track him. So what if the killer wasn't using the toilet to hide the gloves? What if they did it to hide the prints in the gloves? Maybe I'm just grasping at straws here, but I want to explore the possibility."

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - Florien - 02-24-2021

Eh, you can look for any way to prove anything that way. I can't think of a way to prove one way or the other that the gloves were disposed of to remove prints, rather than simply used to prevent cookie monster's hands from obviously being the ones that did the deed, and disposed of by the same. But I still favor the simpler option here. Do as you will, I remain here, awaiting my adulation for being right all along.

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - SmilyCube112 - 02-24-2021

"And why exactly would they vote him off? All that achieves is fuckin' nothing. Bakugo says, before leaving to do some investigation of his own, to >Find evidence that clears CM's name.

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - artsyGeek - 02-24-2021

"I'll be abstaining until any further evidence. This trial's been a bit of a tricky one."

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - wahoothis - 02-24-2021

"Hmm. . . Bit of an issue with your statement there Kelly. If he was trying his best to not make himself be seen using the gloves, wouldn't he have also removed the fuzz from the gloves before flushing? It probably wouldn't have been that hard, just pluck them from inside the gloves. Or turn the gloves inside out to remove the fuzz. Plus with how shoddy the killer went about disposing the gloves, I can only think of two possibilities. Either Cookie Monster really is the killer, and just made a dumbass move. Or the killer put the fuzz inside the gloves and flushed it down the toilet to frame Cookie Monster. Again, this is a stretch, but I don't see any other reason those gloves could've been discarded that way with such damning evidence against the supposed killer." Ranma says with a sigh, just pondering about this. Was this really the truth, or is he just jumping through hoops? To be perfectly honest, he's not sure anymore.

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - Billy5545 - 02-24-2021

"I think I have an idea on how to find more evidence everyone."

"So, we should show our hands and match them to the handmark that the killer left on Doug when they snapped his neck."

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - wahoothis - 02-24-2021

Ranma looked at Rosa. "Let me add onto that add: Everyone does it while wearing the kitchen gloves." He says, hand in his pocket.

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - Florien - 02-24-2021

Look, I'll comply with you for this, but I really don't understand your apprehension to execute. There is quite literally no evidence someone who is not the cookie monster killed Doug. There is a great deal of evidence that the cookie monster DID kill Doug. We need no further evidence. But when I'm right, you'll see that you just wasted everyone's time out of contrarianism, and should have cooperated with me from the start. We could have resolved this hours ago, is what I'm saying.

Kellensea then

>Shoves her hand, gauntlet and all, into the dishwashing glove, to prove the point, and demonstrates that she didn't do it.

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - Dookie - 02-24-2021

> Put your hand in the dishwasher glove, too, and demonstrate that COOKIE IS INNOCENT

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - artsyGeek - 02-24-2021

> Also also put your hand in the glove as well

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - wahoothis - 02-24-2021

"Yeah yeah, no one cares."

>Ranma follows suit of everyone.

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - Kennifer - 02-24-2021

Alexis, who has been quietly writing on her notepad and going back through her notes the whole time, will also...

>Put on a dishwashing glove and show her hand.

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - Subparman - 02-24-2021

>Also get tested for handprints

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - Despair's Archon of Memes - 02-24-2021

>Get tested for handprints as well

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - madface7 - 02-24-2021

> Get tested for handprints, even though you don't even have any

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - wingedcatgirl - 02-24-2021

>Find evidence that clears CM's name [Bakugo, 6]
Bakugo searches, but the problem is, there's no coherent alternate story to work with - there's only his conviction that the killer wasn't Cookie Monster, putting him in the unenviable position of trying to prove a negative. None of the evidence he finds is good enough to do the job.

>Shoves her hand, gauntlet and all, into the dishwashing glove, to prove the point, and demonstrates that she didn't do it. [Kellensea]
Predictably, the gauntlet tears the glove to shreds. Thankfully, there's like a hundred pairs in the box. I'm nothing if not willing to retcon that I was overprepared.

>Put your hand in the dishwasher glove, too, and demonstrate that COOKIE IS INNOCENT [Cookie Monster]
Cookie Monster makes a fairly blatant show of having difficulty putting on the glove, even though it fit fine last time we tried this.

He also tries messing around with the neck mark comparison, but it seems clear that his hands would be about the right size.

> Also also put your hand in the glove as well [Haruka]
Haruka's hands fit into the glove fine enough. It's a little wobbly, but it would still work for glove purposes.

Her hands seem like they should be smaller than the neck marks, but the oversized gloves might make up for it.

>Ranma follows suit of everyone.
Ranma's hands fit the glove. His hands are about the same size as the neck marks.

>Put on a dishwashing glove and show her hand. [Alexis]
Alexis's hands fit the glove. Starting to think these are one-size-fits-all...

Her hands are slightly smaller than the neck marks.

>Also get tested for handprints [Kai]
Kai's hands fit the glove. His hands are about the same size as the neck marks.

>Get tested for handprints as well [Monika]
Monika's hands fit the gloves, and her hands are distinctly smaller than the neck marks.

>Get tested for handprints, even though you don't even have any [Krabs]
Krabs's claws are the completely wrong shape for both the gloves and the neck marks.

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - Kennifer - 02-24-2021

"Okay, so all that did was eliminate some people who weren't even suspicious anyway, and one who will not shut the fuck up."

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - madface7 - 02-24-2021

"Alright boys, whoever's the bastard that did this stand up now. Yer in fer a world of hurt, lad, I didn't win five time golden-claws in the navy fer nothi-"

Krabs cracks his back and sits down.

"Arr, this is getting exhausting."

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - SmilyCube112 - 02-24-2021

Bakugo decides to just walk back to the others and just wait to see what happens next.

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - madface7 - 02-24-2021

"Are you all sure there isn't anything we're missin'? We know what the murder weapon is, right? How about the time the victim was murdered, or the motive? Or, at the very least, where the victim was before they were killed? Start thinkin', lads, I'm sure we can think of somethin."

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - wahoothis - 02-24-2021

Ranma sighs and crossed his arms. "Damn it. . . This is getting infuriating. . . We can't find any clues to anyone else, but we can't vote now. Something about this just feels off. . ." He grumbled and sat against the wall.

RE: Murder U Too (Day 2: I Doug a grave for you) - wingedcatgirl - 02-24-2021

You do have the option to skip, I say, though I doubt you'll find any particularly compelling evidence even with another day to search.

... I suppose that's externally influencing the meeting a bit, huh. Ah well.