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[Fin] The Murder-Free Hotel - Printable Version

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RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Kennifer - 02-06-2021


"Augh! Oh this is bad. I just wanted to look at it, for science..."

(hmm it would seem that THE INFECTION SPREADS... oh dear)

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Despair's Archon of Memes - 02-07-2021

Hibachi turns into her bee form and unleases a torrent of bullets and lasers everywhere.  Most of the missiles are destroyed, but some of the missiles do hit the bees.

No! My pretties!

Hibachi proceeds to erratically teleport everywhere around the hotel, along with a bee swarm accompanying her to spread the infection.

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - PointMaid - 02-07-2021

Ruby is looking closely at one of the bees, one that landed on her sandwich. When she leans over to look at it closely, it stings her on the nose.


RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Kennifer - 02-07-2021


Holly hasn't even noticed the bright red streak in her hair... yet.


-Kennifer's Room-

Kennifer is trying to avoid being stung, though she doesn't think she is fatally allergic at least. "Trying" being the operative word here.

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Zanreo - 02-07-2021

"Seems she has done the upgrade... well, not bad" CATS says to himself, as he keeps attacking. "Something is feel... bit too familiar though...

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Despair's Archon of Memes - 02-07-2021

Hibachi suddenly teleports to Kennifer's room.

Hello there, ... Um... Whatever, your name's not important right now. Time for your injection!

The bees already in Kennifer's room sting Kennifer as Hibachi teleports to the Arcade to look for more people to infect.

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Kennifer - 02-07-2021

-Kennifer's Room-

"AUGH! No... shit. Shit shit shit..."


RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - madface7 - 02-07-2021

Timefriend is minding his own business in his room, when he feels an inexplicable sharp pain in his head, as a bee stings him.


He feels like his brain is about to explode.

What the- what is going- help- I can't-

And then...

he's back in the kitchen, eating a sandwich.

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Kennifer - 02-07-2021


Holly is having a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. Has she noticed anything? Who knows! But...

Kennifer, who is walking into the kitchen, has most definitely noticed. She's frantically checking her hair to see if the red streak is still there, which... yeah nope that got reset.

She looks none too happy about the whole situation.

"AGAIN??? Why. Why this. Why me."

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - wingedcatgirl - 02-07-2021

Dining Room
Sylvi, G'raha, and Y'shtola are back at their table, looking quite bewildered.

"We're back," Sylvi says redundantly. "Why are we back?"

"Nothing was happening," Y'shtola says. "Not the blackout, not the crash... did we change something?"

"We weren't involved when time started looping the first time," Sylvi points out. "I can't imagine how being elsewhere would have changed anything."

"Perhaps there's another who is aware of the loop, and they changed it," G'raha says.

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Despair's Archon of Memes - 02-07-2021


Cirno once again pops out of the fridge.

My head... It happened again...

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Kennifer - 02-07-2021

"Aware? Unfortunately, yes. Changed things? All I did was go upstairs instead of getting crushed under something in the living room."

Kennifer grabs a bottle of wine. Why was this shit happening, and why did she have to remember it?

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Zanreo - 02-07-2021

And then... CATS is suddenly back, not too far away from the arcade. "Time skip again... something strange is happen.And don't think it's just bees..." he says, going to meet Hibachi again.

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Despair's Archon of Memes - 02-07-2021

-Hibachi's Room-

Hibachi is once again in her room.

Okay. So... Virus. That was weird. Best to activate a firewall/reverse-engineer the code of this "virus"...

Hibachi activates her virus firewall protocols for when CATS comes to her room.

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Zanreo - 02-07-2021

"So..." he asks, "You knowing what the.. time skip back is about?"

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - wingedcatgirl - 02-07-2021

"Crushed in the -" Y'shtola turns to her companions with a look of shock on her face.

"Yeah, that might be..." Sylvi considers. "Okay, plan. Shtola, you stay with Kennifer. Me and Raha will split up and look for anyone or anything else relevant."

G'raha nodded and ran off, and Sylvi and Y'shtola quickly ran after Kennifer.

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Despair's Archon of Memes - 02-07-2021

I've honestly no idea... There always seem to be a few specific people that are involved in the time loop as well...

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Zanreo - 02-07-2021

"I see... think some of them being responsible?"

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Despair's Archon of Memes - 02-07-2021

Well... There's this vampire girl that always seems to be involved in these loops... Though she seems just as puzzled as we are... Maybe we need to investigate this time loop thing together...

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Zanreo - 02-07-2021

"Yes! Can't do much if time keeps get reset..."

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Dookie - 02-07-2021

Dookie, June, and Elizabeth Wait quietly in their room.

“She's taking a long time, isn't she?”




Cass sees TimeFriend and walks up to him.

“Hi! How are you on this FUUUUUUUUUUCK! Dammit! It seems the time reset in the middle of my sentence.”

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - PointMaid - 02-07-2021

Ruby is in the kitchen eating a BLT, quite hungry. Again.

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Kennifer - 02-07-2021

Kennifer is headed back to her room. She didn't die last time she did that. Getting stung by that weird virus-laden bee wasn't great either, but at least it didn't hurt as much as being crushed to death did. She'd try to avoid both this time, and maybe this weird looping thing would end. Maybe.

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Huney - 02-07-2021

Dr. Coomer spawns in the middle of.
Wherever everyone is right now.

RE: The Murder-Free Hotel - Zanreo - 02-07-2021

"Who here is have the time power, anyway? CATS says.