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[Dangan] Free Association: Part One. Day 6: "Graduation Day" - Printable Version

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RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Florien - 09-08-2021

Asking other people seems like a good plan. [10]: Unfortunately, you end up talking to a conspiracy theorist for the whole time, who thinks the murders are a plot by "a cabal of satanists" to cause "communist big businesses" to "take my god-given guns and fluoridate the water" and that "the police won't tell us about the other six thousand victims".

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - IsThisAPikachu - 09-08-2021

(09-08-2021, 22:09:43 PM)wingedcatgirl Wrote: Sariel goes over the information they've gathered with Squid Ink Cookie.

"This is what we've worked out so far. Any bright ideas?"

Maybe... Jane Doe... did it...
The Squid was taking a shot in the dark, but had a hunch at the same time.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Kennifer - 09-08-2021

Terezi... well, she didn't really look around at the others still nearby but she's addressing them anyway.



RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Florien - 09-08-2021

A police car pulls up to the curb and Seko gets out, still in full riot gear. How she drives even remotely safely with all that is a mystery.

Body has been delivered to the morgue. So, what's the plan you've got here to catch this killer?

SLIGHT CORRECTION: I remembered that I won't be near enough to a computer to start night phase at 20:00 pacific, so it'll start at 18:00 pacific (four and a half hours from now), and action processing will slow down for a few hours while I'm at work.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-08-2021

...I'm going to look more into that Civil War reenactment group.

Five > Heads back to the closed newspaper building and looks for anything about the group. Who's the leader? What did the other members that got whacked do? Anything reported stolen from them and reported in the crime bulletin, if they had one?

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Dookie - 09-08-2021

Snap is still outside of the store, waiting his pains out.

“Ugh…I feel like I've just been shot, and then stabbed.”

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - The Map Maker - 09-08-2021

"Argh, just your fuckin trap!"

>Try to find someone saner to ask your questions to.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Kennifer - 09-08-2021

Being... well, French-Alternian, Terezi doesn't know much about the Earth-USA Civil War, but she knows that wars have weird weapons and that there were weird weapons used in the killings, not to mention one of the victims being part of that group. So she's gonna go with Runner Five... playing up the "blind girl" angle on the way if anyone questions her. She does have the cane and everything, of course.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Florien - 09-08-2021

Runner Five looks through the newspapers to find articles about the civil war reenactors. [8]: The group is fairly old, and doesn't have an official leader, but the one most up-front in the photographs is "Col. Sand", who's referred to as James Sand in the article itself. He doesn't look like anyone you've seen yet, but it does mention that Sand works the late shift as a warehouse security guard in a profile on him. Only two members seem to have met mysterious ends, one being #10, listed as "Sgt. Gutierrez" and the other being the one who died during a rehearsal, "Pvt. Strauss". The police blotter in the paper doesn't mention anything stolen from the group.

Seven looks for someone who isn't obviously delusional. [7]: People don't seem too interested in talking about the victims. They imply that people who talk about the victims often become the next ones.

French Terezi is with Runner Five now.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-08-2021

Five summarizes what she found in the paper to Terezi.

...Maybe we should try to find this Mr. Sand at the warehouse...

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-08-2021

(Oops, wrong color brackets, sorry)

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Kennifer - 09-08-2021

OU1 OU1 TH4T SOUNDS L1K3 4 GOOD 1D34 >:]

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-08-2021

Right! Let's go, then. Let me know if you can't follow me and I'll help...

> Five heads to the Warehouse district to look for this James Sand, security guard

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Florien - 09-08-2021

Arriving in the warehouse district, you find the guard has changed. The short guard left and has been replaced by a much bigger guy who looks like the one from the paper.

Hey, hey, no trespassing! This is private property!

His nametag says "Jim".

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - The Map Maker - 09-08-2021

"Hmm, better report this to the others."

>Seek out the other consultants.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Florien - 09-08-2021

Try to get that message to the other consultants. [1]: BAM! You get hit by a car while crossing the road. You don't break any bones... Aside from one of your teeth, which is now embedded in the windshield of a cheap-looking car which is speeding away. Your mouth is bleeding fairly badly from that.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-08-2021

Jim? Hi. We're independent consultants for the police department. Totally independent. You can call me Five, this is Terezi. It came to our attention that the killer in this town targeted more than one of the members of this reenactment group you're a part of. We were just wondering if somebody had an issue with either of them. Any reason they would've been targeted, if it wasn't a coincidence. Anything you can tell us about them that might help, really. Or anything in general.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Florien - 09-08-2021

Persuading the guy to talk is pretty easy. It's boring work at the warehouses. [6]:
This about Allan? I don't know where you heard a second of ours was killed by the killer going around. Strauss was an accident. Allan was real broken up about it. Said he was going to go apologize in person to Strauss's boyfriend. Guess he never made it.

Night will fall in two hours.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - The Map Maker - 09-09-2021

"Glurkh! Son of a..."

>Attempt to treat your wounds.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Florien - 09-09-2021

Fix the bleeding! [6]: You manage to staunch the blood flow. It'll take a few days to feel right again, but for now, it's not getting any worse, at least.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Magolor - 09-09-2021

She gets undistracted by various blunderbusses and stabby guns, and decides to ask a bit more personally...

"Hey, what if I recruited other people? Any idea about any other bayonet fanatics?"

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - The Map Maker - 09-09-2021

>Head to the apartaments.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Florien - 09-09-2021

Lynne asks the pawnshop guy about the "other bayonet fanatics". [2]: However, he starts to catch on to what's going on.

My client list is not a matter of public record, I'm afraid, ma'am. We advertise. if they want to find us, they can.

Meanwhile, Seven goes back to block 1.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-09-2021

Yeah, I... look I might've gotten that wrong, I'm sorry. I'm mostly here about Gutierrez. He didn't have any enemies, anything of that sort?

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Cassie - 09-09-2021

Anaheim goes to block 1, hits the 2nd floor and decides to >take an early rest of disappointment. Whatever's gonna happen i'm dicing it. :)