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[Dangan] Free Association: Part One. Day 6: "Graduation Day" - Printable Version

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RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-08-2021

Hmmm, interesting... what's a sylladex?

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Dookie - 09-08-2021

(09-08-2021, 14:30:11 PM)SomeLibre Wrote: Anaheim grabs the entire baguette, turns around (for some reason), then after a while, turns back with the baguette gone, leaving behind breadcrumbs by his...suit. ??????

"Oh thank fuck for that, I was starving."

"Hey! I was hungry! Maybe you should share next time?"

Snap is still focused on the crime scene...he's certain the killer had a taste for mint flavored gum.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Kennifer - 09-08-2021

W3LL FR3NCH 4ND 4LT3RN14N she has another baguette and she is munching on one end of it.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Dookie - 09-08-2021

"Hey! Can I have some? Pleeeeeeeeeeease?"

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-08-2021

Cool! British, here.

...I'm kinda hungry, too. All that running.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Cassie - 09-08-2021

Anaheim proceeds to stick one of his floating hands into Terezi's...sylladex, or whatever and grabs a large number of full baguettes, before hiding in the park's trees to munch them all down.

...that was some quick devouring.

"fuck. wish i could get meatier shit..."

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-08-2021

[OOC: Tweaking the color code slightly to be a bit farther away from black. But trying to keep the code easter egg.]

...I don't think waiting for another victim is the best plan if we can do something before then, though. Really, not the best. The quicker we catch this killer the better.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-08-2021

Well, yeah, people dying is bad. Which is why we signed up for this thing, in which... you know.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-08-2021

...Better than a horde of nearly unkillable zombies, though. I'll give it that.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - TenOfSwords13 - 09-08-2021

You... ran from zombies? That sounds awesome and also terrifying. Before I joined up for this, I worked in... er... how do I put this... black market drug manufacturing. This is... eh, better, I guess.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Cassie - 09-08-2021

"Or impostors disguising as one of us for some sick reason."

Yo Anaheim you look dirty with all those crumbs in your suit.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Kennifer - 09-08-2021


She just... pulls out a couple more baguettes and passes one to Snap.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-08-2021

Yeah. Zombie apocalypse. I found myself in this settlement that was still surviving, Abel Township. The people there and the leadership it are pretty great. But, well, still Zombocalypse. We need supplies, and there are leadership voids so people try to take over and they're probably not good ones... so they need people putting themselves on the line outside the gates. That's my job.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - artsyGeek - 09-08-2021

“. .guess I'll have one of the baguettes too.”

“Also, are we talking about our past before all this?”

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-08-2021

Five looks kinda sheepish.

...I'm kinda hungry, too, yeah.

I guess we are, yeah. We do need to figure this thing out, but... it can't hurt to know what skills other people have and stuff. Could come in handy. Build trust. That's important, too.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - artsyGeek - 09-08-2021

“. .alright.”

He clears his throat. “. . I, uh, worked as a security guard at one point. Ended up learning some communication skills and. . I guess it ends up improving my reflexes, for lack of a better word, but. . That's about it.”

He . . Doesn't look so good talking about it. Looking aside, constant pauses, and all in all just a generally nervous behaviour.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Despair's Archon of Memes - 09-08-2021

Wood Man realizes that explaining the whole "figment/SiIvaGunner" thing would get complicated really fast...

as for me... i'm a robot master. made by this "dr. wily" guy. had to fight some sort of "megaman".

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Kennifer - 09-08-2021

1 PR4CT1C3 L4W

Terezi munches happily on her baguette as the group talks.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Cassie - 09-08-2021

"I'm a crewmate. 100%"

uhhhhhhh really?

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Dookie - 09-08-2021

Snap slowly eats the baguette.

"Mmm! Tasty! So what's the case again?"

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Despair's Archon of Memes - 09-08-2021

(09-08-2021, 15:44:41 PM)Dookie Wrote: Snap slowly eats the baguette.

"Mmm! Tasty! So what's the case again?"

some "Jane Doe" girl got stabbed and then shot with a shotgun.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - Cassie - 09-08-2021

"Construction worker said that he saw a bald sus in the scene, but i couldn't find shit of them."

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - PointMaid - 09-08-2021

Yeah, he said they were big and burly with a blond beard.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - wingedcatgirl - 09-08-2021

Several Hours Ago...
Nine hells- okay, the potato skins are a complete bust. We're not getting anywhere with these.

Sariel sips a cup of espresso con panna.

"They think our vic might've been a mule for whatever the potato skins are spiked with. Couldn't find any more on that subject, unfortunately."

They're not discussing their past as an adventurer who helped the famed Warrior of Light kill a lot of primals because the conversation seems to have moved past that they don't trust anyone here and don't want to give them ammo, somehow.

RE: Free Association: Part One. "Unmitigated Disaster" - artsyGeek - 09-08-2021

“. .I guess for the time being we should investigate a bit more. Physical evidence, testimonies, you know the drill.”