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It's pretty neat! I love writing fanfics, especially to fill certain niches (like unpopular ships I love,) and honestly, there's a lot of really good fanfics to read if you know where to look. Finding those good fanfics feels very rewarding!

Favourite emoji?
The original sideways smiley face :)

Favorite browser client?
Vivaldi. It's got a lot of cool features and is less RAM hoggy than Chrome is. It's a bit buggy, but it's still fine.

What makes you feel the way you do?
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
A mix of years upon years of programmed patterns, the knowledge I'm able to call upon at a given moment, sheer instinct, and maybe a little bit of autism. Emotions are interesting beasts in how they sometimes are very spur-of-the-moment things, born in a snap, and other times end up being built up over long periods of time, growing and shifting as situations change and we mature as people. Hell, being able to tell the difference between those kinds can be a challenge.


Do you have trouble falling asleep?
I turn heads like a DJ, twist that dial
Sometimes, yeah, my wacky all-over-the place sleep schedule probably doesn't help lol

Speaking of sleep, ever had a lucid dream or tried lucid dreaming?
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
We've done lucid dreaming sometimes. It's startlingly difficult; we've known about it for half our life and still only even notice dreams like 7% of the time, usually when some really specific impossible things happen. Though even when those things happen, sometimes we're like "hmm this usually means it's a dream since it's impossible in real life, but for some reason it's not a dream this time".

Anything interesting happen to or near you lately?

Ever eaten raw butter?
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.

Ever wish you could change a historical event that happened during your lifetime?
I can't think of anything clever.
Well yeah. Play the hero and save people from getting killed on 9/11.

Do you prefer cold weather or warm weather?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
I prefer cold weather.

Favorite burger chain?
i like shake shack. that slaps

what would you do if you were on a sports team with a dog

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

Probably be a worse player than the dog. Also, definitely pet the dog a lot.

What's a thing you're into that you think it would be cool if more people were also into?
Politics. So many people give me that "oh my mental health" or "oh it's so stressful" excuse, which, bullshit. Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. If we could get everyone into politics, it would be better, because if they were into it, they'd actually do the research and finally kill the idea of bothsides.

Would you rather fall towards the center of the earth at one foot per second or move away from the center at one foot per second? (Assume that the in the "falling" scenario, the ground moves out of the way on its own so you won't die of being crushed by dirt or rocks or whatever.)
I am the They who says it!
i'd rather move away one foot per second. asphyxia aside, i actually wouldn't mind space.

and speaking of space, what's your favourite star? ( star as in celestial bodies composed of incandescent gas and raw nuclear energy, not celebrities )
noodle doodle do

and here's my character list!
My favorite star has to be one of the Ursa Major/Big Dipper stars. I'm not too picky. Mostly because of Fist of the North Star.

What is your favorite video game moment?

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